09 – In Paradisum from David A. Zabriskie’s “Requiem”. This piece is composed for SATB choir.
9 – In Paradisum
Traditional Latin Requiem Text
In paradisum deucant angeli;
Chorus angelorum te suscipat
aeternam habeas requiem.
May the angels lead you into paradise
May the chorus of angels receive you
may you have eternal rest.
Composed by: Zabriskie, David A.
Lyrics by: Traditional Latin Requiem Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English, Latin Duration: Approx. 3:40
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Zabriskie Requiem : 07 – Agnus Dei
David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
Zabriskie Requiem : 07 – Agnus Dei
07 – Agnus Dei from David A. Zabriskie’s “Requiem”. This piece is composed for SATB choir.
7 – Agnus Dei
Traditional Latin Requiem Text
Agnus Dei, qui tollis pecatta mundi
dona eis requiem.
Agnus Dei, qui tollis pecatta mundi,
dona eis requiem sepitername.
O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world,
Grant them rest.
O Lamb of God, that takest away the sins of the world,
Grant them eternal rest.
Composed by: Zabriskie, David A.
Lyrics by: Traditional Latin Requiem Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English, Latin Duration: Approx. 4:40
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Zabriskie Requiem : 05 – Sanctus
David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
Zabriskie Requiem : 05 – Sanctus
05 – Sanctus from David A. Zabriskie’s “Requiem”. This piece is composed for SATB choir.
5 – Sanctus
Traditional Latin Requiem Text
Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus
Dominus Deus Sabaoth!
Pleni sunt coeli et terra gloria tua.
Hosanna in excelsis!
Composed by: Zabriskie, David A.
Lyrics by: Traditional Latin Requiem Key: e minor, F Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English, Latin Duration: Approx. 3:20
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Zabriskie Requiem : 03 – Dies Irae
David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
Zabriskie Requiem : 03 – Dies Irae
03 – Dies Irae from David A. Zabriskie’s “Requiem”. This piece is composed for SATB choir.
3 – Dies Irae
Traditional Latin Requiem Text
Dies irae, dies illa This day, this day of wrath
Solvet saeclum in favilla. shall consume the world in ashes.
What trembling there will be
When the judge shall come
to weigh everything strictly!
When the judge takes his seat
all that is hidden shall appear
Nothing will remain unavenged
What shall I, a wretch say then?
To which protector shall I appeal
When even the just man is barely safe?
King of awful majesty
You freely save those worthy of salvation
Save me, fount of pity.
Remember, gentle Jesus
that I am the reason for your time on earth,
do not cast me out on that day.
I groan as one guilty,
My face blushes with guilt
spare the suppliant, O God.
When the damned are confounded
and consigned to keen flames,
call me with the blessed.
O God,
merciful Lord Jesus:
Give them rest.
Composed by: Zabriskie, David A.
Lyrics by: Traditional Latin Requiem Key: e minor Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English, Latin Duration: Approx. 2:45
Bulk Pricing : .99 each when you purchase 10 or more
Zabriskie Requiem : 02 – Requiem Aeternam
David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
Zabriskie Requiem : 02 – Requiem Aeternam
02 – Requiem Aeternam from David A. Zabriskie’s “Requiem”. This piece is composed for SATB choir.
2 – Requiem aeternam
Traditional Latin Requiem Text
Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine. Eternal rest give unto them, O Lord
Et lux perpetua luceat eis. And let perpetual light shine upon them
Composed by: Zabriskie, David A.
Lyrics by: Traditional Latin Requiem Key: c minor, D Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English, Latin Duration: Approx. 4:15
Bulk Pricing : .99 each when you purchase 10 or more
Wondrous Night
Kathleen Holyoak
SATB, piano
Wondrous Night
Wondrous, Holy Night, a SATB arrangement with piano accompaniment by Kathleen Holyoak, with its gentle and haunting melody, ponders the miracle of His birth:
I wonder if the angels hovered nearWhen Mary birthed the baby Jesus dear?When Mary kissed his cheek,So innocent and sweet,I wonder if she knew He’d save the world?The angels up above, declared the Father’s love.The Son of God brings peace to all mankind.Rejoice, and praise the newborn King.He came to save the world from sin.God’s promise was fulfilled.Rejoice and praise His name.Rejoice and sing and praise the King of kings.I wonder if young Joseph was afraidTo know the Son of God was His to raise?I wonder if he heard the blessed angels singAs Mary rocked Him in her arms that night?The angels up above, declared the Father’s loveOf peace, good will and tidings to man kind.With jubilance and song,Rejoice, Emmanuel;Christ the Lord, the Promised oneWas born that night, a hallowed night,That wondrous, holy night.Copyright 2013
Composed by: Holyoak, Kathleen
Lyrics by: Holyoak, Kathleen Key: f minor Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 4:30
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Why Weepest Thou?
Kathleen Holyoak
SATB, piano
Why Weepest Thou?
From the collaboration of composer Kathleen Holyoak and lyricist Lawrence Lee, a beautiful SATB Choral piece for Easter titled “Why Weepest Thou?” Kathleen is a significant LDS composer. Take time to peruse her work. “Mary, why weepest thou,” asked an Angel who attended the tomb where Jesus had been buried. Then followed words that would impact every person born to this earth, “He is not here, He has risen.” These simple words are written to a lovely melody that will fill your heart with joy and set the scene for this Easter season.
Composed by: Holyoak, Kathleen
Lyrics by: Lee, Lawrence Key: Bb Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 4:15
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Whither Goest Thou, Pilgrim Stranger?
arr. Ronald J. Staheli
SATB, piano
Whither Goest Thou, Pilgrim Stranger?
Whither Goest Thou, Pilgrim Stranger? – Ronald Staheli, arranger
An energetic arrangement of Two American Folk Hymns for SATB Choir and Piano four-hands by Dr. Ronald Staheli.
Composed by: Staheli, Ronald
Arranged by: Staheli, Ronald Key: Eb Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:30
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Where Jesus Walked
Kathleen Holyoak - Composer
SATB, piano
Where Jesus Walked
Where Jesus Walked – Kathleen Holyoak, composer
Carma Salvesen’s poem, “If” inspired the writing of this song by Kathleen Holyoak for SATB choir and expresses the desire to walk in the footsteps of Christ in the land of His birth. As we attend the temple, we find ourselves walking in hallowed places and in essence, in the footsteps of our elder brother and Savior. Follow the words by Carma and Kathleen as you listen to this hauntingly beautiful melody:
If I could go to Galilee and walk the paths where Jesus walked
And sit on tender grasses green on the hillside where He taught.
If I could ponder of His plan upon a rock that knew His hand,
Or walk along the seashore where His feet had touched the sand.
My spirit years within me to gently hold His hand.
I’ll never walk where Jesus walked,
I’ll never see the blessed Galilee.
I worship in His holy temple where I know He’s walked before.
Have His feet been down this hallway?
Has His hand ever touched this door?
Has He stood in this very room? Has He looked at what I see?
I close my eyes and picture Him,
the son of God, who died for me.
I do not need to go to Galilee nor to travel far away.
My tender heart is filled with thoughts of Him.
No Galilee, yet my testimony burns within, burns within.
Now I know, I know I’ve walked where Jesus walked!
Composed by: Holyoak, Kathleen
Lyrics by: Holyoak, Kathleen; Salvesen, Carma Key: d minor, e minor Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:40
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
When Saints Unite to Sing God’s Praise
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
When Saints Unite to Sing God’s Praise
HolySheetMusic is proud to announce the first collaborative creation between Janice Kapp Perry and David Zabriskie. Janice sang in The Mormon Tabernacle Choir for five and a half years. As a parting gift for her many friends there, she composed “When Saints Unite to Sing God’s Praise.” Available now for the first time anywhere, David Zabriskie has created a moving and elegant arrangement of this hymn. For SATB Choir with Piano Accompaniment.
Composed by: Perry, Janice Kapp
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Perry, Janice Kapp Key: C Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:30
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
When I Survey the Wond’rous Cross
arr. Nathan Howe
SATB, piano
When I Survey the Wond’rous Cross
When I survey the Wond’rous Cross – arr. Nathan Howe
When I Survey the Wond’rous Cross is a contemplative hymn celebrating the gift of the atonement. This choral arrangement features a beautiful counter-melody and a lush, supportive piano accompaniment. This piece is perfect for SATB choirs with limited rehearsal time.
Composed by: Mason, Lowell
Arranged by: Howe, Nathan; Nathan Howe; Nathan Howe Lyrics by: Watts, Isaac Key: A, Ab, F Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: approx. 6:05
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
What Wondrous Love is This
arr. Nathan Howe
SATB, piano
What Wondrous Love is This
What Wondrous Love is This – Nathan Howe, arranger
Enjoy Nathan Howe’s new choral arrangement of the haunting American folk hymn What Wondrous Love is This. The reflective piano accompaniment features sweeping interludes between well-supported choral verses. Each verse is distinct, but they share many common elements to shorten rehearsal time.
Composed by: Traditional American Hymn
Arranged by: Howe, Nathan; Nathan Howe; Nathan Howe Lyrics by: Traditional American Hymn Key: d minor Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 5:30
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Wexford Carol
arr. Nathan Howe
SATB, piano
Wexford Carol
Wexford Carol – arr. Nathan Howe
The Wexford Carol (Good People All, This Christmas time) is a gorgeous traditional Irish melody, paired with a lovely ecumenical Christmas text. In this arrangement, the piano provides small brushstrokes of colorful harmony while supporting the radiant, approachable choral texture. The Wexford Carol is an ideal Christmas selection for church and community choirs of moderate ability.
Composed by: Nathan Howe; Traditional English Carol
Arranged by: Howe, Nathan; Nathan Howe Lyrics by: Traditional English Carol Key: F Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 4:10
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
We Love Thy House, O God (Hymn Enhancer – Zabriskie)
arr. David A. Zabriskie
Hymn Enhancer, SATB, piano
We Love Thy House, O God (Hymn Enhancer – Zabriskie)
This arrangement of “We Love Thy House, O God” is an “Hymn Enhancer”. Each Hymn Enhancer comes with two labels. The choir reads the music out of the hymnbook. The hymnal version is included for easy reading and contains instructions for the choir member on how this hymn is to be performed. These Hymn Enhancers are simple, beautiful, and quick to prepare. They are also great for teaching singing techniques and practices.
Composed by: Robertson, Leroy J.
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Bullock, William Key: C Voicing: Hymn Enhancer, SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:10
We Live in Possibility
David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
We Live in Possibility
We Live in Possibility – David A. Zabriskie, composer
“We Live In Possibility” was commissioned for the 4th Annual Florida District Choral Festival. This beautiful text by Ann Hossler, is exuberant and uplifting.
Composed by: Zabriskie, David A.
Lyrics by: Hossler, Ann Key: D Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:30
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Unknown Grave, The
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
Unknown Grave, The
David Hyrum Smith, the youngest child of the prophet Joseph Smith, was yet unborn at the the time of the martyrdom. The prophet’s enemies were anxious to steal his body, so the sad burial was conducted in secret by a few of Joseph’s friends. Eighteen years later, in 1867, David composed the words and melody of this song reflecting upon his father’s “unknown grave.” Several versions of the text exist with various publication dates. These words have been chosen as the most representative.
This poignant arrangement by David Zabriskie is for SATB Choir with optional vocal solo.
Composed by: Smith, David Hyrum
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Smith, David Hyrum Key: Bb Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:15
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Tiny Little King
Carrie Wrigley
SATB, piano
Tiny Little King
A Tiny Little King
Rich and worshipful, this original Christmas song captures the reverent adoration of those who visited Jesus while he was a baby. It reflects the majesty of who He is, contrasted with the humble circumstances into which he was born.
“Oh, he could have come in a chariot that blazed across the sky,
Like a bold and mighty warrior, lifting his sword up high;
Or he could have come in luxury, surrounded by lands and gold;
But here he lies in a stable bed, sleeping in the cold.”
Composed by: Wrigley, Carrie Maxwell
Lyrics by: Wrigley, Carrie Maxwell Key: C Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 4:00
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Thy Spirit, Lord, Has Stirred Our Souls
arr. David A. Zabriskie
Hymn Enhancer, SATB, piano
Thy Spirit, Lord, Has Stirred Our Souls
This arrangement of “Thy Spirit, Lord, Has Stirred Our Souls” is a “Hymn Enhancer”. Each Hymn Enhancer comes with two labels. The choir reads the music out of the hymnbook. The hymnal version is included for easy reading and contains instructions for the choir member on how this hymn is to be performed. These Hymn Enhancers are simple, beautiful, and quick to prepare. They are also great for teaching singing techniques and practices.
Composed by: Schreiner, Alexander
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Kooyman, Frank I. Key: Eb Voicing: Hymn Enhancer, SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:00
This House We Dedicate to Thee
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
This House We Dedicate to Thee
This arrangement of “This House We Dedicate to Thee” is wonderful for any building dedication or service. It is arranged for SATB choir by David A. Zabriskie
Composed by: Asper, Frank W.
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Naisbitt, Henry W. Key: F Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:35
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
There is a Green Hill Far Away (Carter)
arr. Daniel Carter
SATB, piano
There is a Green Hill Far Away (Carter)
There is a Green Hill Far Away – Daniel Carter, arranger
“There is a green hill far away, Without a city wall, Where the dear Lord was crucified who died to save us all.” A choral setting appropriate for Easter and other atonement related themes and contemplations about the Savior and his sacrifice. Daniel Carter’s arrangement is easy to perform with a fresh feel and flowing accompaniment.”
Composed by: Gower, John H.
Arranged by: Carter, Daniel Lyrics by: Alexander, Cecil Frances Key: Eb Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:30
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
There is a Balm in Gilead
David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
There is a Balm in Gilead
A beautiful setting of this wonderful traditional spiritual text. Music by David A. Zabriskie. This is an easy SATB setting.
Composed by: Zabriskie, David A.
Lyrics by: African American Spiritual Key: F Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:20
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
There Burns a Star in Bethlehem
Dan Montez
SATB, piano
There Burns a Star in Bethlehem
This new Christmas anthem by Dan Montez, with beautiful text by Eugene Field, is a marvelous gem to add to any Holiday program. The melody is reverent and simple, yet has rich harmonies that will delight both the choir and the congregation.
Composed by: Montez, Dan
Lyrics by: Field, Eugene Key: F Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:30
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
The Sum of Every Praising Voice
Daniel Carter
SATB, piano
The Sum of Every Praising Voice
The Sum of Every Praising Voice – Daniel Carter, composer
To commemorate the Mormon History Association’s fiftieth anniversary meeting, Daniel Carter was commissioned to compose a new work for the celebration and conference.
The sum of every praising voice
Throughout eternity
Could never equal all the love
And grace God’s given me.
The earth beneath, the sky and sun,
The moon, and stars above
For our support and good were made—
All blessings of His love.
This day, and every day with joy
I sing to bless His name
Just as the night and stars unite,
Combine to shine His praise.
And those before, those still ahead,
And those here with me sing
United and connected through
Our kind, eternal King.
Composed by: Carter, Daniel
Lyrics by: Carter, Daniel L. Key: A Voicing: SATB, piano Language: Español Duration: Approx. 3:00
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
The Priesthood Now is Restored
Daniel Carter
SATB, piano
The Priesthood Now is Restored
The Priesthood Now is Restored – Daniel Carter, composer
Daniel Carter’s restoration cantata, “A Dawning Light” celebrates LDS Church historical events of the First Vision, The Book of Mormon, and restoration of the priesthood. “The Priesthood Now Is Restored” is arranged for SATB choir as well as for men’s choir and utilizes bold harmonies and fanfare melodies. Published for the first time since it was composed and performed in 1991, this joyous anthem is available exclusively through HolySheetMusic.com
Composed by: Carter, Daniel
Lyrics by: Carter, Daniel L. Key: D Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 1:20
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
The Lord is My Shepherd (SATB – Zabriskie)
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
The Lord is My Shepherd (SATB – Zabriskie)
A sweetly, peaceful “rocking” piano figure that runs throughout this arrangement of “The Lord is My Shepherd” for SATB choir. The choir will enjoy the “quasi-canon” on the last verse.
Composed by: Koschat, Thomas
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Montgomery, James Key: G Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 4:10
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
The Lord Is My Shepherd (SATB – Carter)
arr. Daniel Carter
SATB, piano
The Lord Is My Shepherd (SATB – Carter)
The Lord Is My Shepherd – SATB, Daniel Carter
A sumptuous choral setting of the traditional hymntune by Thomas Koschat with a poetic adaptation of Psalm 23 by James Montgomery. Independent choral lines for each voice part require initial work, but the result is emotionally moving and spiritually gratifying. Suitable as a general worship hymn, consolation, peace and solace. Also a beautiful concert piece.
Composed by: Koschat, Thomas
Arranged by: Carter, Daniel Lyrics by: Montgomery, James Key: A, G Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:50
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
The Living Christ
Wayne Burton
SATB, piano
The Living Christ
Inspired by the published declaration of the prophet and apostles by the same name, this song celebrates the Savior of the world and his place in our lives and in history. The rousing chorus brings in the element of honouring the king that he is.
Composed by: Burton, Wayne
Lyrics by: Burton, Wayne Key: G Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:00
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
The King of Love My Shepherd Is – Daniel Carter, Composer
A new musical setting of the beloved text by Henry W. Baker, composed by Daniel Carter. Gentle and inspiring, arranged for SATB Choir and Piano. Last verse includes a simple descant for sopranos while the rest of the choir sings melody in unison.
Composed by: Carter, Daniel
Lyrics by: Baker, Henry W Key: A, G Voicing: Album - Sacred, SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:45
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
The Keeper of Galilee (Holyoak, SATB)
Kathleen Holyoak - Composer
SATB, piano
The Keeper of Galilee (Holyoak, SATB)
“The Keeper of Galilee,” is a lovely SATB arrangement by composer, Kathleen Holyoak. The beautiful and most descriptive words by Sherry Summers provide listeners with a visual of Galilee, the place where many miracles took place during Christ’s ministry:
The Keeper of Galilee
They traveled the rills and the rolling hills
to the place where the Master would be.
Some journeyed as far as the desert sands
to the shore of the murmuring sea.
The lame man had left his bed and walked;
the blind man from birth now could see!
The people of neighboring villages knew
of the Keeper of Galilee.
His arms opened wide to the whole country side
as He stepped from the old fishing boat.
And then one by one, Father’s beautiful Son
introduced His disciples by name.
He spoke of the precious birds and flow’rs
and how He would take care of me.
My eyes never moved from the billowing robes
of the Keeper of Galilee.
I heard Him speak, He spoke to me
from the banks of the Galilee.
If He could calm a raging storm,
He could certainly do this for me.
The stones and the trees seemed to magnify
the words of this soft-spoken man.
My sorrow released as I wept at the feet
of the Keeper of Galilee.
Right there, near the rock, when He taught I knew
from the moment we met by the sea;
My life would never be the same.
He would carry my burdens for me.
And when the sun cast a silhouette,
five loaves and two fishes would feed
the five thousand hungry who were cared for that night
by the Keeper of Galilee.
My sorrow released, it was left at the feet
of the Keeper of Galilee.
Composed by: Holyoak, Kathleen
Lyrics by: Summers, Sherry Key: Ab, Bb, G Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 4:20
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
The Iron Rod
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
The Iron Rod
This arrangement is especially fun for Teenagers/Youth. Easy.
Composed by: Clayton, William
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Townsend, Joseph L. Key: d minor Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: 2:15
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
The Gift
Kathleen Holyoak
SATB, piano
The Gift
The Gift, arrangement for SATB (but mostly SAB), with words with a contemporary and fresh approach when referencing the birth of Jesus Christ, is a lovely choice for any Christmas worship service. The gentle, rocking melody is easy and can be learned in just a couple of rehearsals. The refrain, “Share the gift that God has given; His gift to you, His Christmas gift, His gift to you and me” builds to a wonderful ending. Follow the words as you listen:
The Gift
God’s Christmas gift was never wrapped
And tied up with a bow.
It wasn’t purchased in a shop
Nor found within a store.
It was a simple gift, indeed,
Yet sacred and sublime.
It was a gift of love, a gift of life
Of hope and peace divine.
Search out the gift, embrace it tenderly.
Share the gift that God has given,
His gift to you and me.
God gave no gold, no frankincense;
He gave no amber myrrh.
The Father gave to all mankind,
A baby fair and pure.
He gave His Son to you and me,
It was our Savior, Jesus Christ.
He is the gift, our Christmas gift,
Born that holy night.
Search out the gift, embrace it tenderly.
Share the gift that God has given;
His gift to you,
His Christmas gift,
His gift to you and me.
Copyright 2015
Composed by: Holyoak, Kathleen
Lyrics by: Croxall, Gary Key: A, C, D Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:40
Bulk Pricing : .99 each when you purchase 10 or more
The Garden Tomb (SATB – Holyoak)
Kathleen Holyoak
SATB, piano
The Garden Tomb (SATB – Holyoak)
The Garden Tomb, Kathleen Holyoak
The Garden Tomb, is a lovely new song for Easter by Kathleen Holyoak and lyricist, Gary Croxall. Tender lyrics most beautifully echo the Savior’s birth in Bethlehem, recounting His resurrection and build to a triumphant finale. Now available for SSAA or SATB choir, this is one title you will want to add to your library of special Easter music.
In a garden, dawns the day. Stars that glitter fade away.
Blossoms open, bathed in dew. All the earth awakes anew.
Midst the leaves of olive trees, birds, like seraphs, sweetly sing.
Flowers turn to greet the light; all is calm and all is bright.
Down a path, beneath a hill, lies a cave where all is still.
Near the tomb, now cast aside, rests a stone upon its side.
Angels watch, their vigil keep, where the Lord of all did sleep.
See the cloth that held God’s Son, Jesus the Anointed One.
Aleluia, Aleluia, Jesus the Messiah!
Aleluia, Aleluia, Jesus the Anointed One.
Loving Mary gently weeps. Gone the Father’s precious Sheep.
Empty is her tender heart, hollow as the tomb she sought.
Frankincense and myrrh still cling to the grave that bore a King.
Who shall lead his children on, to the place where he is gone?
“Woman.” Did the gard’ner speak? “Woman, why then dost thou weep?”
“Mary.” ‘Tis the Savior’s voice! Come, ye faithful, and rejoice.
Who shall raise the sons of earth? Christ shall give them second birth.
With the herald angels sing praises to our Lord and King.
Aleluia, Alelu . . . Sing praises to our Lord and King.
Aleluia, Aleluia. Sing . . .praises to our Lord and King, Our King!
Composed by: Holyoak, Kathleen
Lyrics by: Croxall, Gary Key: Bb, G Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 5:48
Bulk Pricing : .99 each when 10 or more copies are purchased
Testament of Paul: 14 – Put on the Whole Armour of God
David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
Testament of Paul: 14 – Put on the Whole Armour of God
#14 – Put on the Whole Armour of God, the last piece from the Oratorio “Testament of Paul” by composer David A. Zabriskie. This piece is for Baritone Solo (Paul the Apostle) and Choir.
Composed by: Zabriskie, David A.
Lyrics by: New Testament Key: F Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 7:50
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Testament of Paul: 05 – In Christ Shall All Be Made Alive
David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano, SSAATTBB, piano
Testament of Paul: 05 – In Christ Shall All Be Made Alive
This is #5 in the work “Testament of Paul”. It is written for SSAATTBB choir. This text is appropriate for the Easter Service.
Composed by: Zabriskie, David A.
Lyrics by: New Testament Key: D Voicing: SATB, piano, SSAATTBB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 4:15
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Testament of Paul: 02 – Every Knee Should Bow
David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
Testament of Paul: 02 – Every Knee Should Bow
“Every Knee Should Bow” is from a work titled “Testament of Paul” by David A. Zabriskie. The one hour oratorio was commission by the Brigham Young University – Idaho Choral Department as part of their Sacred Service project. This is the second piece in a work of 15 pieces.
Composed by: Zabriskie, David A.
Lyrics by: New Testament Key: C Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:20
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Teach Me to Walk in the Light (SATB – Leavitt, John)
arr. John C. Leavitt
SATB, piano
Teach Me to Walk in the Light (SATB – Leavitt, John)
Teach Me to Walk in the Light – John C. Leavitt, arranger
This setting of “Teach Me to Walk In the Light” has a lot of childlike heart to it. The harmonies are fresh and rich, but the humility of the text remains the most important element. The final verse, which is sung a cappella, is a prayer that is to be sung freely and earnestly. Although at times this arrangement may tend to be dramatic, it is my hope that it will always be sung with simplicity and honesty.
Composed by: McMaster, Clara W.
Arranged by: Leavitt, John C. Lyrics by: McMaster, Clara W. Key: E Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:40
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Sweet Is the Work
David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
Sweet Is the Work
This is a new setting of Isaac Watts’ hymn “Sweet Is the Work”. Composer David Zabriskie has created a new melody freely based on John McClellan’s hymn tune. It is composed for SATB choir. The last verse the choir is in unison with a descant above.
Composed by: Zabriskie, David A.
Lyrics by: Watts, Isaac Key: G Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:35
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Still Still Still
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
Still Still Still
Still Still Still, the familiar Austrian carol, is newly translated by Dee R. Woolley and arranged by David A. Zabriskie. This simple arrangement is simple and beautiful.
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Woolley, Dee R. Key: C Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Still Is The Night
David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano, Vocal Solo, SATB, piano
Still Is The Night
Still Is The Night – David A. Zabriskie, composer
Words by Allison Warner and Alice Johnson speak of a Shepherd’s perspective of the Savior’s birth. Music by David A. Zabriskie.
Composed by: Zabriskie, David A.
Lyrics by: Johnson, Alice; Warner, Allison Key: C Voicing: SATB, piano, Vocal Solo, SATB, piano Language: English
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Spirit of Life
Carolyn McDade; arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
Spirit of Life
Spirit of Life – Carolyn Mcdade; arr. David A. Zabriskie
No other song, no other prayer, no other piece of liturgy is so well known and loved in Unitarian Universalism as “Spirit of Life” by Carolyn McDade.
It is our Doxology, or perhaps our “Amazing Grace.” Many congregations sing it every Sunday, or at least enough to know the words by heart. Sermons have been devoted to this one song. A new adult religious education curriculum being field-tested this fall is based on the song. It is sung at weddings and memorial services, around campfires and at demonstrations, at cradles and hospital bedsides.
In six short lines “Spirit of Life” touches so much that is central to our faith—compassion, justice, community, freedom, reverence for nature, and the mystery of life. It finds the common ground held by humanists and theists, pagans and Christians, Buddhists and Jews, gay and straight among us.
Spirit of Life, come unto me.
Sing in my heart all the stirrings of compassion.
Blow in the wind, rise in the sea;
Move in the hand, giving life the shape of justice.
Roots hold me close; wings set me free;
Spirit of Life, come to me, come to me.
Composed by: McDade, Carolyn
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: McDade, Carolyn Key: C, D Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx.3:10
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Sing We Now at Parting
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
Sing We Now at Parting
This is a quiet, peaceful arrangement of the hymn “Sing We Now at Parting” for SATB by David A. Zabriskie. There are two separate melodies, the hymn tune sung by the women; a new melody sung by the men; and then they come together at the end for a beautiful sweet ending. It is very accessible to the meekest of choirs.
Composed by: Beesley, Ebenezer
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Manwaring, George Key: C Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:30
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Seek the Lord Early
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
Seek the Lord Early
Arranged by composer, David A. Zabriskie, the simple and beautiful song “Seek the Lord Early” by Joanne Doxey is now in an easy SATB format.
Composed by: Doxey, Joanne
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Doxey, Joanne Key: Eb Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Savior, Redeemer of My Soul
Daniel Carter
SATB, piano
Savior, Redeemer of My Soul
Savior, Redeemer of My Soul – Daniel Carter, composer
Orson F. Whitney, pioneer poet and writer, has had several of his poems set to music, among which is his beautiful, “Savior, Redeemer of My Soul.” Daniel Carter composed a an entirely new musical setting for Whitney’s poem, and it has been performed and recorded with accolades and praise. Carter’s arrangement is for full choir with an optional descant and piano accompaniment. Intermediate level difficulty.
Composed by: Carter, Daniel
Lyrics by: Whitney, Orson F. Key: Eb Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 4:40
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Sanctus (from Zabriskie
SATB, piano
Sanctus (from Zabriskie
Composed by: Zabriskie, David A.
Lyrics by: Traditional Latin Requiem Voicing: SATB, piano Duration: 2:00
Saints, Behold How Great Jehovah
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
Saints, Behold How Great Jehovah
This is a very stirring arrangement of the hymn “Saints, Behold How Great Jehovah” arranged by composer, David A. Zabriskie. This is a delight for the choir and very accessible.
Composed by: Lyon, A. Laurence
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Stott, Douglas W. Key: G Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 1:45
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Safe Within His Keep
Kathleen Holyoak
SATB, piano
Safe Within His Keep
Safe Within His Keep, an award winning song writtenfor SATB or SSAA choir with piano accompaniment by Kathleen Holyoak, has a special message suitable for any worship service. The words beautifully express that we are all lambs of our constant, loving Savior and Shepherd and that He will never fail or forget us as He gently leads us back to our heavenly home. Words by Kathleen Holyoak and Gary Croxall are as follows:
Little lambs who roam far beyond the glen,
Christ will lead you gently home, trust that He’s your friend.
Through the darkest storm, o’er the torrent deep,
Let Him carry you in His arms safe within His keep.
Little lambs who stray, quickly falls the night.
See, the Shepherd points the way, follow in His light.
Listen to His voice. Trust the Master’s care;
Ever near your side, He will guide to meadows bright and fair.
Christ would give His life for one lamb.
He calls each one by name.
He will not abandon you, for none are lost to Him.
Let your heart by still and follow Him.
Little lambs, return to the Shepherds path.
Feed in pastures verdant green, guarded by His staff.
Turn and seek Him now. Feel His quiet peace
As He carries you in His arms, safely, safe within His keep.
Copyright 2014
Composed by: Holyoak, Kathleen
Lyrics by: Croxall, Gary; Holyoak, Kathleen Key: C Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:00
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Rock Me to Sleep
Sam Fleming
SATB, piano
Rock Me to Sleep
Rock Me to Sleep – Sam Fleming, composer
A lullaby for SATB choir and piano, easily accessible for choirs of many levels.
Composed by: Fleming, Sam
Lyrics by: Allen, Elizabeth Akers Key: D Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 4:00
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Redeemer of Israel (Hymn Enhancer – Zabriskie)
arr. David A. Zabriskie
Hymn Enhancer, SATB, piano
Redeemer of Israel (Hymn Enhancer – Zabriskie)
This arrangement of “Redeemer of Israel” is an “Hymn Enhancer”. Each Hymn Enhancer comes with two labels. The choir reads the music out of the hymnbook. The hymnal version is included for easy reading and contains instructions for the choir member on how this hymn is to be performed. These Hymn Enhancers are simple, beautiful, and quick to prepare. They are also great for teaching singing techniques and practices.
Composed by: Lewis, Freeman
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Phelps, William W. Key: D Voicing: Hymn Enhancer, SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:00
Redeemer of Israel
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
Redeemer of Israel
Redeemer of Israel – David A. Zabriskie, arranger
A stirring yet simple arrangement of “Redeemer of Israel” for SATB choir with piano accompaniment.
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Phelps, William W. Key: C Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Prayer of Thanks
Kathleen Holyoak
SATB, piano
Prayer of Thanks
If you are looking for something easy to learn yet lovely and meaningful, Prayer of Thanks, by Kathleen Holyoak, is a perfect choice for Thanksgiving. Follow the beautiful lyrics of this beautiful hymn with lyrics by Gary Croxall:
Praise the Lord, who reigns above,
Worship Him in truth and love.
Rev’rance Him, all ye that live.
A prayer of thanks to Him we give.
He hath made both star and sky,
Sun and moon that soar on high.
All His grandeurs us amaze.
Come sing to Him in joyous praise!
God Who formed both sea and shore,
All the waves that surge and roar;
Thy existence these attest
In north and south and east and west.
Stony mount or verdant dale,
Gentle wind or clouds that sail;
Beautify this place we live.
A prayer of thanks to Thee we give.
God of truth and God of light,
Ruler of both earth and night;
To Thy throne, our thanks we bear
And ask acceptance of this prayer.
Let Thy spirit us attend;
Guide us to The in the end.
Seal us thine forever more,
As we, Great King, Thy name adore.
Copyright 2013
Composed by: Holyoak, Kathleen
Lyrics by: Croxall, Gary Key: F Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: approx. 2:50
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Praise to the Lord, He is Risen!
Kathleen Holyoak
SATB, piano
Praise to the Lord, He is Risen!
Inspired by scripture (Matthew 28:6), “Praise to the Lord, He Has Risen!” is a joyous anthem with an unforgettable refrain, “Join with the rapture of heaven; raise anthems of joy to the sky” and a wonderful choice for any Easter program.
Composed by: Holyoak, Kathleen
Lyrics by: Lee, Lawrence Key: F Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:20
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Praise Thy Holy Name
Wayne Burton
SATB, piano
Praise Thy Holy Name
Praise Thy Holy Name is about the immensity and essential nature of Jesus Christ, in all periods of our existence as children of God. It was inspired in part by John 21:25 which states that all the books in the world couldn’t contain all that could be said about our Savior. The choir music is an adaptation of a solo version written for Wayne Burton’s “Thankfully” album. The song was the winner of the annual LDS church music contest and was performed on Temple Square.
Composed by: Burton, Wayne
Lyrics by: Burton, Wayne Key: Bb Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:30
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow (Hymn Enhancer – Zabriskie)
arr. David A. Zabriskie
Hymn Enhancer, SATB, piano
Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow (Hymn Enhancer – Zabriskie)
This arrangement of “Praise God, from Whom All Blessings Flow” is a “Hymn Enhancer”. Each Hymn Enhancer comes with two labels. The choir reads the music out of the hymnbook. The hymnal version is included for easy reading and contains instructions for the choir member on how this hymn is to be performed. These Hymn Enhancers are simple, beautiful, and quick to prepare. They are also great for teaching singing techniques and practices.
Composed by: Bourgeois, Louis
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Ken, Thomas Key: G Voicing: Hymn Enhancer, SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:40
Praise and Thanksgiving
Arr. Jay Brian Ballard
SATB, piano
Praise and Thanksgiving
Praise and Thanksgiving is a trio of 3 thanksgiving hymns from the hymnal, arranged for 4 part choir. The three hymns are: For the Beauty of the Earth, Come Ye Thankful People, and Prayer of Thanksgiving. Any choir will thrill in singing these well known songs associated with Thanksgiving-time.
Arranged by: Ballard, Jay Brian Key: G Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 4:50
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Pojďte, Svatí (Come, Come Ye Saints – SATB – Zabriskie)
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
Pojďte, Svatí (Come, Come Ye Saints – SATB – Zabriskie)
This is a stirring arrangement of the Mormon hymn, “Come, Come Ye Saints.” It is arranged for SATB choir. Simple yet moving.
Composed by: English Melody
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Clayton, William Key: G Voicing: SATB, piano Language: Czech Duration: Approx. 3:25
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Our Nativity (SATB)
Daniel L. Carter
SATB, piano
Our Nativity (SATB)
Our Nativity – Daniel Carter, composer
Fast becoming a Christmas favorite, a new song for Christmas 2013 by Daniel Carter and Larry H. Lee!
“Years have gone by at a hasty pace,
Composed by: Carter, Daniel
Lyrics by: Lee, Larry H. Key: G Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 4:10
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Our Father
J. Chris Moore
SATB, piano
Our Father
This is a beautiful new setting of biblical text “The Lord’s Prayer” by composer J. Chris Moore. Chris writes: “After graduating college, I soon grew weary of singing the Malotte “Lord’s Prayer” and wrote this tune originally as a solo. It was never published. So when my first grandson came along some 40 years later, I decided to create this 4 part setting.”
Composed by: Moore, J. Chris
Lyrics by: New Testament Key: C Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 1:50
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
One Star (Holyoak – SATB)
Kathleen Holyoak
SATB, piano
One Star (Holyoak – SATB)
One Star (SATB) – Kathleen Holyoak, composer
“One Star,” a lovely SATB choral arrangement with optional violin and cello obbligatos, is based upon the 17th Century carol, “The First Noel.”This is a wonderful Christmas title appropriate for any Christmas meeting or devotional and certainly one to include in your choral library.Words by Gary Croxall beautifully describe the night that one star lit the way to the place of Christ’s birth:
One star to light the Christmas way;
a manger filled with straw and hay,
and starlight fell upon His face
as shepherds hastened to the place.
His breath was sweet as April air,
the little baby pure and fair
brought hope and love and peace sublime,
when He was born at Christmas time.
Noel, Noel. Sing we Noel.
Born is the King of Israel.
As angels sang above a stall
of peace on earth, good will to all;
God’s little baby fell asleep,
and Mary kissed Him on His cheek.
He slept among the stable beasts,
while wise men journeyed from the East
To honor Him and give Him laud,
the newborn King, the Son of God.
Noel, noel. One star’s light . . . burning bright.
Noel, noel! Noel, noel! Born is the King.
Born is the King of Israel, behold His star!
Noel, Noel. One star, Noel!
Composed by: Holyoak, Kathleen
Lyrics by: Croxall, Gary Key: Ab, Bb, Eb, F Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:30
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
One by One (SATB – Perry/Andersen)
Janice Kapp Perry; arr. Ann Kapp Andersen
SATB, piano
One by One (SATB – Perry/Andersen)
One by One (SATB) – Janice Kapp Perry and Ann Kapp Andersen, composer/arranger
This heart-touching anthem, with words by John V. Pearson, describes that
supernal moment in Third Nephi when Christ descends to visit the saints at Bountiful following His crucifixion and resurrection saying, “Behold, I am Jesus Christ whom the prophets testified shall come into the world.” The verses describe how he blessed,and healed and taught those who were present. First published as a hymn with music by Janice Kapp Perry, it has now been beautifully enhanced as a choral piece by Ann Kapp Andersen. It would be appropriate for any sacred church gathering, but would be especially meaningful at Easter time.
Composed by: Perry, Janice Kapp
Arranged by: Andersen, Ann Kapp Lyrics by: Pearson, John V. Key: F Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 5:15
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
One by One (SATB – Holyoak)
Kathleen Holyoak
SATB, piano
One by One (SATB – Holyoak)
Youth love to sing this wonderful anthem by Kathleen Holyoak and Lucinda Ann Felix. It is easy to learn, parts are mostly in unison then split and build to an exciting ending. This is perfect for Seminary graduations, Youth Conferences, and fits right into the 2014 YWYM theme.
Composed by: Holyoak, Kathleen
Lyrics by: Felix, Lucinda Ann Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:40
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
One by One (SATB – Burton)
Wayne Burton
SATB, piano
One by One (SATB – Burton)
One by One – Wayne Burton, composer/lyricist
A tribute to the early pioneers by composer Wayne Burton. Specific reference to a heroic rescue and answer to prayer during a despirate winter segment of their journey. They video uses this account:
“In November 1856, pioneers in the Martin handcart company were caught by deep snow and cold weather in the mountains of Wyoming. They had already lost many of their members along the way to cold and disease. Starving and fatigued they met the icy Sweetwater river and felt that they could go no further. Grown men sat on the frozen ground and cried with their wives and children.
Composed by: Burton, Wayne
Lyrics by: Burton, Wayne Key: b minor, D Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 4:45
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
On This Christmas Morning (SATB – Holyoak)
Kathleen Holyoak, arranger
SATB, piano
On This Christmas Morning (SATB – Holyoak)
On This Christmas Morning – Kathleen Holyoak, composer
This beautiful SATB setting by lyricist, Sherry Summers and composer, Kathleen Holyoak, conveys the excitement and joy surrounding Christmas Day! It is one of rejoicing, commitment and praise to God, our Father, and the gift of His Son.
On This Christmas Morning
Joyously the choir sings,
in accord, praising Him!
A chorus of angels joining in,
on this Christmas morning.
Peace on earth, good will to men.
Praise to our Father, Elohim.
Ringing chords in tune for Him,
on this Christmas morning.
Holy child of royal birth,
the Savior’s come, He’s come to earth!
He left His heavenly home for awhile;
of Him we extol and testify!
What are blessings He shall bring?
Grace and mercy, love without end.
May we raise a voice to Him,
on this Christmas morning.
What are the truths He shall bring?
Seek Him in the simplest things!
Let’s keep our promises to Him,
on this Christmas morning.
Holy child of royal birth,
the Savior’s come, He’s come to earth!
He left His heavenly home for awhile;
of Him we extol and testify!
Frankincense, gold and myrrh
were gifts for Him from travel’rs afar.
I give my heart, mind and strength,
on this Christmas morning.
Bethlehem brought forth my King,
Master giver of everything.
Let us give glory back to Him,
On this Christmas, joyous Christmas,
On this Christmas, Christmas morn!
Copyright 2018
Composed by: Holyoak, Kathleen
Lyrics by: Summers, Sherry Key: D, F, G Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:00
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
On Earth and in Heaven
Janice Kapp Perry, composer; Ann Kapp Andersen, arranger
SATB, piano
On Earth and in Heaven
On Earth and in Heaven – Janice Kapp Perry, composer; Ann Kapp Andersen, arranger
The author of this hymn text, John V. Pearson, was a scriptorian who truly delighted in the scriptures and understood that the important things of both this life and the next are recorded both on earth and in heaven. In 3 Nephi 23, Nephi brought forth the records and laid them before the Lord, who asked why they had not recorded the words of Samuel regarding events surrounding the crucifixion and resurrection. Nephi remembered that “this thing had not been written” and Jesus commanded that it should be written.
This hymn would certainly be appropriate at Christmas time. Other verses continue and give a broaderoverview of Christ’s mission, which makes the piece appropriate for Easter worship or for any occasionthat celebrates the life and mission of Jesus Christ. The hymn version of this work, with music by Janice Kapp Perry, won the “Award of Distinction” in the Music Submissions of the LDS Church and had it’s premiere performance at the Music Festival in the Assembly Hall on Temple Square in Salt Lake City. This choral arrangement by Ann Kapp Andersen widens its appeal to Christian choirs everywhere
Composed by: Perry, Janice Kapp
Arranged by: Andersen, Ann Kapp Lyrics by: Pearson, John V. Key: Bb Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 4:20
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
O Thou In Whose Presence
arr. Robert Strobel
SATB, piano
O Thou In Whose Presence
O Thou In Whose Presence – Robert Strobel, arranger
O Thou in Whose Presence came about as a thought that I’d perhaps arrange a work from Southern Harmony. This hymn was attractive, in that it was very much a proto-typical version of the hymn Redeemer of Israel, which appears in the LDS hymnbook. The melody is less ornamented or slightly different in comparison with the later hymn, and to my liking, the version of this text is also is set in first person. This version I have arranged also has some wonderful and unique sentiments that should be resurrected in song and sung for all to hear. Picking the verses I wanted to use, I attempted to paint the pastoral nature of the text in the second verse, and throughout the work I tried to express the idea of affliction melting away into hope.
Composed by: Lewis, Freeman
Arranged by: Strobel, Robert Lyrics by: Swain, Joseph Key: D, E Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
O Sing A Song of Bethlehem
David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
O Sing A Song of Bethlehem
O Sing A Song of Bethlehem – David A. Zabriskie, composer
A beautiful setting of Louis F. Benson’s text that is appropriate for both Christmas and Easter. This is for SATB choir with piano accompaniment. Music composed by David A. Zabriskie.
Composed by: Zabriskie, David A.
Lyrics by: Louis F. Benson Key: G Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: approx. 4:10
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
O My Father
David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
O My Father
During my Doctoral Studies at Northwestern University, I took a break from 20th-century atonality studies to compose a melodic, hauntingly beautiful melody to Eliza R. Snow’s text “O My Father.” It is still one of my favorite compositions. It is for SATB Choir and piano.
Composed by: Zabriskie, David A.
Lyrics by: Snow, Eliza R. Key: Db Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 4:00
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
O Little Town of Bethlehem (Kingsfold) (SATB – Zabriskie)
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
O Little Town of Bethlehem (Kingsfold) (SATB – Zabriskie)
O Little Town of Bethlehem (Kingsfold) – David A. Zabriskie, arranger
A year ago I started working on this arrangement and then put it aside. I came across it the beginning of August (2014) and fell in love with it and finished it quickly. The classic text of “O Little Town of Bethlehem” uses the familiar “Kingsfold” hymn tune. This haunting arrangement will give you goose bumps. I hope you enjoy it as much as I have composing it – Dave Zabriskie.
Composed by: Kingsfold Hymn Tune
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Brooks, Phillips Key: e minor Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:30
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
O Home Beloved
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
O Home Beloved
An exquisite arrangement of the Evan Stephens and Joseph Parry’s “O Home Beloved.” This hymn is usually sung by a men’s chorus, now set for SATB by David A. Zabriskie.
Composed by: Parry, Joseph
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Stephens, Evan Key: F Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 4:00
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
O Come, O Come Emmanuel (SATB with accompaniment – Zabriskie)
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
O Come, O Come Emmanuel (SATB with accompaniment – Zabriskie)
A stirring arrangement for SATB choir by David A. Zabriskie. The piece begins softly and grows to a very loud and profound ending.
Composed by: Traditional English Carol
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Neale, Rev. John Mason Key: e minor Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Now Let Us Rejoice
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
Now Let Us Rejoice
I love this arrangement. This arrangement was commissioned for the “Kirtland Historical Village” dedication – Robert Dunn, conductor. It’s easy, lively and full of spirit. Is is written for SATB choir with piano accompaniment.
Composed by: Tucker, Henry
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Phelps, William W. Key: C Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:20
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
No Room Tonite
Carrie Wrigley
SATB, piano
No Room Tonite
No Room Tonite
Poignant and heartfelt, this original Christmas song considers the irony of the King of Kings finding “no room” in the world, even in the first minutes of his mortal life. It gently describes the drama of his young mother giving birth alone in a cold dark stable, surrounded by humble animals, because there was “no room” elsewhere.
The song invites consideration – In the midst of our busy lives, filled with so many competing priorities, do we sometimes leave “no room” for the Savior? Or do we strive to invite Him in – notwithstanding the humble and imperfect condition of our hearts?
Composed by: Wrigley, Carrie Maxwell
Lyrics by: Wrigley, Carrie Maxwell Key: C Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: approx. 3:40
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
No Place for the Savior of Men
Kathleen Holyoak
SATB, piano
No Place for the Savior of Men
No Place for the Savior of Men for SATB mixed voices with its gentle, lilting melody by Kathleen Holyoak, is a popular choice to for any Christmas program. The exquisitely beautiful lyrics take the listener to the scene of the nativity in a way that has never before been expressed:
No room for a mother and child;
No pillow, no blanket, no bed.
No place for the baby,
No room at the inn,
No place for the Savior of Men.
Where then shall they rest for the night?’
The street shall not welcome the King.
No place for the mother to bring forth God’s child,
No place for the Savior of Men.
The birds have their nests where they lay down their heads.
The deer have their meadows to rest.
The moon sleeps on clouds that are softer than down
But in small Bethlehem, no room is yet found.
The fish have their ponds and the rivers and seas;
The lions their dens and the insects their leaves.
The stars know the place where they’re tucked in the sky
But the Savior has no place to lie.
A stable, a manger, a stall;
Rough straw where she’ll cradle His head.
Where beasts gently offer the warmth of their breath
And give place for the baby to rest.
So sleep little baby, Savior Divine.
Dream on while God’s angels descend.
A place for the baby, the Savior of men,
One place, one place found in old Bethlehem.
Copyright 2012
Composed by: Holyoak, Kathleen
Lyrics by: Croxall, Gary Key: C Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:00
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Nearer, My God, to Thee (SATB – Zabriskie)
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
Nearer, My God, to Thee (SATB – Zabriskie)
“Nearer, My God, to Thee” is a text by Sarah F. Adams based loosely on Genesis 28:11–19: “So he came to a certain place and stayed there all night, because the sun had set. And he took one of the stones of that place and put it at his head, and he lay down in that place to sleep. Then he dreamed, and behold, a ladder was set up on the earth, and its top reached to heaven; and there the angels of God were ascending and descending on it…” This simply beautiful SATB Choral arrangement is by composer, David A. Zabriskie.
Composed by: Mason, Lowell
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Adams, Sarah F. Key: F Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 4:10
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Nearer, My God, to Thee (SATB – Strobel)
Robert Strobel
SATB, piano
Nearer, My God, to Thee (SATB – Strobel)
Nearer My God to Thee – Robert Strobel, composer/arranger
This arrangement of “Nearer, My God, to Thee” begins with an original setting of the hymn’s words, a cappella, indicating the message of courage and trust in the Savior contained in the first verse. The piano comes in on the last words of this section, and introduces the ideas associated with the next verse. Afterwards, the well-known melody to the hymn is used in the choir in unison, set in a way that reflects the struggles described in the second verse. The third and final verse returns to the setting of the words from the beginning of the work. The final verse discusses the aid of heaven, and the work ends hopefully.
Composed by: Mason, Lowell; Strobel, Robert
Arranged by: Strobel, Robert Lyrics by: Adams, Sarah F. Key: Db Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:30
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
My Savior Lives
Kathleen Holyoak
SATB, piano
My Savior Lives
My Savior Lives – Kathleen Holyoak, composer
Gary Croxall’s lyrics, “My Savior lives forever more. He is my lord, oh come adore,” combined with Kathleen Holyoak’s memorable melody is truly a winner! It will leave you humming the rest of the day as it bears witness of the Savior in your heart.
My Savior lives forever more.
He is my Lord, O come adore.
Whene’er I thirst, He gives me drink.
My hungry soul He feed.
And in my hour of greatest need,
He hastens to this sheep.
Jesus lives. My Savior lives.
Though oceans rage and winds may blow,
My savior lives, O this I know.
He stills the storm and calms the sea.
The Lord of Galilee
Upon the water walks to me, His helping hand to give.
He lives. My Savior lives.
My shepherd kind, He knows my name.
Christ calls to me, where-e’er I stray.
And if I’m lost with love divine,
He searchs for me,
Not resting ’till His lamb he finds.
I’ll live because He lives.
He lives. My Savior lives.
When I am bound and held by chains,
He’ll wipe each tear and take each pain.
He’ll ease my grief; restore my soul,
On wings again to soar,
That I may rise eternally.
In Him I’m truly free.
He lives. He lives. My Savior lives!
Composed by: Holyoak, Kathleen
Lyrics by: Croxall, Gary Key: Bb, C Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:30
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
My Gift
Rock Oakeson
SATB, piano
My Gift
My Gift, SATB with Organ (1976)
Written at the request of a young adult religious choir in Salt Lake City, Rock Oakeson composed this dramatic four-part SATB Christmas piece with organ accompaniment. In the key of G minor and intermediate in difficulty (both for the choir and organist), this piece was born after Mr. Oakeson heard the poem, “A Birthday Gift, from a Christmas Carol,” by Christina G. Rossetti. Knowing that with a fuller textual treatment, a choral piece with great emotion and depth could be composed, he set out to write a text based on Rossetti’s powerful short poem. With the text completed, he then set it to music which assists in telling the story of what one can give to the Baby Jesus at His Birth. This is a beautiful piece for both the concert hall and for any seasonal church service.
Composed by: Oakeson, Rock
Lyrics by: Oakeson, Rock; Rossetti, Christina G. Key: g minor Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 5:15
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
May the Light Around Us Guide Our Footsteps
David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
May the Light Around Us Guide Our Footsteps
May the Light Around Us Guide Our Footsteps – David A. Zabriskie, composer
Written for the First Unitarian Church of Salt Lake City Chancel Choir – David Owens, Director of Music. Words by Kathleen McTigue and music by David A. Zabriskie.
Composed by: Zabriskie, David A.
Lyrics by: McTigue, Kathleen Key: G Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:30
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Master, the Tempest is Raging (SATB – Staheli)
arr. Ronald J. Staheli
SATB, piano
Master, the Tempest is Raging (SATB – Staheli)
Master, the Tempest is Raging (SATB) – Ronald Staheli, arranger
A remarkable arrangement of the wonderful hymn “Master, the Tempest is Raging” by Conductor/Arranger, Ronald Staheli. The piece requires a good accompanist.
Composed by: Palmer, H.R.
Arranged by: Staheli, Ronald Lyrics by: Baker, Mary Ann Key: Bb Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 5:45
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Love at Home (SATB – Carter)
arr. Daniel Carter
SATB, piano
Love at Home (SATB – Carter)
Love at Home – Daniel Carter, arranger
A favorite hymn about home and families nicely suited for any Mother’s Day, Father’s Day or family themed occasion. Listen to the demo and you’ll hear on the last verse that Daniel Carter combines the melody and words of “Sweet Is the Work” as a men’s obbligato.
Composed by: McNaughton, John Hugh
Arranged by: Carter, Daniel Lyrics by: McNaughton, John Hugh Key: Eb Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 4:25
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Love at Home (Hymn Enhancer – Zabriskie)
arr. David A. Zabriskie
Hymn Enhancer, SATB, piano
Love at Home (Hymn Enhancer – Zabriskie)
This arrangement of “Love at Home” is an “Hymn Enhancer”. Each Hymn Enhancer comes with two labels. The choir reads the music out of the hymnbook. The hymnal version is included for easy reading and contains instructions for the choir member on how this hymn is to be performed. These Hymn Enhancers are simple, beautiful, and quick to prepare. They are also great for teaching singing techniques and practices.
Composed by: McNaughton, John Hugh
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: McNaughton, John Hugh Key: F Voicing: Hymn Enhancer, SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:40
Lord’s Prayer, The
Christopher Quinn
SATB, piano
Lord’s Prayer, The
The Lord’s Prayer
This beautiful setting of The Lord’s Prayer by Christopher Quinn has been performed by choirs all over the world. The opening melodic phrase ascends with the text and word painting techniques are found throughout the piece. The exquisite melodic and harmonic elements are accompanied by a sophisticated piano accompaniment that requires an able pianist. Originally published in 2005, this setting includes some new harmonization, accompaniment figures, and fewer divisi sections, making it accessible to most choirs.
Composed by: Quinn, Christopher
Lyrics by: New Testament Key: F Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:45
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Lord Accept Our True Devotion
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
Lord Accept Our True Devotion
The gorgeous text was written Richard Alldredge. The hymn tune was discovered from an old hymnal from the 1860’s. It is accessibly arranged for SATB choir.
Composed by: Smith, Norman W.
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Alldredge, Richard Key: Eb Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:05
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Let Zion in Her Beauty Rise
arr. David A. Zabriskie
Hymn Enhancer, SATB, piano
Let Zion in Her Beauty Rise
This arrangement of “Let Zion in Her Beauty Rise” is a “Hymn Enhancer”. Each Hymn Enhancer comes with two labels. The choir reads the music out of the hymnbook. The hymnal version is included for easy reading and contains instructions for the choir member on how this hymn is to be performed. These Hymn Enhancers are simple, beautiful, and quick to prepare. They are also great for teaching singing techniques and practices.
Composed by: Anon.
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Partridge, Edward Key: G Voicing: Hymn Enhancer, SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:25
Let Love Sustain You (Criddle – SATB)
arr. Reed Criddle
SATB, piano
Let Love Sustain You (Criddle – SATB)
Let Love Sustain You – Reed Criddle, arranger
Composed by: Shostakovich, Dimitri
Arranged by: Criddle, Reed Lyrics by: Reed, Criddle Key: c minor Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English
Lead Kindly Light (SATB – Zabriskie)
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
Lead Kindly Light (SATB – Zabriskie)
This is an SATB version of David Zabriskie’s arrangement of “Lead Kindly Light” which was originally arranged for solo voice. For full-score and parts, please inquire at info@holysheetmusic.com
Composed by: Lowry, Robert
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Newman, John Henry Key: G Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 4:50
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee
arr. David A. Zabriskie
Hymn Enhancer, SATB, piano
Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee
This arrangement of “Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee” is an “Hymn Enhancer”. Each Hymn Enhancer comes with two labels. The choir reads the music out of the hymnbook. The hymnal version is included for easy reading and contains instructions for the choir member on how this hymn is to be performed. These Hymn Enhancers are simple, beautiful, and quick to prepare. They are also great for teaching singing techniques and practices.
Composed by: Dykes, John B.
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Clairvaux, Bernard of Key: Bb Voicing: Hymn Enhancer, SATB, piano Language: Español Duration: Approx. 3:10
Jesus, Lover of My Soul (SATB – Strobel)
Robert Strobel
SATB, piano
Jesus, Lover of My Soul (SATB – Strobel)
Jesus Lover of My Soul – Robert Strobel, composer
This setting of the lyrics, “Jesus, Lover of My Soul,” reflects the imagery of the simple, tranquil safety of abiding with the Savior. The setting begins blissfully in the key of F major; a syncopated accompaniment with a melody high in the right hand of the piano. The women are alone in the first part of the first verse. After the first verse, the accompaniment calms down, and the more subdued character of the men’s voices enter in Eb in the beginning of the second verse. The last verse ends a cappella with a short ending by the piano.
Composed by: Strobel, Robert
Lyrics by: Wesley, Charles Key: Eb, F Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:25
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Jesus Lover of My Soul (SATB – Staheli)
arr. Ronald Staheli
SATB, piano
Jesus Lover of My Soul (SATB – Staheli)
Jesus Lover of My Soul – Ronald Staheli, arranger
A beautifully simple arrangement of this beloved hymn, with an accompaniment that supports the gently flowing musical lines. The arrangement makes use of 2, 3, and 4 parts in shaping the powerful expression of the hymn.
Composed by: Holbrook, Joseph P.
Arranged by: Staheli, Ronald Lyrics by: Wesley, Charles Key: C Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
It Is Well, with My Soul
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
It Is Well, with My Soul
This beautiful hymn, “It is Well, with My Soul” is arranged for SATB choir. David Zabriskie has arranged this hymn so that “It is Well, with My Soul” is heard simply and beautifully.
Composed by: Bliss, Philip P.
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Spafford, Horatio B. Key: Db Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:45
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
In Humility–Be Thou My Vision
arr. Patrick Tatman
SATB, piano
In Humility–Be Thou My Vision
In Humility-Be Thou My Vision – Patrick Tatman, arranger
Suitable for any church or concert setting, Tatman’s arrangement of “In Humility” from the LDS hymnal features the beautiful Prichard melody and combines it with the Irish folk melody, “Be Thou My Vision.” The combination of these two hymns results in a musical offering of peace, supplication, and love. The four voice arrangement can be performed well by a choir of any size.
Composed by: Irish Folk Melody
Arranged by: Tatman, Patrick Lyrics by: Gabbott, Mabel Jones Key: F F# Ab Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 5:00
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
I Stand All Amazed (SATB – Zabriskie)
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
I Stand All Amazed (SATB – Zabriskie)
“Oh it is wonderful….wonderful to me” This unforgettable phrase is brought to life in David Zabriskie’s arrangement of “I Stand All Amazed” for SATB Choir.
Composed by: Gabriel, Charles H.
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Key: G Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 4:30
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
I Stand All Amazed (SATB – John Leavitt)
arr. John C. Leavitt
SATB, piano
I Stand All Amazed (SATB – John Leavitt)
This arrangement of “I Stand All Amazed” was written to highlight two different perspectives on the Atonement of Jesus Christ: the grandeur and triumph of his conquering of death, and also the personal intimacy that this sacrifice is in each individual heart. The music is at times declamatory and magnificent, and at other times tender and profound. It is a simple, but poignant arrangement that should be fairly easy to learn, leaving much more time, hopefully, for bringing musicality and polished sentiment to the performance.
The recording is sung by the Lux Singers, an elite religious choral ensemble under the direction of Leland Spindler. Based out of St. Mary’s Episcopal Church in Provo, Utah, their mission is to sing great works from masters of all religious denominations and sects; to sing for the congregates of all religious faiths, in their places of worship. They strive to share the light of each religion’s musical traditions with the world.
Composed by: Gower, John H.
Arranged by: Leavitt, John C. Lyrics by: Alexander, Cecil Frances Key: Ab Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 5:30
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
I Need Thee Every Hour (SATB – Staheli)
arr. Ronald J. Staheli
SATB, piano
I Need Thee Every Hour (SATB – Staheli)
I Need Thee Every Hour – Ronald Staheli, arranger
Ronald Staheli’s arrangement of “I Need Thee Every Hour” for SATB choir is absolutely beautiful. This arrangement is part of the BYU Singers Hymn Project.
“For nearly three decades Ron Staheli has led the BYU Singers to be one of the most highly acclaimed choral ensembles in the nation.
This new hymn project by the alumni of the BYU Singers continues in the same tradition of excellence, beauty and spirituality.”
— Craig Jessop
Composed by: Lowry, Robert
Arranged by: Staheli, Ronald Lyrics by: Hawkes, Annie S. Key: Ab, G Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 6:00
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
I Have Work Enough to Do
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
I Have Work Enough to Do
This hymn, also known as Ere the Sun Goes Down, is arranged by David A. Zabriskie. It is simple and tender. The arrangement is for SATB choir.
Composed by: Kirkpatrick, William J.
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Pollard, Josephine Key: D Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:10
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
I Have Longed for Thy Saving Health
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
I Have Longed for Thy Saving Health
There are rare moments when a piece of music speaks deeply to the heart, to the point you’re speechless. “I Have Longed for Thy Saving Health” by Renaissance composer, William Byrd was one of those pieces. The setting was a church choir with classical accompaniment. The performance was spine-tingling. This is a very accessible piece for SATB choir. It may be sung with or without accompaniment. The youtube performance is by The University of Mississippi Concert Singers.
Composed by: Byrd,William
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Psalms 119 Key: a minor Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:00
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
How Wondrous and Great
arr. David A. Zabriskie
Hymn Enhancer, SATB, piano
How Wondrous and Great
This arrangement of “How Wondrous and Great” is an “Hymn Enhancer”. Each Hymn Enhancer comes with two labels. The choir reads the music out of the hymnbook. The hymnal version is included for easy reading and contains instructions for the choir member on how this hymn is to be performed. These Hymn Enhancers are simple, beautiful, and quick to prepare. They are also great for teaching singing techniques and practices.
Composed by: Haydn, Johann Michael
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Onderdonk, Henry U. Key: Ab Voicing: Hymn Enhancer, SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:00
How Can I Keep from Singing (SATB – Carter)
arr. Daniel Carter
SATB, piano
How Can I Keep from Singing (SATB – Carter)
How Can I Keep from Singing (SATB) – Dan Carter, arranger
A gentle, building, inspiring setting of Robert Lowry’s beloved hymn, arranged by Daniel Carter. Flute obbligato creates a mood of birds singing with the choir. Gently building to an inspiring ending with a simple descant on the last verse.
My life flows on in endless song;
Above earth’s lamentation,
I hear the sweet, tho’ far-off hymn
That hails a new creation;
Thro’ all the tumult and the strife
I hear the music ringing;
It finds an echo in my soul—
How can I keep from singing?
What tho’ my joys and comforts die?
The Lord my Saviour liveth;
What tho’ the darkness gather round?
Songs in the night he giveth.
No storm can shake my inmost calm
While to that refuge clinging;
Since Christ is Lord of heaven and earth,
How can I keep from singing?
I lift my eyes; the cloud grows thin;
I see the blue above it;
And day by day this pathway smooths,
Since first I learned to love it,
The peace of Christ makes fresh my heart,
A fountain ever springing;
All things are mine since I am his—
How can I keep from singing?
Composed by: Lowry, Robert
Arranged by: Carter, Daniel Lyrics by: Lowry, Robert Key: F, G Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:30
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
How Beautiful Thy Temples, Lord
Arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
How Beautiful Thy Temples, Lord
How Beautiful Thy Temples, Lord – David Zabriskie, arranger
How Beautiful Thy Temples, Lord , arranged by composer, David Zabriskie for SATB voicing. A beautiful and easy arrangement of this beautiful hymn for SATB. The arrangement includes unison singing for men, women, all voices and one verse of SATB parts.
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Key: D Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: ca 3:30
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Hope of Israel (Hymn Enhancer – Zabriskie)
arr. David A. Zabriskie
Hymn Enhancer, SATB, piano
Hope of Israel (Hymn Enhancer – Zabriskie)
This arrangement of “Hope of Israel” is an “Hymn Enhancer”. Each Hymn Enhancer comes with two labels. The choir reads the music out of the hymnbook. The hymnal version is included for easy reading and contains instructions for the choir member on how this hymn is to be performed. These Hymn Enhancers are simple, beautiful, and quick to prepare. They are also great for teaching singing techniques and practices.
Composed by: Townsend, Joseph L.
Arranged by: Ballard, Jay Brian; Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Clayson, William Key: Bb Voicing: Hymn Enhancer, SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:30
His Work and His Glory
Daniel Carter
SATB, piano
His Work and His Glory
His Work and His Glory – Daniel Carter, composer
Daniel Carter sets a beloved passage of scripture to music in a memorable, singable setting for choir and piano that is enjoyable to learn and perform. “This is His work and His glory, to bring to pass the immortality and eternal life of man. Men are that they might have joy, but there must needs be opposition in all things, else we could not know joy from sorrow.”
Composed by: Carter, Daniel
Lyrics by: Carter, Daniel L. Key: G Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:40
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
He Is Risen! (SATB – Zabriskie)
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
He Is Risen! (SATB – Zabriskie)
Most of the time “He is Risen” is performed as an upbeat, jubilant song. This arrangement is performed with a reverent, retrospect feel bring to life the “awe” of the Resurrection. This is a simple SATB arrangement for the Easter season.
Composed by: Neander, Joachim
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Alexander, Cecil Frances Key: C Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:45
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Made popular by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir, this is one of the most performed and purchased arrangements by David A. Zabriskie. The performance you will hear is by the Brigham Young University Combined Choirs.
Composed by: Thompson, Will L.
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Thompson, Will L. Key: F Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 4:45
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Good Christians Friends Rejoice / O Come Let Us Adore Him
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
Good Christians Friends Rejoice / O Come Let Us Adore Him
Good Christians Friends Rejoice / O Come Let Us Adore Him – David A. Zabriskie, arranger
A joyous and “fun” arrangement of the two traditional Christmas Carols, “Good Christians All Rejoice” and “O Come Let Us Adore Him” arranged by David A. Zabriskie. This piece is for SATB Choir and piano accompaniment.
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Key: F Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:15
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
God So Loved the World (Stainer)
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
God So Loved the World (Stainer)
“God So Loved the World” is a well-known SATB (a cappella) choral setting by John Stainer. I love the piece; however, I found it challenging for some choirs to sing a cappella. I created this version/arrangement of Stainer’s glorious piece. It is accessible and beautiful.
Composed by: Stainer, John
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: New Testament Key: C Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 4:10
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
God Be with You Till We Meet Again (SATB – Carter)
arr. Daniel Carter
SATB, piano
God Be with You Till We Meet Again (SATB – Carter)
God Be with You Till We Meet Again – Daniel Carter, arranger
Arranged for full choir with piano accompaniment, with optional vocal solo sections for female and male vocalists, Daniel Carter has created a touching arrangement of this beloved Christian farewell. A soaring final “Till we meet at Jesus’ feet” concludes gently and tenderly with with the warm embrace of “God be with you till meet again.”
Composed by: Tomer, William
Arranged by: Carter, Daniel Lyrics by: Rankin, Jeremiah E. Key: C Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 4:25
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
First Noel / Jesus Once of Humble Birth (SATB – Zabriskie)
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
First Noel / Jesus Once of Humble Birth (SATB – Zabriskie)
First Noel / Jesus Once of Humble Birth
A beautiful and moving arrangement that combines both traditional carol “The First Noel” and the hymn “Jesus Once of Humble Birth”. One of David A. Zabriskie’s best selling arrangements for Christmas.
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Key: Ab Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Every Time I Feel the Spirit
David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
Every Time I Feel the Spirit
Every Time I Feel the Spirit – David A. Zabriskie, composer
The text for this plaintive song setting is from an African American Spiritual “Every Time I Feel the Spirit.” The music is composed by David A. Zabriskie.
Composed by: Zabriskie, David A.
Lyrics by: African American Spiritual Key: d minor Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: 2:11
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Come, Ye Thankful People (Hymn Enhancer – Zabriskie)
arr. David A. Zabriskie
Hymn Enhancer, SATB, piano
Come, Ye Thankful People (Hymn Enhancer – Zabriskie)
This arrangement of “Come, Ye Thankful People” is a “Hymn Enhancer”. Each Hymn Enhancer comes with two labels. The choir reads the music out of the hymnbook. The hymnal version is included for easy reading and contains instructions for the choir member on how this hymn is to be performed. These Hymn Enhancers are simple, beautiful, and quick to prepare. They are also great for teaching singing techniques and practices.
Composed by: Elvey, George J.
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Alford, Henry Key: F Voicing: Hymn Enhancer, SATB, piano Language: English
Come, We That Love the Lord (Hymn Enhancer – Zabriskie)
arr. David A. Zabriskie
Hymn Enhancer, SATB, piano
Come, We That Love the Lord (Hymn Enhancer – Zabriskie)
This arrangement of “Come, We That Love the Lord” is an “Hymn Enhancer”. Each Hymn Enhancer comes with two labels. The choir reads the music out of the hymnbook. The hymnal version is included for easy reading and contains instructions for the choir member on how this hymn is to be performed. These Hymn Enhancers are simple, beautiful, and quick to prepare. They are also great for teaching singing techniques and practices.
Composed by: Williams, Aaron
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Watts, Isaac Key: F Voicing: Hymn Enhancer, SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:15
Come, We That Love the Lord
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
Come, We That Love the Lord
This hymn of faith is beautifully arranged for simple SATB Choir by David A. Zabriskie. Easy to learn, easy to perform, wonderfully received by the congregation.
Composed by: Williams, Aaron
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Watts, Isaac Key: F Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:15
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Come, Lord Jesus (Zabriskie – SATB)
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
Come, Lord Jesus (Zabriskie – SATB)
“Come, Lord Jesus” is the title song from “Savior of the World: His Birth and Resurrection” created by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Opening in 2000, “Savior of the World” production (2014) is in it’s 19 season, 15th year. This arrangement of “Come, Lord Jesus” is for SATB choir by David A. Zabriskie, composer of “Savior of the World”. This includes the hymn “Jesus, Once of Humble Birth.”
Composed by: Zabriskie, David A.
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Key: D Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:10
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Come, Let Us Anew
David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
Come, Let Us Anew
Adapted from the tune attributed to James Luckas, words by Charles Wesley, this simply hymn is half old and half new. Note that the frequent and large fermatas are gone so that the hymn text flows. This somewhat new setting is by David A. Zabriskie for SATB choir.
Composed by: Zabriskie, David A.
Lyrics by: Wesley, Charles Key: F Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:00
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Come, Come Ye Saints (SATB – Zabriskie)
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
Come, Come Ye Saints (SATB – Zabriskie)
This is a stirring arrangement of the Mormon hymn, “Come, Come Ye Saints.” It is arranged for SATB choir. Simple yet moving.
Composed by: English Melody
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Clayton, William Key: G Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:25
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing (Zabriskie – SATB)
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing (Zabriskie – SATB)
This very well-known hymn is arranged for SATB choir and piano by composer David A. Zabriskie. This arrangement requires a good balance of parts. There is a beautiful descant at the end of the piece.
Composed by: Wyeth, John
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Robinson, Robert Key: Eb Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:20
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Come Follow Me
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
Come Follow Me
A beautiful arrangement of “Come Follow Me” for SATB choir. It is easy and accessible with a beautiful, poignant message.
Composed by: McBurney, Samuel
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Nicholson, John Key: Eb Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:00
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Christmas Once is Christmas Still
Daniel Carter
SATB, piano
Christmas Once is Christmas Still
Christmas Once is Christmas Still – Daniel Carter
Phillips Brooks, author of “O Little Town of Bethlehem,” also penned words to this anthem. Daniel Carter’s joyful choral setting is loved by both choir and audiences. An unusual and lovely message in a celebratory setting perfect for Christmas.
Composed by: Carter, Daniel
Lyrics by: Brooks, Phillips Key: d minor Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Christmas Morn
David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
Christmas Morn
Christmas Morn – David A. Zabriskie, composer
A beautiful setting of Edward Caswell’s text “Christmas Morn” by composer David A. Zabriskie. This setting is for SATB choir. It can also be performed as a duet.
Composed by: Zabriskie, David A.
Lyrics by: Caswell, Edward Key: Eb Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: 1:50
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Christmas Bells
David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
Christmas Bells
Christmas Bells – David A. Zabriskie, composer
This new setting of the familiar poem “I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day ” by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow” was commissioned by Niles North High School. It is one of the most popular Christmas songs by composer David A. Zabriskie. An orchestration is available for Strings, Timpani, Tubular Chimes and glockenspiel.
Composed by: Zabriskie, David A.
Lyrics by: Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth Key: F Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: 3:30
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Christ the Lord Has Risen
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
Christ the Lord Has Risen
This is an arrangement for Choir and Congregation. The Congregation joins in on the last verse singing the melody while the choir divides into a two-part descant. Traditional, accessible, and quick to learn.
Composed by: Carey, Henry
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Wesley, Charles Key: Db Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:40
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Christ is Risen !
Daniel Carter
SATB, piano
Christ is Risen !
Christ is Risen ! – Daniel Carter, composer
A small two-line hymn written by Daniel Carter is transformed into a celebratory Easter anthem in an easy to sing, soaring arrangement designed to highlight any Easter service. “Tell the story, tell the story! All the earth shall know His glory! From corruption Darkness ended, Rises man’s Eternal Friend!”
Composed by: Carter, Daniel
Lyrics by: Carter, Daniel L. Key: G Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:10
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Children of Our Heavenly Father (Zabriskie – SATB)
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
Children of Our Heavenly Father (Zabriskie – SATB)
This hymn arrangement is dedicated to Jane Fjeldsted. She commissioned the arrangement for a Sacred Music Choral Workshop. This piece is accessible to the small choir arranged by David A. Zabriskie. Simply beautiful.
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Sandell-Berg, Caroline V. Key: D Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:00
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
By Acts of Faith
Janice Kapp Perry, composer; Ann Kapp Andersen, arranger
SATB, piano
By Acts of Faith
By Acts of Faith – Janice Kapp Perry, composer; Ann Kapp Andersen, arranger
This piece is a masterful treatise on faith beginning with an intriguing description of Jesus walking on the water (in Matthew 14:25-33):
“By acts of faith the heart may know
the truths the eye can’t see.
Where reason fails, the Lord prevails
and walks across the sea.
By acts of faith the spark of hope
is fanned into a flame.
And God will show His miracles
by faith in Jesus’ name.”
This new choral arrangement could be sung in any religious setting.
Composed by: Perry, Janice Kapp
Arranged by: Andersen, Ann Kapp Lyrics by: Pearson, John V. Key: G Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:35
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Bright Pathways
arr. Ronald Staheli
SATB, piano
Bright Pathways
Bright Pathways – Ronald Staheli, arranger
A delightful new arrangement of “You Can Make the Pathway Bright” called “Bright Pathways”. This wonderful arrangement is by Dr. Ronald Staheli for SATB Choir with Piano Accompaniment.
Composed by: Dungan, James M.
Arranged by: Staheli, Ronald Lyrics by: Dungan, Helen Silcott Key: G Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: approx. 3:40
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Behold! A Royal Army
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
Behold! A Royal Army
Your choir will love this upbeat and enjoyable arrangement of “Behold! A Royal Army” arranged by composer, David Zabriskie. Congregations will love this!
Composed by: Geibel, Adam
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Crosby, Fanny J. Key: G Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:40
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Beautiful Zion (SATB – Strobel)
Robert Strobel
SATB, piano
Beautiful Zion (SATB – Strobel)
Beautiful Zion – Robert Strobel, composer
My setting of George Gill’s “Beautiful Zion” reflects the exciting and celebratory feelings that happen when one thinks about the millennium or Zion. I also envisioned a nod to those who came before us who sacrificed so much (and went so far) for religious freedom. Overall, the setting would thrive in a light conducting style. The melody is lyrical and free flowing and leaps often giving a sense of exultation. While the first two verses are rather upbeat, the final verse is a climax that peacefully concludes into a restful cadence.
Composed by: Strobel, Robert
Lyrics by: Gill, George Key: Bb, G Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:20
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Be Still My Soul (SATB – Zabriskie)
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
Be Still My Soul (SATB – Zabriskie)
A beautiful arrangement of the beloved hymn, “Be Still My Soul” for SATB Choir. The arrangement is accessible to church choirs.
Composed by: Sibelius, Jean
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Von Schlegel, Katharina Key: Eb Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 5:00
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Awake, Ye Saints of God, Awake!
arr. Ronald Staheli
SATB, piano
Awake, Ye Saints of God, Awake!
Awake, Ye Saints of God, Awake! – Ronald Staheli, arranger
A thrilling and moving arrangement of “Awake, Ye Saints of God, Awake!” for SATB choir and piano by Ronald Staheli.
Composed by: Stephens, Evan
Arranged by: Staheli, Ronald Lyrics by: Snow, Eliza R. Key: Db Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:55
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
As Zion’s Youth in Latter Days (SATB – Zabriskie)
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
As Zion’s Youth in Latter Days (SATB – Zabriskie)
A powerful and stirring arrangement of “As Zion’s Youth in Latter Days” by David A. Zabriskie. The key of this arrangement was chosen for the voices of the youth. Please drop a line to info@holysheetmusic.com if you want a version that is higher and more suited to an adult choir.
Composed by: Irish Melody
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: McCloud, Susan Evans Key: D Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:40
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
As the Shadows Fall (SATB – Zabriskie)
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
As the Shadows Fall (SATB – Zabriskie)
As the Shadows Fall (SATB) – David A. Zabriskie, arranger
Composed by: Durham, Lowell M.
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Durham, Lowell M. Jr Key: Db Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:00
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
As the Shadows Fall (Hymn Enhancer – Zabriskie)
arr. David A. Zabriskie
Hymn Enhancer, SATB, piano
As the Shadows Fall (Hymn Enhancer – Zabriskie)
“As the Shadows Fall” is a “Hymn Enhancer”. Each Hymn Enhancer comes with two labels. The choir reads the music out of the hymnbook. These Hymn Enhancers are simply, beautiful, and quick to prepare. They are also great for teaching singing techniques and practices.
Composed by: Durham, Lowell M.
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Durham, Lowell M. Jr Key: Db Voicing: Hymn Enhancer, SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:00
All Glory, Laud, and Honor
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
All Glory, Laud, and Honor
A rousing version of the hymn “All Glory, Laud and Honor” for SATB choir. The choir will particularly like the last verse sing unison and two-part to an alternate harmonized accompaniment.
Composed by: Teschner, Melchor
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Theodulph of Orleans Key: Bb Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:15
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Abide with Me!
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
Abide with Me!
A beautiful arrangement of the wonderful hymn “Abide with Me!” It is arranged for SATB choir with piano accompaniment by David A. Zabriskie. Notice the harmonic change on the lyric “change and decay”.
Composed by: Monk, William Henry
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Lyte, Henry F. Key: Eb Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:00
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Abide with Me; ‘Tis Eventide
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
Abide with Me; ‘Tis Eventide
A beautiful arrangement of the traditional Christian Hymn, “Abide with Me; ‘Tis Eventide” by David A. Zabriskie. This piece is very accessible to small ensemble or choir.
Composed by: Millard, Harrison
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Hofford, Lowrie M. Key: Eb Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 6:50
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
A Place of Prayer
Dean Hamill
SATB, piano
A Place of Prayer
A thrilling choral anthem suitable for building dedications or other worship services. Scored for SATB (with some divisi in S & A) and piano accompaniment. This composition was written for and performed at the rededication of the Orange Avenue Building, Cypress California Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Composed by: Hamill, Dean
Lyrics by: Hamill, Dean Key: Eb Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:50
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
A Place of Peace
Kathleen Holyoak
SATB, piano
A Place of Peace
“A Place of Peace,” a SATB setting by Kathleen Holyoak and Gary Croxall, will speak to your heart as it invites the Spirit: “A house of God where He abides, the temple changes hearts and lives. Those who humble seek his holy face, receive his spirit, His blessing, and His grace.”
Composed by: Holyoak, Kathleen
Lyrics by: Croxall, Gary Key: Bb Voicing: SATB, piano Duration: Approx.. 3:30
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
23rd Psalm
Joel Ahn
SATB, piano
23rd Psalm
The 23rd Psalm, set to music by Korean composer, Joel Ahn, has been translated into English by the composer. It is a magnificent setting and is simply moving. The recording heard here, is in Korean. The sheet music will soon be available in Korean.
Composed by: Ahn, Joel
Lyrics by: Old Testament Key: Eb Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 4:20
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.