The 23rd Psalm, set to music by Korean composer, Joel Ahn, has been translated into English by the composer. It is a magnificent setting and is simply moving. The recording heard here, is in Korean. The sheet music will soon be available in Korean.
Composed by: Ahn, Joel
Lyrics by: Old Testament Key: Eb Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 4:20
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
A Mother’s Love
Kathleen Holyoak
SAB, piano
A Mother’s Love
If you are looking for something special for Mother’s Day, this is the right choice! It tenderly expresses the love of a mother . . .strong like a mountain and gentle as early morning rain. “With God she cannot fail; as one they will prevail. A mother knelt inprayer is not alone.” Voiced for SAB with lovely yet simple harmonies, a choir will be able to learn this in a couple of rehearsals.
Composed by: Holyoak, Kathleen
Lyrics by: Summers, Sherry Key: C Voicing: SAB, piano Language: English
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
A Place of Peace
Kathleen Holyoak
SATB, piano
A Place of Peace
“A Place of Peace,” a SATB setting by Kathleen Holyoak and Gary Croxall, will speak to your heart as it invites the Spirit: “A house of God where He abides, the temple changes hearts and lives. Those who humble seek his holy face, receive his spirit, His blessing, and His grace.”
Composed by: Holyoak, Kathleen
Lyrics by: Croxall, Gary Key: Bb Voicing: SATB, piano Duration: Approx.. 3:30
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
A Place of Prayer
Dean Hamill
SATB, piano
A Place of Prayer
A thrilling choral anthem suitable for building dedications or other worship services. Scored for SATB (with some divisi in S & A) and piano accompaniment. This composition was written for and performed at the rededication of the Orange Avenue Building, Cypress California Stake of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Composed by: Hamill, Dean
Lyrics by: Hamill, Dean Key: Eb Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:50
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief (Vocal Solo – Zabriskie)
arr. David A. Zabriskie
Vocal Solo
A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief (Vocal Solo – Zabriskie)
This arrangement begins very simple and plaintiff weaving it’s way through both major and minor keys ending resoundingly. Arranged by David A. Zabriskie, this is a favorite among male vocal solos. It is down a third from the original key.
Composed by: Coles, George
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Montgomery, James Key: F Voicing: Vocal Solo Language: English Duration: Approx. 5:00
Abide with Me Tis’ Eventide (Parkinson, Violin)
arr. Kelly Clark Parkinson
Abide with Me Tis’ Eventide (Parkinson, Violin)
Kelly Clark-Parkinson has chosen a number of traditional and religious tunes, and she works the material from the inside, never overshadowing the melodies but instead seeking their highest, purest form. Ms. Clark-Parkinson is a tremendous instrumentalist. Here, she serves the material, letting the beauty of the melodies she has chosen take the forefront, rather than spoiling the mood with unnecessary pyrotechnics and flourishes (of which she would certainly be more than capable.) The arrangements aren’t simple or dumbed-down, they are just right.
This is track 06 from Kelly Clark Parkinson’s album: “How Sweet the Sound”
Composed by: Monk, William Henry
Arranged by: Parkinson, Kelly Clark Key: Ab Voicing: Violin Duration: Approx. 3:50
Abide with Me Tis’ Eventide (Parkinson, Violin) – mp3
arr. Kelly Clark Parkinson
mp3, Violin
Abide with Me Tis’ Eventide (Parkinson, Violin) – mp3
Kelly Clark-Parkinson has chosen a number of traditional and religious tunes, and she works the material from the inside, never overshadowing the melodies but instead seeking their highest, purest form. Ms. Clark-Parkinson is a tremendous instrumentalist. Here, she serves the material, letting the beauty of the melodies she has chosen take the forefront, rather than spoiling the mood with unnecessary pyrotechnics and flourishes (of which she would certainly be more than capable.) The arrangements aren’t simple or dumbed-down, they are just right.
This is track 06 from Kelly Clark Parkinson’s album: “How Sweet the Sound”
Composed by: Monk, William Henry
Arranged by: Parkinson, Kelly Clark Key: Ab Voicing: mp3, Violin Duration: Approx. 3:50
Abide with Me; ‘Tis Eventide
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
Abide with Me; ‘Tis Eventide
A beautiful arrangement of the traditional Christian Hymn, “Abide with Me; ‘Tis Eventide” by David A. Zabriskie. This piece is very accessible to small ensemble or choir.
Composed by: Millard, Harrison
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Hofford, Lowrie M. Key: Eb Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 6:50
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Abide with Me!
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
Abide with Me!
A beautiful arrangement of the wonderful hymn “Abide with Me!” It is arranged for SATB choir with piano accompaniment by David A. Zabriskie. Notice the harmonic change on the lyric “change and decay”.
Composed by: Monk, William Henry
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Lyte, Henry F. Key: Eb Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:00
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
arr. Kathleen Holyoak
Harp, Harp Solo
Adam-ondi-Ahman for pedal harp, arranged by Kathleen Holyoak, originates from the 1835 Southern Appalachian folk hymn, “Prospect of Heaven.” This simplistic yet lovely arrangement, written specifically written for a lever or pedal harp, is a great choice for a harp recital, worship service, or for your own personal enjoyment.
Composed by: Anon.
Arranged by: Holyoak, Kathleen Key: G Voicing: Harp, Harp Solo Duration: Approx. 1:30
Afternoon on a Hill
Michael F. Moody
Solo, Vocal Solo
Afternoon on a Hill
A beautiful setting for Vocal Solo by composer Michael F. Moody of Edna St. Vincent Millay’s “Afternoon on a Hill” that recently came into public domain.
Composed by: Moody, Michael F.
Lyrics by: Millay, Edna St. Vincent Key: F Voicing: Solo, Vocal Solo Language: English Duration: Approx. 1:10
Again We Meet Around the Board
David A. Zabriskie
SATB (with descant), Piano
Again We Meet Around the Board
Again We Meet Around the Board (SATB with Descant) – David A. Zabriskie, composer
Composed by: Zabriskie, David A.
Lyrics by: Snow, Eliza R. Key: D Voicing: SATB (with descant), Piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:10
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Agnus Dei (SATB – Michaels)
Arthur J. Michaels
Agnus Dei (SATB – Michaels)
Agnus Dei – Arthur J. Michaels, composer
This moving SATB a cappella setting is a showpiece for a choir’s phrasing, dynamic range, independence, and control. The piece, about a grade 3 (on a scale of 1 to 6), is an excellent selection for any venue, and singers and audiences will enjoy its fresh harmonies and varied dynamic range.
Composed by: Michaels, Arthur J.
Lyrics by: Traditional Latin Text Key: d minor Voicing: SATB Language: Latin Duration: Approx. 3:10
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
All Creatures of Our God and King (Violin Duet – Woods) – mp3
arr. David A. Zabriskie
mp3, Violin Duet
All Creatures of Our God and King (Violin Duet – Woods) – mp3
All Creatures of Our God and King – David A. Zabriskie, arranger
This amazing arrangement by David A. Zabriskie uses mixed meter and intricate interplay between the two violins to demonstrate the joy and edifying every inherent in the beautiful creatures and landscape of this world. This arrangement helps us rejoice at our great blessing to be here on the earth.
All Creatures of Our God and King (Piano Solo – Daniel Carter)
All Creatures of Our God and King – Daniel Carter, arranger
This beloved hymn tune is transformed into a contemporary, slightly new age piano solo to celebrate gratitude for life, nature, and the entire work of creation. Suitable for home, church, and concert, this arrangement provides challenge, but still accessible for moderate level pianists. Available for the first time as a single piano solo through
Arranged by: Carter, Daniel Key: C Voicing: Piano Solo Duration: Approx. 4:35
All Creatures of Our God and King (Violin Duet – Zabriskie)
arr. David A. Zabriskie
Violin Duet
All Creatures of Our God and King (Violin Duet – Zabriskie)
All Creatures of Our God and King – Violin Duet; David A. Zabriskie, arranger
This amazing arrangement by David A. Zabriskie uses mixed meter and intricate interplay between the two violins to demonstrate the joy and edifying energy inherent in the beautiful creatures and landscape of this world. This arrangement helps us rejoice at our great blessing to be here on the earth. Performed by Alexander and Aubrey Woods. This track was recorded for the Woods’ “All Is Well” album.
Composed by: Geistliche Kirchengesänge, Köln, 1623
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Key: Bb, G Voicing: Violin Duet Duration: Approx. 4:50
All Glory, Laud, and Honor
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
All Glory, Laud, and Honor
A rousing version of the hymn “All Glory, Laud and Honor” for SATB choir. The choir will particularly like the last verse sing unison and two-part to an alternate harmonized accompaniment.
Composed by: Teschner, Melchor
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Theodulph of Orleans Key: Bb Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:15
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Rock Oakeson
An accessible Christmas piece for SATB choir by composer Rock Oakeson. It was originally written for an 8-voice chamber choir. The piece is basically in A minor with lots of open fifths to suggest an “ancient” feel.
Composed by: Oakeson, Rock
Lyrics by: Oakeson, Rock Key: a minor Voicing: SATB Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:10
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Amazing Grace
arr. Ryan Tilby
Guitar Solo
Amazing Grace
Amazing Grace, arranged for resophonic guitar tuned to open D. Could easily be played on a steel-string with a slide. This arrangement brings out the early American roots of the song. For solo guitar.
Arranged by: Tilby, Ryan Key: E Voicing: Guitar Solo Duration: Approx. 2:50
Amazing Grace (Violin – Parkinson)
arr. Kelly Clark Parkinson
Amazing Grace (Violin – Parkinson)
Kelly Clark-Parkinson has chosen a number of traditional and religious tunes, and she works the material from the inside, never overshadowing the melodies but instead seeking their highest, purest form. Ms. Clark-Parkinson is a tremendous instrumentalist. Here, she serves the material, letting the beauty of the melodies she has chosen take the forefront, rather than spoiling the mood with unnecessary pyrotechnics and flourishes (of which she would certainly be more than capable.) The arrangements aren’t simple or dumbed-down, they are just right.
This is track 01 from Kelly Clark Parkinson’s album: “How Sweet the Sound”
Arranged by: Parkinson, Kelly Clark Key: D Voicing: Violin Duration: Approx. 3:15
Amazing Grace (Violin – Parkinson) – mp3
arr. Kelly Clark Parkinson
mp3, Violin
Amazing Grace (Violin – Parkinson) – mp3
Kelly Clark-Parkinson has chosen a number of traditional and religious tunes, and she works the material from the inside, never overshadowing the melodies but instead seeking their highest, purest form. Ms. Clark-Parkinson is a tremendous instrumentalist. Here, she serves the material, letting the beauty of the melodies she has chosen take the forefront, rather than spoiling the mood with unnecessary pyrotechnics and flourishes (of which she would certainly be more than capable.) The arrangements aren’t simple or dumbed-down, they are just right.
This is track 01 from Kelly Clark Parkinson’s album: “How Sweet the Sound”
Composed by: Traditional English Carol
Arranged by: Parkinson, Kelly Clark Key: D Voicing: mp3, Violin Duration: Approx. 3:15
America the Beautiful
arr. Kelly Clark Parkinson
America the Beautiful
Kelly Clark-Parkinson has chosen a number of traditional and religious tunes, and she works the material from the inside, never overshadowing the melodies but instead seeking their highest, purest form. Ms. Clark-Parkinson is a tremendous instrumentalist. Here, she serves the material, letting the beauty of the melodies she has chosen take the forefront, rather than spoiling the mood with unnecessary pyrotechnics and flourishes (of which she would certainly be more than capable.) The arrangements aren’t simple or dumbed-down, they are just right.
This is track 07 from Kelly Clark Parkinson’s album: “How Sweet the Sound”
Composed by: Ward, Samuel A.
Arranged by: Parkinson, Kelly Clark Key: Ab, G Voicing: Violin Duration: Approx. 3:50
America the Beautiful – mp3
arr. Kelly Clark Parkinson
America the Beautiful – mp3
Kelly Clark-Parkinson has chosen a number of traditional and religious tunes, and she works the material from the inside, never overshadowing the melodies but instead seeking their highest, purest form. Ms. Clark-Parkinson is a tremendous instrumentalist. Here, she serves the material, letting the beauty of the melodies she has chosen take the forefront, rather than spoiling the mood with unnecessary pyrotechnics and flourishes (of which she would certainly be more than capable.) The arrangements aren’t simple or dumbed-down, they are just right.
This is track 07 from Kelly Clark Parkinson’s album: “How Sweet the Sound”
Composed by: Ward, Samuel A.
Arranged by: Parkinson, Kelly Clark Key: Ab, G Voicing: Violin Duration: Approx. 3:50
An Irish Blessing
Rock Oakeson
An Irish Blessing
An Irish Blessing, TTBB a cappella (1997)
Rock Oakeson served for several years as Pianist for the Salt Lake Men’s Choir, and during this time was often asked to arrange and compose pieces for the group. At one point he was asked to create a “signature” piece to be used at concerts and church performances, often as the encore. The result was this setting of the traditional Irish prayer, familiar to many. Slow and mellow, with a wandering sense of harmony, this piece is ideal both for the concert hall and church service. It is intermediate in difficulty.
Composed by: Oakeson, Rock
Lyrics by: Traditional Prayer Key: C Voicing: TTBB Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:10
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Angels from the Realms of Glory (SATB – Holyoak)
Kathleen Holyoak, arranger
SATB, organ
Angels from the Realms of Glory (SATB – Holyoak)
Angels from the Realms of Glory – Kathleen Holyoak, arranger
The traditional 1816 anthem, “Angels From the Realms of Glory,” is a joyous opening title for any sacred Christmas devotional of church meeting. This fast-paced arrangement is enhanced with an exciting organ accompaniment and will certainly thrill any audience. Follow the words by James Montgomery as you listen:
Angels from the realms of glory,
Sing your flight o’er all the earth;
Ye who sang creation’s glory
Now proclaim Messiah’s birth.
Come and worship, come and worship;
Worship Christ, the newborn King.
Shepherds in the fields abiding,
Watching o’er their flocks by night.
God with man is now residing,
Yonder shines the infant light.
Come and worship, come and worship;
Worship Christ, the newborn King.
Bridge: Angels, Angels, Angels from the realms of glory!
Sages, leave your contemplations,
Brighter visions beam afar.
Seek the great desire of nations,
Ye have seen His natal star.
Come and worship, come and worship
Worship Christ, the newborn King.
Saints before the altar bending,
Watching long in hope and fear.
Suddenly the Lord, descending,
In His temple shall appear.
Come and worship, come and worship;
Worship Christ the newborn King.
Worship Christ, the newborn King.
Christ the Lord, our newborn King!
Composed by: Smart, Henry
Arranged by: Holyoak, Kathleen Lyrics by: Montgomery, James Key: A, Ab, Bb Voicing: SATB, organ Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:20
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Angels We Have Heard on High (Piano Solo – Tonioli)
arr. Jason Tonioli
Piano Solo
Angels We Have Heard on High (Piano Solo – Tonioli)
Angels We Have Heard on High – arr. Jason Tonioli
This is one of my mother’s favorite songs. She sang in a choir as a teenage girl. For one of their concerts, choir members stood on a platform shaped like a Christmas tree during a holiday concert. Singing with the choir, the harmony of the “Gloria In Excelsis Deo” chorus reminds her of how the hosts of heaven singing must have sounded.
Arranged by: Tonioli, Jason Key: F Voicing: Piano Solo Duration: Approx. 4:38
Around the Throne of God a Band
Brett Zumsteg
Vocal Solo
Around the Throne of God a Band
A simple and beautiful setting of this lovely hymn text “Around the Throne of God a Band” composed by Organist/Composer, Brett Zumsteg.
Composed by: Zumsteg, Brett
Lyrics by: Neale, Rev. John Mason Key: F Voicing: Vocal Solo Language: English Duration: Approx. 1:40
As Sisters in Zion (Perry/Carter SA)
arr. Daniel Carter
As Sisters in Zion (Perry/Carter SA)
As Sisters in Zion
Words by Emily H. Woodmansee
Music by Janice Kapp Perry
Arranged by Daniel Carter
Key: B flat
Voicing: SA
Beloved hymn for women, Daniel Carter creates an arrangement that is easy to perform with a delightful, dance-like accompaniment. Designed to be performed as both a duet and as a choral arrangement, this piece will require minimal rehearsal time.
Composed by: Perry, Janice Kapp
Arranged by: Carter, Daniel Lyrics by: Woodmansee, Emily H. Key: Bb Voicing: SA Language: English Duration: Approx. 1:50
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
As the Shadows Fall (Hymn Enhancer – Zabriskie)
arr. David A. Zabriskie
Hymn Enhancer, SATB, piano
As the Shadows Fall (Hymn Enhancer – Zabriskie)
“As the Shadows Fall” is a “Hymn Enhancer”. Each Hymn Enhancer comes with two labels. The choir reads the music out of the hymnbook. These Hymn Enhancers are simply, beautiful, and quick to prepare. They are also great for teaching singing techniques and practices.
Composed by: Durham, Lowell M.
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Durham, Lowell M. Jr Key: Db Voicing: Hymn Enhancer, SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:00
As the Shadows Fall (SATB – Zabriskie)
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
As the Shadows Fall (SATB – Zabriskie)
As the Shadows Fall (SATB) – David A. Zabriskie, arranger
Composed by: Durham, Lowell M.
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Durham, Lowell M. Jr Key: Db Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:00
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
As Zion’s Youth in Latter Days (SATB – Anneken)
arr. Ulf Anneken
SATB, organ
As Zion’s Youth in Latter Days (SATB – Anneken)
As Zion’s Youth in Latter Days – Ulf Anneken, arranger
A powerful arrangement of this stirring hymn. Commissioned for the BYU Idaho Men’s and Women’s Choirs. This arrangement was premiered February 2, 2016. A wonderful, relatively easy to learn rendition appropriate for youth or adult adult choirs.
Arranged by: Anneken, Ulf Lyrics by: McCloud, Susan Evans Key: F Voicing: SATB, organ Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:00
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
As Zion’s Youth in Latter Days (SATB – Zabriskie)
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
As Zion’s Youth in Latter Days (SATB – Zabriskie)
A powerful and stirring arrangement of “As Zion’s Youth in Latter Days” by David A. Zabriskie. The key of this arrangement was chosen for the voices of the youth. Please drop a line to if you want a version that is higher and more suited to an adult choir.
Composed by: Irish Melody
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: McCloud, Susan Evans Key: D Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:40
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Awake, Ye Saints of God, Awake!
arr. Ronald Staheli
SATB, piano
Awake, Ye Saints of God, Awake!
Awake, Ye Saints of God, Awake! – Ronald Staheli, arranger
A thrilling and moving arrangement of “Awake, Ye Saints of God, Awake!” for SATB choir and piano by Ronald Staheli.
Composed by: Stephens, Evan
Arranged by: Staheli, Ronald Lyrics by: Snow, Eliza R. Key: Db Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:55
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Away in a Manger (SATB – Moody)
Michael F. Moody
Away in a Manger (SATB – Moody)
This new setting of “Away in a Manger” is by composer/arranger, Michael F. Moody. It is a delight. It’s simple, one page and accessible for any size ensemble.
Composed by: Moody, Michael F.
Lyrics by: Anon. Key: F Voicing: SATB Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:15
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Away in a Manger (SSAA – Nielsen)
arr. Matthew B. Nielsen
SSAA with Soloists and Optional Instruments
Away in a Manger (SSAA – Nielsen)
One of my favorite musical inventions of the 21st century is the “mash-up.” Used mostly in popular music styles, the general idea of the technique is to take two or more songs and combine them, intertwining their musical themes and rhythmic ideas to create new musical ideas. I enjoy using this pop music technique in my works for the concert hall. In this piece, you’ll hear this used mostly in the second verse. While the sopranos sing the melody, the altos sing an altered version of the hymn “The Lord Is My Shepherd” as a counter melody. Meanwhile, the accompaniment borrows from “Joseph Dear, Oh Joseph Mine,” “The Wexford Carol,” and “Mary’s Lullaby.” Combined with the “Coventry Carol” transition between the first and second verses, there are five different songs and carols that will be heard.
While the piano accompaniment illustrates the musical borrowing, the pastoral nature of this setting is best heard when using the instrumental accompaniment. The original arrangement is scored for flute, oboe, guitar, and piano. The parts are included here, with an alternate piano/vocal score for when the instruments are being utilized. Feel free to use any C instrument that works for your choir. The guitar is optional, but I highly recommend it, as it really adds to the overall sound.
It was a joy to write this arrangement, and I hope you enjoy performing it.
Composed by: Kirkpatrick, William J.
Arranged by: Nielsen, Matthew B. Key: D Voicing: SSAA with Soloists and Optional Instruments Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:20
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Away in a Manger (Two-part vocal – Leavitt, John)
arr. John C. Leavitt
Duet, Two-Part Vocal
Away in a Manger (Two-part vocal – Leavitt, John)
I love this arrangement of “Away in a Manger” by John C. Leavitt for Two-part vocal, violin and piano. It is just lovely. I was sold on this piece the first time I heard it.
In this moving and tender setting of the favorite Christmas song Away in a Manger, there is a great feeling of love and liberation. The piano part gently flows along like water, the violin climbs and soars in quartal steps, and the two women’s voices lovingly describe the scene of the birth of Christ. Notice that the tone and tempo of the last verse change and become as still and reverent as the prayer that it recites. A simple arrangement, but one that contains a deep and moving spirit. Great for a two-part women’s chorus!
Composed by: Murray, James R.
Arranged by: Leavitt, John C. Lyrics by: Traditional English Carol Key: D Voicing: Duet, Two-Part Vocal Language: English Duration: Approx 4:05
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Away in a Manger-Jesus Once of Humble Birth (Piano Solo – Tonioli)
arr. Jason Tonioli
Piano Solo
Away in a Manger-Jesus Once of Humble Birth (Piano Solo – Tonioli)
Arranged by: Tonioli, Jason Key: C Voicing: Piano Solo
Baptism Hymn (for Mollie) – TTBB
arr. David Ross
TTBB, piano
Baptism Hymn (for Mollie) – TTBB
Baptism – David Ross, arranger
An artful combination of two beloved baptism songs, When I Am Baptized, by Nita Dale Milner,and Baptism by Crawford Gates, set for men’s voices. This sweet arrangement, written for the BYU Men’s Chorus, is one of the 14 tracks on their album of missionary hymns Set Apart, which can be downloaded for free at
Composed by: Gates, Crawford; Milner, Nita Dale
Arranged by: Ross, David Lyrics by: Gabbott, Mabel Jones; Milner, Nita Dale Key: F Voicing: TTBB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:35
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Battle Hymn of the Republic
arr. Jason Robison
Men Two-Part, Piano
Battle Hymn of the Republic
If you are looking for a different arrangement of a familiar patriotic and spiritual hymn, this is it. Rather than a march, this rendition of the Battle Hymn takes a more laid back approach. The vocal lines are simple and easy to learn. This piece is also very versatile and can be used in a Tenor/Bass or Soprano/Alto setting. It could also be sung as a solo. Enjoy!
Composed by: Anon.
Arranged by: Robison, Jason Lyrics by: Howe, Julia Ward Key: Ab Voicing: Men Two-Part, Piano Language: English Duration: approx. 4:10
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Be Not Afraid
Janice Kapp Perry; arr. Ann Kapp Andersen
Be Not Afraid
Be Not Afraid (SATB) – Janice Kapp Perry and Ann Kapp Andersen, composers/arrangers
This motivating anthem is a powerful treatise on walking by faith through all of the challenges and trials of our lives. No stranger to trials himself, John V. Pearson penned these poignant lyrics a few years before his passing at an early age. Combined with the music of Janice Kapp Perry and now the choral arrangement by Ann Kapp Andersen, it stands as a strong testimony of how we must trust God’s way in every aspect of our lives. It would enhance any church meeting and could especially fortify missionaries as they depart.
Composed by: Perry, Janice Kapp
Arranged by: Andersen, Ann Kapp Lyrics by: Pearson, John V. Key: C Voicing: SATB Language: English Duration: Approx. 4:25
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Be Still My Soul (Violin Duet – Woods) – mp3
arr. David A. Zabriskie
mp3, Violin Duet
Be Still My Soul (Violin Duet – Woods) – mp3
Be Still My Soul – David A. Zabriskie, arranger
This stunning arrangement by David A. Zabriskie of the beloved hymn “Be Still My Soul” feels like pure heavenly love. We felt it was the perfect arrangement to end our album.
Composed by: Sibelius, Jean
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Voicing: mp3, Violin Duet Duration: Approx. 4:05
Be Still My Soul (Holyoak, Viola Solo)
arr. Kathleen Holyoak
Instrumental Solo, Viola, Piano
Be Still My Soul (Holyoak, Viola Solo)
Title: Be Still My Soul – Viola Solo
Arrangement by Kathleen Holyoak
Performance time: 3:20
Keys: Eb, F, and ending in G
Composed by: Sibelius, Jean
Arranged by: Holyoak, Kathleen Key: Eb, F, G Voicing: Instrumental Solo, Viola, Piano Duration: Approx. 3:20
Be Still My Soul (SATB – Zabriskie)
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
Be Still My Soul (SATB – Zabriskie)
A beautiful arrangement of the beloved hymn, “Be Still My Soul” for SATB Choir. The arrangement is accessible to church choirs.
Composed by: Sibelius, Jean
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Von Schlegel, Katharina Key: Eb Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 5:00
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Be Still My Soul (Violin Duet – Zabriskie)
arr. David A. Zabriskie
Violin Duet
Be Still My Soul (Violin Duet – Zabriskie)
Be Still My Soul – Violin Duet; David A. Zabriskie, arranger
This stunning arrangement by David A. Zabriskie of the beloved hymn “Be Still My Soul” feels like pure heavenly love. Performed by Alexander and Aubrey Woods. This track was recorded for the Woods’ “All Is Well” album.
Composed by: Sibelius, Jean
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Key: A Voicing: Violin Duet Duration: Approx. 4:50
Be Still, My Soul (TTBB – Zabriskie)
arr. David A. Zabriskie
TTBB, piano
Be Still, My Soul (TTBB – Zabriskie)
Adapted from Zabriskie’s popular SATB arrangement, “Be Still, My Soul” is now arranged for TTBB. Whether a quarter of men or ensemble, this piece is stunningly beautiful and accessible.
Composed by: Sibelius, Jean
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Von Schlegel, Katharina Key: F Voicing: TTBB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 5:00
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Be Thou My Vision (Piano Solo – Tonioli)
arr. Jason Tonioli
Piano Solo
Be Thou My Vision (Piano Solo – Tonioli)
Be Thou My Vision – arr. Jason Tonioli
The music for this song is an Irish folk song entitled, “Slane”. David Evans combined the old Irish text written in the 6th century with the folk melody and it was first published in the 1927 edition of the Church of Scotland’s Hymnary. It is now sung in churches around the world and is widely known as “Be Thou My Vision.”
A popular arrangement of this melody has been performed by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir in which they combine the folk melody Slane, with the text “Take Time to be Holy” which was written by William D. Longstaff.
I decided to include this arrangement in this Christmas book because even though it may not be considered a traditional Christmas carol, the message of a Savior in this song is clear and is certainly fitting for the Christmas Season.
Arranged by: Tonioli, Jason Key: F Voicing: Piano Solo
Beautiful Savior (Violin Duet – Woods) – mp3
arr. Alexander and Aubrey Woods
mp3, Violin Duet
Beautiful Savior (Violin Duet – Woods) – mp3
Beautiful Savior – Alexander and Aubrey Woods, arrangers
With Beautiful Savior we tried to create the sincerity and genuine love of Jesus through a child’s eyes. Perhaps you will see the beautiful light that surrounds us, or maybe hear birds singing. Maybe even a music box on the second verse. Whatever you hear, we hope to express the perfect beauty of our Savior.
Of all the traditional Hymns that refer to the Savior, I felt like this one captured the Christmas Spirit. I included this in this Christmas book because it has always reminded me of a lullaby you would sing to a baby. What better way to recognize the baby Jesus, than with this music that was written for Him.
This song is also entitled “Fairest Lord Jesus.” The music and lyrics were written by German Jesuits in the 17th Century and is known as a Silesian folk song. The version most people are familiar with was arranged by Richard S. Willis in 1850.
Composed by: Silesian Folk Tune
Arranged by: Fleming, Sam Lyrics by: Anon., Twelfth Century Key: B major, Eb, G Voicing: SATB, organ Language: English Duration: Approx. 4:05
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Beautiful Zion, Built Above (SATB with Organ Accomp. – Fleming)
arr. Sam Fleming
SATB, organ
Beautiful Zion, Built Above (SATB with Organ Accomp. – Fleming)
Beautiful Zion, Built Above (SATB with Organ Accomp.) – Sam Fleming, arranger
Composed by: Fones, Joseph G.
Arranged by: Fleming, Sam Lyrics by: Gill, George Key: Ab, D, F, Gb Voicing: SATB, organ Language: English Duration: Approx. 4:30
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Behold the Lamb of God
Kathleen Holyoak
SATB, organ
Behold the Lamb of God
Behold the Lamb of God, by Kathleen Holyoak, won the first place award in the Church Music Submissions in 2002 and a standing ovation in concert. Arranged for mixed Chorus (SATB) and organ, it is a wonderful choice for the opening or closing title for a Christmas worship service or concert. Written in a Classical style for choir but enhanced with dissonance and modern rhythms in the organ accompaniment, the music builds to an exciting and glorious ending. The first verse, with words written by Lawrence Lee, is as follows:
Break forth into joy, oh Israel,
Behold the Lamb of God.
He comes to earth this joyous day
to spread His light abroad.
Angel voices raise their song,
Join in praise with Heaven’s throng.
Break forth and sing, “Hosanna,
Hosanna to our King.”
Copyright 2002
Composed by: Holyoak, Kathleen
Lyrics by: Lee, Lawrence Key: D Voicing: SATB, organ Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:15
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Behold! A Royal Army
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
Behold! A Royal Army
Your choir will love this upbeat and enjoyable arrangement of “Behold! A Royal Army” arranged by composer, David Zabriskie. Congregations will love this!
Composed by: Geibel, Adam
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Crosby, Fanny J. Key: G Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:40
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Pew, Douglas
SATB, Piano and Oboe (or Flute)
Bethlehem is a pastoral Christmas Carol depicting the scene of shepherds and their sheep reverently walking to see the Christ-child on the night of His birth. Set to a text by American poet Clinton Scollard, this new carol creates a mood of reverence and awe at the Nativity scene. The solo oboe (or flute) plays fluttering and shimmering starlight passages that guide the shepherds to the manger.
Composed by: Pew, Douglas
Lyrics by: Scollard, Clinton Key: F Voicing: SATB, Piano and Oboe (or Flute) Language: English Duration: Approx. 5:30
Bulk Pricing : 1.35 when you buy 10 or more
Bless the Lord
David H. Sargent
Bless the Lord
“Bless the Lord” is a challenging a cappella setting of verses from Psalm 104. This exquisite piece combines reverent homophony with intricate word-painting in a description of the creation with honor to the Lord.
Composed by: Sargent, David H.
Lyrics by: Psalm 104 Key: e minor Voicing: SATB, SSAATTBB Language: English Duration: Approx. 4:40
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Blessed Baby, Savior of Men
Kathleen Holyoak
SATB, piano and violin
Blessed Baby, Savior of Men
A hymn-like setting with violin descant by Kathleen Holyoak, words by Gary Croxall.
Composed by: Holyoak, Kathleen
Lyrics by: Croxall, Gary Key: D Voicing: SATB, piano and violin Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:30
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Bright Pathways
arr. Ronald Staheli
SATB, piano
Bright Pathways
Bright Pathways – Ronald Staheli, arranger
A delightful new arrangement of “You Can Make the Pathway Bright” called “Bright Pathways”. This wonderful arrangement is by Dr. Ronald Staheli for SATB Choir with Piano Accompaniment.
Composed by: Dungan, James M.
Arranged by: Staheli, Ronald Lyrics by: Dungan, Helen Silcott Key: G Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: approx. 3:40
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Brightly Beams Our Father’s Mercy
arr. Ryan Tilby
Guitar Solo
Brightly Beams Our Father’s Mercy
Brightly Beams Our Father’s Mercy, for solo acoustic guitar in an open C tuning, is a lush and open sounding arrangement that lends itself to steel-string guitar. It’s approachable and reverent, with frequent melody harmonies soaring over low pedal tones. For solo guitar.
Composed by: Bliss, Philip P.
Arranged by: Tilby, Ryan Key: D Voicing: Guitar Solo Duration: Approx. 3:05
Brightly Beams Our Father’s Mercy, for solo acoustic guitar in an open C tuning, is a lush and open sounding arrangement that lends itself to steel-string guitar. It’s approachable and reverent, with frequent melody harmonies soaring over low pedal tones. For solo guitar. This is track 09 from Ryan Tilby’s album “Sacred Guitar”.
Composed by: Bliss, Philip P.
Arranged by: Tilby, Ryan Key: D Voicing: Guitar Solo, mp3 Duration: Approx. 3:05
By Acts of Faith
Janice Kapp Perry, composer; Ann Kapp Andersen, arranger
SATB, piano
By Acts of Faith
By Acts of Faith – Janice Kapp Perry, composer; Ann Kapp Andersen, arranger
This piece is a masterful treatise on faith beginning with an intriguing description of Jesus walking on the water (in Matthew 14:25-33):
“By acts of faith the heart may know
the truths the eye can’t see.
Where reason fails, the Lord prevails
and walks across the sea.
By acts of faith the spark of hope
is fanned into a flame.
And God will show His miracles
by faith in Jesus’ name.”
This new choral arrangement could be sung in any religious setting.
Composed by: Perry, Janice Kapp
Arranged by: Andersen, Ann Kapp Lyrics by: Pearson, John V. Key: G Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:35
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Called To Serve (TTBB)
arr. David A. Zabriskie
TTBB, piano
Called To Serve (TTBB)
Called To Serve (TTBB), David A. Zabriskie – arranger
A stirring arrangement of the missionary hymn, Called To Serve, for TTBB choir with piano accompaniment. This arrangement was commissioned by the Brigham Young University Men’s Chorus, Rosalind Hall – Director.
Composed by: Geibel, Adam
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Gordon, Grace Key: C Voicing: TTBB, piano Language: English Duration: 4:06
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Children of Our Heavenly Father (Piano Solo – Holyoak)
Kathleen Holyoak
Piano Solo
Children of Our Heavenly Father (Piano Solo – Holyoak)
This traditional Swedish melody, otherwise known as “Children of Our Heavenly Father,” is enhanced so beautifully by Kathleen Holyoak’s piano arrangement. It is lilting and expressive but requires a moderately advanced pianist to perform.
Composed by: Holyoak, Kathleen
Key: D Voicing: Piano Solo Duration: Approx. 3:00
Children of Our Heavenly Father (Zabriskie – SATB)
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
Children of Our Heavenly Father (Zabriskie – SATB)
This hymn arrangement is dedicated to Jane Fjeldsted. She commissioned the arrangement for a Sacred Music Choral Workshop. This piece is accessible to the small choir arranged by David A. Zabriskie. Simply beautiful.
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Sandell-Berg, Caroline V. Key: D Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:00
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Christ Is Born
David A. Zabriskie
Christ Is Born
This little hymn was originally written in 1975 by composer David Zabriskie. It has been slightly reworked (voice-leading) to its new state. The text was written for Dr. Zabriskie by the late Mabel Jones Gabbott.
Composed by: Zabriskie, David A.
Lyrics by: Gabbott, Mabel Jones Key: C Voicing: SATB Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:20
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Christ is Risen !
Daniel Carter
SATB, piano
Christ is Risen !
Christ is Risen ! – Daniel Carter, composer
A small two-line hymn written by Daniel Carter is transformed into a celebratory Easter anthem in an easy to sing, soaring arrangement designed to highlight any Easter service. “Tell the story, tell the story! All the earth shall know His glory! From corruption Darkness ended, Rises man’s Eternal Friend!”
Composed by: Carter, Daniel
Lyrics by: Carter, Daniel L. Key: G Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:10
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Christ is Risen ! (SATB with combined Piano\Organ Accompaniment)
Daniel Carter, arr. by Kathleen Holyoak and Daniel Carter
SATB, piano and organ
Christ is Risen ! (SATB with combined Piano\Organ Accompaniment)
Christ is Risen ! – Daniel Carter, composer
A small two-line hymn written by Daniel Carter is transformed into a celebratory Easter anthem in an easy to sing, soaring arrangement designed to highlight any Easter service. “Tell the story, tell the story! All the earth shall know His glory! From corruption Darkness ended, Rises man’s Eternal Friend!”
Kathleen liked Dan’s piece so much, that she asked Dan about collaborating on a version with combined piano/organ accompaniment. I love this piece. I love this collaboration!
Composed by: Carter, Daniel
Arranged by: Carter, Daniel; Holyoak, Kathleen Lyrics by: Carter, Daniel L. Key: G Voicing: SATB, piano and organ Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:10
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Christ the Lord Has Risen
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
Christ the Lord Has Risen
This is an arrangement for Choir and Congregation. The Congregation joins in on the last verse singing the melody while the choir divides into a two-part descant. Traditional, accessible, and quick to learn.
Composed by: Carey, Henry
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Wesley, Charles Key: Db Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:40
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Christmas Grace
Charis Bean Duke; David Duke
Christmas Grace
Christmas Grace – Charis Bean Duke; David Duke, composers and lycists
This beautiful carol for SATB choir won First Place in the International Christmas Carol and Chanukah Song Writing Competition sponsored by the Amadeus Choir of Toronto. It is simple, yet elegant, and within the reach of choirs of all levels. The message reminds us to share the Grace of God with all the world.
Composed by: Duke, Charis Bean; Duke, David
Lyrics by: Duke, Charis Bean; Duke, David Voicing: SATB Language: English Duration: Approx. 4:45
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Christmas Once is Christmas Still
Daniel Carter
SATB, piano
Christmas Once is Christmas Still
Christmas Once is Christmas Still – Daniel Carter
Phillips Brooks, author of “O Little Town of Bethlehem,” also penned words to this anthem. Daniel Carter’s joyful choral setting is loved by both choir and audiences. An unusual and lovely message in a celebratory setting perfect for Christmas.
Composed by: Carter, Daniel
Lyrics by: Brooks, Phillips Key: d minor Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Come Follow Me
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
Come Follow Me
A beautiful arrangement of “Come Follow Me” for SATB choir. It is easy and accessible with a beautiful, poignant message.
Composed by: McBurney, Samuel
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Nicholson, John Key: Eb Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:00
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Come Thou Fount / If You Could Hie to Kolob (Violin Solo – Parkinson)
arr. Kelly Clark Parkinson
Come Thou Fount / If You Could Hie to Kolob (Violin Solo – Parkinson)
Kelly Clark-Parkinson has chosen a number of traditional and religious tunes, and she works the material from the inside, never overshadowing the melodies but instead seeking their highest, purest form. Ms. Clark-Parkinson is a tremendous instrumentalist. Here, she serves the material, letting the beauty of the melodies she has chosen take the forefront, rather than spoiling the mood with unnecessary pyrotechnics and flourishes (of which she would certainly be more than capable.) The arrangements aren’t simple or dumbed-down, they are just right.
This is track 03 from Kelly Clark Parkinson’s album: “How Sweet the Sound”
Composed by: Wyeth, John
Arranged by: Parkinson, Kelly Clark Key: Bb Voicing: Violin Duration: Approx. 4:40
Come Thou Fount / If You Could Hie to Kolob (Violin Solo – Parkinson) – mp3
arr. Kelly Clark Parkinson
Vocal Solo
Come Thou Fount / If You Could Hie to Kolob (Violin Solo – Parkinson) – mp3
Kelly Clark-Parkinson has chosen a number of traditional and religious tunes, and she works the material from the inside, never overshadowing the melodies but instead seeking their highest, purest form. Ms. Clark-Parkinson is a tremendous instrumentalist. Here, she serves the material, letting the beauty of the melodies she has chosen take the forefront, rather than spoiling the mood with unnecessary pyrotechnics and flourishes (of which she would certainly be more than capable.) The arrangements aren’t simple or dumbed-down, they are just right.
This is track 03 from Kelly Clark Parkinson’s album: “How Sweet the Sound”
Composed by: Wyeth, John
Arranged by: Parkinson, Kelly Clark Key: Bb Voicing: Vocal Solo Duration: Approx. 4:40
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing (Harp – Carter/Holyoak)
Arr. Daniel Carter / Kathleen Holyoak
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing (Harp – Carter/Holyoak)
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing – Carter/Holyoak, arrangers
“Come Thou Fount,” arranged by Dan Carter and Kathleen Holyoak, is one of the most requested hymns on the planet. Now available as a harp arrangement, this lovely solo has a Celtic feel, simplistic in beauty, and one every harpist will want to add to their repertoire.
Composed by: Wyeth, John
Arranged by: Carter, Daniel; Holyoak, Kathleen Key: C Voicing: Harp Duration: Approx. 3:00
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing (Guitar Solo – Tilby)
arr. Ryan Tilby
Guitar Solo
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing (Guitar Solo – Tilby)
Come Thou Fount
Easy to read and easy on the ears, Ryan Tilby’s simple arrangement of “Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing” pays homage to the Americana roots of this hymn. Moving from simple to complex, this piece is a joy for both performer and listener.
Composed by: Wyeth, John
Arranged by: Tilby, Ryan Key: C Voicing: Guitar Solo Duration: Approx. 2:50
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing (Piano Solo – Holyoak)
arr. Kathleen Holyoak
Piano Solo
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing (Piano Solo – Holyoak)
“Come Thou Fount,” arranged by Kathleen Holyoak, is one of the most beloved hymn tunes. Now available as a piano solo for the intermediate pianist, this beautiful arrangement is a fresh interpretation of the English hymn, inspiring, and a solo that every pianist will want to include in their repertoire.
Composed by: Wyeth, John
Arranged by: Holyoak, Kathleen Key: F Voicing: Piano Solo Duration: Approx. 3:00
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing (Vocal Solo – Carter)
arr. Daniel Carter
Vocal Solo
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing (Vocal Solo – Carter)
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing – Daniel Carter, arranger
The hymn “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing” has enjoyed a resurgence in popularity over the past several years in part because of a few well known arrangements. However, few if any of those arrangements are designed as vocal solos. Carter’s vocal solo fills that need with a Celtic-reminiscence and simple beauty.
Composed by: Wyeth, John
Arranged by: Carter, Daniel Lyrics by: Robinson, Robert Key: C Voicing: Vocal Solo Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:15
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 2 is required on this title.
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing (Zabriskie – SATB)
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing (Zabriskie – SATB)
This very well-known hymn is arranged for SATB choir and piano by composer David A. Zabriskie. This arrangement requires a good balance of parts. There is a beautiful descant at the end of the piece.
Composed by: Wyeth, John
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Robinson, Robert Key: Eb Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:20
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Come to the Tree of Life – SAB Chorus (Daniel Carter)
Daniel Carter, Composer
SAB, piano
Come to the Tree of Life – SAB Chorus (Daniel Carter)
Come to the Tree of Life – SAB Chorus and Piano (Daniel Carter, Composer)
A gentle and powerful invitation to come lay down all our burdens and come to the tree of life where forgiveness, solace, redemption and salvation await through the atonement of Jesus Christ. Part writing is smooth and helps facilitate efficient rehearsal and moving powerful performance. Suitable for Lent, Easter, and topics of Atonement, Crucifixion, Redemption, and Salvation.
Composed by: Carter, Daniel
Lyrics by: Carter, Daniel L. Key: D Voicing: SAB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:00
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Come Unto Jesus (Piano Solo – Holyoak)
arr. Kathleen Holyoak
Piano Solo
Come Unto Jesus (Piano Solo – Holyoak)
Kathleen Holyoak’s piano technique and style is evident in this gentle, yet advanced arrangement of “Come Unto Jesus” and will invite the spirit into any church meeting. (Also available as a violin solo)
Composed by: Huish, Orson Pratt
Arranged by: Holyoak, Kathleen Voicing: Piano Solo Duration: Approx. 2:50
Come Unto Jesus (TTBB – Holyoak)
arr. Kathleen Holyoak
TTBB, piano
Come Unto Jesus (TTBB – Holyoak)
Come Unto Jesus, an arrangement of four-part men’s voices by Kathleen Holyoak, is a great choice for any church service. With lots of unison parts, singers can learn this in just two rehearsals. The harmonies are lush and the ending builds with emotion.
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Come, Come Ye Saints (Violin/Viola Duet – Woods) – mp3
arr. Alex and Aubrey Woods
mp3, Violin, Viola Duet
Come, Come Ye Saints (Violin/Viola Duet – Woods) – mp3
Come, Come Ye Saints – Alexander and Aubrey Woods, arrangers
As we started to put this arrangement together we imagined a small family of pioneers crossing the American plains. During the introduction, verses, and ending we tried to portray this family’s relentless and plodding footsteps in the viola part. During the interludes between verses we imagined the young mother and father reflecting on their journey at the end of a trying day. Perhaps contemplating both the difficulty of their task as well as their love for each other, and their hope in the Savior.
Come, Come Ye Saints (Organ Solo) – Sam Fleming, arranger
This arrangement of “Come, Come Ye Saints” presents the hymn tune a little differently each verse. The arrangement was written to show off some of the different colors that can be achieved in the organ while keeping in the spirit of this beloved hymn. The last part of the last verse comes together with the text in mind, “All is well, all is well!”
Composed by: English Melody
Arranged by: Fleming, Sam Key: Ab, C, D, G Voicing: Organ Solo Duration: Approx. 5:15
Come, Come Ye Saints (SATB – Zabriskie)
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
Come, Come Ye Saints (SATB – Zabriskie)
This is a stirring arrangement of the Mormon hymn, “Come, Come Ye Saints.” It is arranged for SATB choir. Simple yet moving.
Composed by: English Melody
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Clayton, William Key: G Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:25
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Come, Come Ye Saints (Violin Solo – Parkinson)
arr. Kelly Clark Parkinson
Come, Come Ye Saints (Violin Solo – Parkinson)
Kelly Clark-Parkinson has chosen a number of traditional and religious tunes, and she works the material from the inside, never overshadowing the melodies but instead seeking their highest, purest form. Ms. Clark-Parkinson is a tremendous instrumentalist. Here, she serves the material, letting the beauty of the melodies she has chosen take the forefront, rather than spoiling the mood with unnecessary pyrotechnics and flourishes (of which she would certainly be more than capable.) The arrangements aren’t simple or dumbed-down, they are just right.
This is track 11 from Kelly Clark Parkinson’s album: “How Sweet the Sound”
Composed by: English Melody
Arranged by: Parkinson, Kelly Clark Key: C Voicing: Violin Duration: Approx. 4:25
Come, Come Ye Saints (Violin Solo – Parkinson) – mp3
arr. Kelly Clark Parkinson
Come, Come Ye Saints (Violin Solo – Parkinson) – mp3
Kelly Clark-Parkinson has chosen a number of traditional and religious tunes, and she works the material from the inside, never overshadowing the melodies but instead seeking their highest, purest form. Ms. Clark-Parkinson is a tremendous instrumentalist. Here, she serves the material, letting the beauty of the melodies she has chosen take the forefront, rather than spoiling the mood with unnecessary pyrotechnics and flourishes (of which she would certainly be more than capable.) The arrangements aren’t simple or dumbed-down, they are just right.
This is track 11 from Kelly Clark Parkinson’s album: “How Sweet the Sound”
Composed by: English Melody; Tomer, William
Arranged by: Parkinson, Kelly Clark Key: C Voicing: Violin Duration: Approx. 4:25
Come, Let Us Anew
David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
Come, Let Us Anew
Adapted from the tune attributed to James Luckas, words by Charles Wesley, this simply hymn is half old and half new. Note that the frequent and large fermatas are gone so that the hymn text flows. This somewhat new setting is by David A. Zabriskie for SATB choir.
Composed by: Zabriskie, David A.
Lyrics by: Wesley, Charles Key: F Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:00
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Come, Lord Jesus (arr. McDavitt)
arr. Daniel McDavitt
TTBB, piano
Come, Lord Jesus (arr. McDavitt)
“Come, Lord Jesus” is the title song from “Savior of the World: His Birth and Resurrection” created by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, music composed by David A. Zabriskie. Opening in 2000, “Savior of the World” production (2014) is in it’s 19 season, 15th year. This arrangement of “Come, Lord Jesus” is for TTBB choir by Daniel McDavitt. The recording is by the Brigham Young University Men’s Chorus under the direction of Rosalind Hall.
At a time when more missionaries than ever are answering the call to serve, the BYU Men’s Chorus is releasing this unique album of powerful missionary hymns. This free album is offered as a gift to missionaries and to all who share in the growing spirit and energy of the work.
To make the message as accessible as possible, the choir has chosen to release the recordings as free mp3 downloads. In this way—through music—the BYU Men’s Chorus invites every listener to come unto Christ.
Arranged by: McDavitt, Daniel Key: Db Voicing: TTBB, piano Language: English
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Come, Lord Jesus (Zabriskie – SATB)
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
Come, Lord Jesus (Zabriskie – SATB)
“Come, Lord Jesus” is the title song from “Savior of the World: His Birth and Resurrection” created by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Opening in 2000, “Savior of the World” production (2014) is in it’s 19 season, 15th year. This arrangement of “Come, Lord Jesus” is for SATB choir by David A. Zabriskie, composer of “Savior of the World”. This includes the hymn “Jesus, Once of Humble Birth.”
Composed by: Zabriskie, David A.
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Key: D Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:10
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Come, O Thou King of Kings (SSAA – Zabriskie)
Arr. David A. Zabriskie
SSAA with Piano
Come, O Thou King of Kings (SSAA – Zabriskie)
Come, O Thou King of Kings – David A. Zabriskie, arranger
Come, O Thou King of Kings arranged for Women’s Voices (SSAA). This piece is uplifting musically and very accessible for the average choir.
Composed by: Anon.
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Pratt, Parley P. Key: F Voicing: SSAA with Piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:35
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Come, We That Love the Lord
arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
Come, We That Love the Lord
This hymn of faith is beautifully arranged for simple SATB Choir by David A. Zabriskie. Easy to learn, easy to perform, wonderfully received by the congregation.
Composed by: Williams, Aaron
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Watts, Isaac Key: F Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:15
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Come, We That Love the Lord (Hymn Enhancer – Zabriskie)
arr. David A. Zabriskie
Hymn Enhancer, SATB, piano
Come, We That Love the Lord (Hymn Enhancer – Zabriskie)
This arrangement of “Come, We That Love the Lord” is an “Hymn Enhancer”. Each Hymn Enhancer comes with two labels. The choir reads the music out of the hymnbook. The hymnal version is included for easy reading and contains instructions for the choir member on how this hymn is to be performed. These Hymn Enhancers are simple, beautiful, and quick to prepare. They are also great for teaching singing techniques and practices.
Composed by: Williams, Aaron
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Watts, Isaac Key: F Voicing: Hymn Enhancer, SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:15
Come, Ye Children of the Lord
arr. David A. Zabriskie; Aaron Flood
SATB, organ
Come, Ye Children of the Lord
A wonderful arrangement of the hymn, “Come Ye Children of the Lord” for SATB choir with Organ Accompaniment. This is very accessible to choirs.
Composed by: Spanish Melody
Arranged by: Flood, Aaron; Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Wallis, James H. Key: Bb Voicing: SATB, organ Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:15
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Come, Ye Thankful People (Hymn Enhancer – Zabriskie)
arr. David A. Zabriskie
Hymn Enhancer, SATB, piano
Come, Ye Thankful People (Hymn Enhancer – Zabriskie)
This arrangement of “Come, Ye Thankful People” is a “Hymn Enhancer”. Each Hymn Enhancer comes with two labels. The choir reads the music out of the hymnbook. The hymnal version is included for easy reading and contains instructions for the choir member on how this hymn is to be performed. These Hymn Enhancers are simple, beautiful, and quick to prepare. They are also great for teaching singing techniques and practices.
Composed by: Elvey, George J.
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Alford, Henry Key: F Voicing: Hymn Enhancer, SATB, piano Language: English
Coventry Carol (Piano Solo – Tonioli)
arr. Jason Tonioli
Piano Solo
Coventry Carol (Piano Solo – Tonioli)
Coventry Carol – arr. Jason Tonioli
The “Coventry Carol” is a Christmas carol dating back to the 16th century. The carol was performed in the city of Coventry, England as part of a mystery play called “The Pageant of the Shearmen and Tailors.” The play depicted the Christmas story from chapter two in the Gospel of Matthew. This carol refers to the Massacre of the Innocents, in which Herod ordered all male infants under the age of two in Bethlehem to be killed. The lyrics of this haunting carol represent a mother’s lament for her doomed child. This is the only carol that has survived from this play.
Arranged by: Tonioli, Jason Key: g minor Voicing: Piano Solo
Deck the Halls (Piano Solo – Tonioli)
arr. Jason Tonioli
Piano Solo
Deck the Halls (Piano Solo – Tonioli)
Deck the Halls – arr. Jason Tonioli
“Deck the Halls” is a traditional Yuletide and New Years’ carol. The tune is Welsh, dating back to the sixteenth century, and belongs to a winter carol titled “Nos Galan”. In the eighteenth century, Mozart used the tune for a violin and piano duet. My first introduction to this song came as a kid when I saw the movie “A Christmas Story” and the Chinese Restaurant food servers entertained their guests by singing an out of tune “Fa Ra Ra Ra Ra” to the family in the movie.
I remember thinking this was the funniest thing I had ever heard as a kid.
When I started this arrangement, I wanted to come up with something that was fun and showy to play. I ended up combining the rhythm from my arrangement of Called to Serve. It seemed to fit welll, and this is now one of my favorite pieces to perform during the holidays. Have fun with it, and don’t hesitate to add a few extra notes or jazz it up even more when you play it!
Ding Dong Merrily/Angels we Have Heard on High – SATB acapella mash up of two favorite Christmas songs. This piece can be a real challenge with lots of moving lines, but it is an upbeat, lively arrangement appropriate for church settings.
Composed by: Traditional French Carol
Arranged by: Buck, Anthony Lyrics by: Traditional French Carol Key: Bb Voicing: SATB Language: English Duration: Approx. 1:40
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Far, Far Away on Judea’s Plains (Piano Solo – Tonioli)
arr. Jason Tonioli
Piano Solo
Far, Far Away on Judea’s Plains (Piano Solo – Tonioli)
Far, Far Away on Judea’s Plains – arr. Jason Tonioli
This is a lesser known Christmas tune written by a Scottish pioneer who came to Southern Utah in the early 1850’s. It’s a fun tune to sing, but for some reason you rarely hear it played outside of a church meeting during the holiday season.
Arranged by: Tonioli, Jason Key: F Voicing: Piano Solo
Father in Heaven
arr. Randall Kempton
TTBB, organ
Father in Heaven
Father in Heaven, written for moderately skilled Men’s Chorus (TTBB) and organ, begins prayerfully and builds to a powerful plea to the Lord to “strengthen every nation in thy peace, where only is salvation”.
Composed by: Flemming, Friedrich F.
Arranged by: Kempton, Randall Lyrics by: Hibbard, Angus S. Key: Eb Voicing: TTBB, organ Language: English Duration: Approx. 4:15
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Festive Prelude on Forest Green
arr. Daniel Carter; Kathleen Holyoak
Instrumental Solo, Organ Solo
Festive Prelude on Forest Green
Festive Prelude on Forest Green – Daniel Carter, arranger; adapted for Organ by Kathleen Holyoak
Daniel Carter’s refreshing arrangement along with Kathleen Holyoak’s adaptation for organ is a majestic interpretation of a famous English tune, “Forest Green”. This is an excellent choice for use as a festive organ solo or jubilant postlude.
daniel carter’s bio: kathleen holyoak’s bio:
Composed by: Traditional English Carol
Arranged by: Carter, Daniel; Holyoak, Kathleen Key: A, C, E, F Voicing: Instrumental Solo, Organ Solo Duration: Approx. 2:50
Flowers in Heaven
Kathleen Holyoak
Duet, Vocal Solo
Flowers in Heaven
Flowers in Heaven, a charming little song written specifically for Mother’s Day or for general purpose as a solo or duet, tenderly expresses a very sweet message: “There are gardens up in heaven that are planted with our seeds. They grow in hills and valleys that are free of thorns and weeds. Every little act of kindness, happy thoughts and cheerful deeds, will blossom in the gardens if we send the Lord the seeds. We can plant flowers in heaven; seeds that grow in colors of the rainbow. We can plant flowers in heaven by the love we show.”
Composed by: Holyoak, Kathleen
Lyrics by: Lee, Lawrence Key: D Voicing: Duet, Vocal Solo Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:00
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 2 is required on this title.
For the Beauty of the Earth (Vocal Solo – Sowa)
arr. Joseph Sowa
Voice, Cello and Piano
For the Beauty of the Earth (Vocal Solo – Sowa)
“For the Beauty of the Earth”: Suitable for both church and concert settings, Joseph Sowa’s arrangement of “For the Beauty of the Earth” embroiders the classic hymn of gratitude with a lyrical cello solo and a lush piano accompaniment. It was recorded by soprano Charity Tillemann-Dick on her album Billboard® “Traditional Classical” chart-topping American Grace.
If you are interested in performing this piece with a women’s ensemble, there is a choral discount for 10 or more copies.
Composed by: Kocher, Conrad
Arranged by: Sowa, Joseph Lyrics by: Pierpoint, Folliott S. Key: F# Voicing: Voice, Cello and Piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:06
Bulk Pricing : Choral Discount: you must purchase 10 or more to receive the price of .99 each