Spirit of Life – Carolyn Mcdade; arr. David A. Zabriskie
No other song, no other prayer, no other piece of liturgy is so well known and loved in Unitarian Universalism as “Spirit of Life” by Carolyn McDade.
It is our Doxology, or perhaps our “Amazing Grace.” Many congregations sing it every Sunday, or at least enough to know the words by heart. Sermons have been devoted to this one song. A new adult religious education curriculum being field-tested this fall is based on the song. It is sung at weddings and memorial services, around campfires and at demonstrations, at cradles and hospital bedsides.
In six short lines “Spirit of Life” touches so much that is central to our faith—compassion, justice, community, freedom, reverence for nature, and the mystery of life. It finds the common ground held by humanists and theists, pagans and Christians, Buddhists and Jews, gay and straight among us.
Spirit of Life, come unto me.
Sing in my heart all the stirrings of compassion.
Blow in the wind, rise in the sea;
Move in the hand, giving life the shape of justice.
Roots hold me close; wings set me free;
Spirit of Life, come to me, come to me.
Composed by: McDade, Carolyn
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: McDade, Carolyn Key: C, D Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx.3:10
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Wexford Carol
arr. Nathan Howe
SATB, piano
Wexford Carol
Wexford Carol – arr. Nathan Howe
The Wexford Carol (Good People All, This Christmas time) is a gorgeous traditional Irish melody, paired with a lovely ecumenical Christmas text. In this arrangement, the piano provides small brushstrokes of colorful harmony while supporting the radiant, approachable choral texture. The Wexford Carol is an ideal Christmas selection for church and community choirs of moderate ability.
Composed by: Nathan Howe; Traditional English Carol
Arranged by: Howe, Nathan; Nathan Howe Lyrics by: Traditional English Carol Key: F Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 4:10
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
The Lord is My Shepherd (SATB – Fleming)
Sam Fleming
SATB, 2 flutes, piano or harp
The Lord is My Shepherd (SATB – Fleming)
The Lord is My Shepherd – Sam Fleming, composer
A new refreshing setting for SATB choir (with an optional descant) and organ accompaniment (or piano and two flutes) with text by James Montgomery (1771-1854) based off of Psalms 23.
Performed by Vocal Union at BYU-Idaho. Vocal Union is the premiere mixed vocal jazz group on the BYU-Idaho Campus and consists of students of all majors. Though Vocal Union’s specialty is jazz music they also perform a selection of sacred music for several occasions as well.
Composed by: Fleming, Sam
Lyrics by: Montgomery, James Key: F Voicing: SATB, 2 flutes, piano or harp Language: English Duration: Approx. 4:10
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
O Come O Come Emmanuel (SATB – a cappella – Zabriskie)
arr. David A. Zabriskie
O Come O Come Emmanuel (SATB – a cappella – Zabriskie)
O Come O Come Emmanuel (SATB – a cappella) – David A. Zabriskie, arranger
I have always loved this haunting carol. It is interesting that I would have two very different arrangers here on HolySheetMusic.com This version for SATB a cappella was arranged for my friend Max Mount to be performed by an octet this coming Christmas (2015) for a special Christmas Service.
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Traditional English Carol Key: d minor Voicing: SATB Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:15
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Christmas Grace
Charis Bean Duke; David Duke
Christmas Grace
Christmas Grace – Charis Bean Duke; David Duke, composers and lycists
This beautiful carol for SATB choir won First Place in the International Christmas Carol and Chanukah Song Writing Competition sponsored by the Amadeus Choir of Toronto. It is simple, yet elegant, and within the reach of choirs of all levels. The message reminds us to share the Grace of God with all the world.
Composed by: Duke, Charis Bean; Duke, David
Lyrics by: Duke, Charis Bean; Duke, David Voicing: SATB Language: English Duration: Approx. 4:45
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Savior Redeemer of My Soul (TTBB – Staheli/Gardner)
arr. Ronald Staheli
Savior Redeemer of My Soul (TTBB – Staheli/Gardner)
Savior Redeemer of My Soul – Ronald Staheli, arranger
This heart-stirring arrangement of Rob Gardner’s ever-popular hymn setting is by Ronald Staheli. It was written especially for the BYU Men’s Chorus, and is the latest addition to the their album of missionary hymns, “Set Apart,” which can be downloaded for free at setapartalbum.com.
Composed by: Gardner, Rob
Arranged by: Staheli, Ronald Lyrics by: Whitney, Orson F. Key: Eb, F Voicing: TTBB Language: English Duration: Approx. 6:05
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
When I Survey the Wond’rous Cross
arr. Nathan Howe
SATB, piano
When I Survey the Wond’rous Cross
When I survey the Wond’rous Cross – arr. Nathan Howe
When I Survey the Wond’rous Cross is a contemplative hymn celebrating the gift of the atonement. This choral arrangement features a beautiful counter-melody and a lush, supportive piano accompaniment. This piece is perfect for SATB choirs with limited rehearsal time.
Composed by: Mason, Lowell
Arranged by: Howe, Nathan; Nathan Howe; Nathan Howe Lyrics by: Watts, Isaac Key: A, Ab, F Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: approx. 6:05
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Long Ago Within a Garden (SATB)
Daniel Carter
SATB (with descant), Piano
Long Ago Within a Garden (SATB)
Long Ago within a Garden – Daniel Carter; Devan Jensen (Voice: SATB with Descant)
An Easter themed choral setting with descant using the ageless images of the Tree of Life from the time of Adam to the tree that Jesus was crucified upon, to the invitation to come and partake of fruit of the tree of eternal life. Devan Jensen’s moving text about life, death and atonement is a beautiful expression of eternal hope.
Composed by: Carter, Daniel
Lyrics by: Jensen, Devan Key: C, D Voicing: SATB (with descant), Piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:40
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
As Zion’s Youth in Latter Days (SATB – Anneken)
arr. Ulf Anneken
SATB, organ
As Zion’s Youth in Latter Days (SATB – Anneken)
As Zion’s Youth in Latter Days – Ulf Anneken, arranger
A powerful arrangement of this stirring hymn. Commissioned for the BYU Idaho Men’s and Women’s Choirs. This arrangement was premiered February 2, 2016. A wonderful, relatively easy to learn rendition appropriate for youth or adult adult choirs.
Arranged by: Anneken, Ulf Lyrics by: McCloud, Susan Evans Key: F Voicing: SATB, organ Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:00
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
I Stand All Amazed (TTBB – Zabriskie)
arr. David A. Zabriskie
TTBB, piano
I Stand All Amazed (TTBB – Zabriskie)
I Stand All Amazed (TTBB) – David A. Zabriskie, arranger
“Oh it is wonderful….wonderful to me” This unforgettable phrase is brought to life in David Zabriskie’s arrangement of “I Stand All Amazed” for TTBB Choir.
Composed by: Gabriel, Charles H.
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Key: G Voicing: TTBB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 5:00
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Agnus Dei (SATB – Michaels)
Arthur J. Michaels
Agnus Dei (SATB – Michaels)
Agnus Dei – Arthur J. Michaels, composer
This moving SATB a cappella setting is a showpiece for a choir’s phrasing, dynamic range, independence, and control. The piece, about a grade 3 (on a scale of 1 to 6), is an excellent selection for any venue, and singers and audiences will enjoy its fresh harmonies and varied dynamic range.
Composed by: Michaels, Arthur J.
Lyrics by: Traditional Latin Text Key: d minor Voicing: SATB Language: Latin Duration: Approx. 3:10
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Teach Me to Walk in the Light (SATB – Leavitt, John)
arr. John C. Leavitt
SATB, piano
Teach Me to Walk in the Light (SATB – Leavitt, John)
Teach Me to Walk in the Light – John C. Leavitt, arranger
This setting of “Teach Me to Walk In the Light” has a lot of childlike heart to it. The harmonies are fresh and rich, but the humility of the text remains the most important element. The final verse, which is sung a cappella, is a prayer that is to be sung freely and earnestly. Although at times this arrangement may tend to be dramatic, it is my hope that it will always be sung with simplicity and honesty.
Composed by: McMaster, Clara W.
Arranged by: Leavitt, John C. Lyrics by: McMaster, Clara W. Key: E Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:40
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
What Wondrous Love is This
arr. Nathan Howe
SATB, piano
What Wondrous Love is This
What Wondrous Love is This – Nathan Howe, arranger
Enjoy Nathan Howe’s new choral arrangement of the haunting American folk hymn What Wondrous Love is This. The reflective piano accompaniment features sweeping interludes between well-supported choral verses. Each verse is distinct, but they share many common elements to shorten rehearsal time.
Composed by: Traditional American Hymn
Arranged by: Howe, Nathan; Nathan Howe; Nathan Howe Lyrics by: Traditional American Hymn Key: d minor Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 5:30
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
When the Daffodils Arrive
arr. David A. Zabriskie
When the Daffodils Arrive
When the Daffodils Arrive – David A. Zabriskie, arranger
Words by the late Reverend Carl G. Seaburg of the Unitarian Universalist Association and music from an Hasidic tune, David Zabriskie creates an a cappella arrangement for Solo Voice and SATB Choir.
When the daffodils arrive
in the Easter of the year,
and the spirit starts to thrive,
let the heart beat free and clear.
When the pussy willows bloom
in the springing of the year,
let the heart find loving room
spread their welcome far and near.
When the sweet rain showers come,
in the greening of the year,
birds will sing and bees will hum.
Alleluia time is here.
-Carl G. Seaburg (1922-1998)
david a. zabriskie’s bio: more works by david a. zabriskie
Composed by: Hasidic Tune
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Seaburg, Carl G. Key: d minor Voicing: SATB Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:30
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Praise to the Man (2-part – Dan Carter)
arr. Dan Carter
Two-Part Vocal
Praise to the Man (2-part – Dan Carter)
Praise to the Man – 2 part; Dan Carter, arranger
A rousing, bold arrangement of a favorite LDS hymn for two-part chorus and piano. Easy to learn and perform. “We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet” is cleverly woven as a descant on the last verse.
Composed by: Scottish Folk Song
Arranged by: Carter, Daniel Lyrics by: Phelps, William W. Key: Bb Voicing: Two-Part Vocal Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:50
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Praise to the Man (TB – Dan Carter)
arr. Dan Carter
Two-Part Vocal
Praise to the Man (TB – Dan Carter)
Praise to the Man – 2 part; Dan Carter, arranger
A rousing, bold arrangement of a favorite LDS hymn for TB men’s chorus and piano. Easy to learn and perform. “We Thank Thee, O God, for a Prophet” is cleverly woven as a descant on the last verse.
Composed by: Scottish Folk Song
Arranged by: Carter, Daniel Lyrics by: Phelps, William W. Key: Bb, C Voicing: Two-Part Vocal Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:50
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 10 is required on this title.
How Can I Keep from Singing (SATB – Carter)
arr. Daniel Carter
SATB, piano
How Can I Keep from Singing (SATB – Carter)
How Can I Keep from Singing (SATB) – Dan Carter, arranger
A gentle, building, inspiring setting of Robert Lowry’s beloved hymn, arranged by Daniel Carter. Flute obbligato creates a mood of birds singing with the choir. Gently building to an inspiring ending with a simple descant on the last verse.
My life flows on in endless song;
Above earth’s lamentation,
I hear the sweet, tho’ far-off hymn
That hails a new creation;
Thro’ all the tumult and the strife
I hear the music ringing;
It finds an echo in my soul—
How can I keep from singing?
What tho’ my joys and comforts die?
The Lord my Saviour liveth;
What tho’ the darkness gather round?
Songs in the night he giveth.
No storm can shake my inmost calm
While to that refuge clinging;
Since Christ is Lord of heaven and earth,
How can I keep from singing?
I lift my eyes; the cloud grows thin;
I see the blue above it;
And day by day this pathway smooths,
Since first I learned to love it,
The peace of Christ makes fresh my heart,
A fountain ever springing;
All things are mine since I am his—
How can I keep from singing?
Composed by: Lowry, Robert
Arranged by: Carter, Daniel Lyrics by: Lowry, Robert Key: F, G Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:30
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
O Love Divine
Sam Fleming
SATB, organ
O Love Divine
O Love Divine – Sam Fleming, composer
A majestic new anthem for SATB choir and organ of a beloved hymn text by Clara M. Brooks.
Composed by: Silesian Folk Tune
Arranged by: Fleming, Sam Lyrics by: Anon., Twelfth Century Key: B major, Eb, G Voicing: SATB, organ Language: English Duration: Approx. 4:05
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Beautiful Zion, Built Above (SATB with Organ Accomp. – Fleming)
arr. Sam Fleming
SATB, organ
Beautiful Zion, Built Above (SATB with Organ Accomp. – Fleming)
Beautiful Zion, Built Above (SATB with Organ Accomp.) – Sam Fleming, arranger
Composed by: Fones, Joseph G.
Arranged by: Fleming, Sam Lyrics by: Gill, George Key: Ab, D, F, Gb Voicing: SATB, organ Language: English Duration: Approx. 4:30
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Be Not Afraid
Janice Kapp Perry; arr. Ann Kapp Andersen
Be Not Afraid
Be Not Afraid (SATB) – Janice Kapp Perry and Ann Kapp Andersen, composers/arrangers
This motivating anthem is a powerful treatise on walking by faith through all of the challenges and trials of our lives. No stranger to trials himself, John V. Pearson penned these poignant lyrics a few years before his passing at an early age. Combined with the music of Janice Kapp Perry and now the choral arrangement by Ann Kapp Andersen, it stands as a strong testimony of how we must trust God’s way in every aspect of our lives. It would enhance any church meeting and could especially fortify missionaries as they depart.
Composed by: Perry, Janice Kapp
Arranged by: Andersen, Ann Kapp Lyrics by: Pearson, John V. Key: C Voicing: SATB Language: English Duration: Approx. 4:25
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
One by One (SATB – Perry/Andersen)
Janice Kapp Perry; arr. Ann Kapp Andersen
SATB, piano
One by One (SATB – Perry/Andersen)
One by One (SATB) – Janice Kapp Perry and Ann Kapp Andersen, composer/arranger
This heart-touching anthem, with words by John V. Pearson, describes that
supernal moment in Third Nephi when Christ descends to visit the saints at Bountiful following His crucifixion and resurrection saying, “Behold, I am Jesus Christ whom the prophets testified shall come into the world.” The verses describe how he blessed,and healed and taught those who were present. First published as a hymn with music by Janice Kapp Perry, it has now been beautifully enhanced as a choral piece by Ann Kapp Andersen. It would be appropriate for any sacred church gathering, but would be especially meaningful at Easter time.
Composed by: Perry, Janice Kapp
Arranged by: Andersen, Ann Kapp Lyrics by: Pearson, John V. Key: F Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 5:15
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Again We Meet Around the Board
David A. Zabriskie
SATB (with descant), Piano
Again We Meet Around the Board
Again We Meet Around the Board (SATB with Descant) – David A. Zabriskie, composer
Composed by: Durham, Lowell M.
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Durham, Lowell M. Jr Key: Db Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:00
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
One by One (SATB – Burton)
Wayne Burton
SATB, piano
One by One (SATB – Burton)
One by One – Wayne Burton, composer/lyricist
A tribute to the early pioneers by composer Wayne Burton. Specific reference to a heroic rescue and answer to prayer during a despirate winter segment of their journey. They video uses this account:
“In November 1856, pioneers in the Martin handcart company were caught by deep snow and cold weather in the mountains of Wyoming. They had already lost many of their members along the way to cold and disease. Starving and fatigued they met the icy Sweetwater river and felt that they could go no further. Grown men sat on the frozen ground and cried with their wives and children.
Composed by: Burton, Wayne
Lyrics by: Burton, Wayne Key: b minor, D Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 4:45
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
In Humility–Be Thou My Vision
arr. Patrick Tatman
SATB, piano
In Humility–Be Thou My Vision
In Humility-Be Thou My Vision – Patrick Tatman, arranger
Suitable for any church or concert setting, Tatman’s arrangement of “In Humility” from the LDS hymnal features the beautiful Prichard melody and combines it with the Irish folk melody, “Be Thou My Vision.” The combination of these two hymns results in a musical offering of peace, supplication, and love. The four voice arrangement can be performed well by a choir of any size.
Composed by: Irish Folk Melody
Arranged by: Tatman, Patrick Lyrics by: Gabbott, Mabel Jones Key: F F# Ab Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 5:00
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Jesus Lover of My Soul (SATB – Staheli)
arr. Ronald Staheli
SATB, piano
Jesus Lover of My Soul (SATB – Staheli)
Jesus Lover of My Soul – Ronald Staheli, arranger
A beautifully simple arrangement of this beloved hymn, with an accompaniment that supports the gently flowing musical lines. The arrangement makes use of 2, 3, and 4 parts in shaping the powerful expression of the hymn.
Composed by: Holbrook, Joseph P.
Arranged by: Staheli, Ronald Lyrics by: Wesley, Charles Key: C Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
On Earth and in Heaven
Janice Kapp Perry, composer; Ann Kapp Andersen, arranger
SATB, piano
On Earth and in Heaven
On Earth and in Heaven – Janice Kapp Perry, composer; Ann Kapp Andersen, arranger
The author of this hymn text, John V. Pearson, was a scriptorian who truly delighted in the scriptures and understood that the important things of both this life and the next are recorded both on earth and in heaven. In 3 Nephi 23, Nephi brought forth the records and laid them before the Lord, who asked why they had not recorded the words of Samuel regarding events surrounding the crucifixion and resurrection. Nephi remembered that “this thing had not been written” and Jesus commanded that it should be written.
This hymn would certainly be appropriate at Christmas time. Other verses continue and give a broaderoverview of Christ’s mission, which makes the piece appropriate for Easter worship or for any occasionthat celebrates the life and mission of Jesus Christ. The hymn version of this work, with music by Janice Kapp Perry, won the “Award of Distinction” in the Music Submissions of the LDS Church and had it’s premiere performance at the Music Festival in the Assembly Hall on Temple Square in Salt Lake City. This choral arrangement by Ann Kapp Andersen widens its appeal to Christian choirs everywhere
Composed by: Perry, Janice Kapp
Arranged by: Andersen, Ann Kapp Lyrics by: Pearson, John V. Key: Bb Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 4:20
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
By Acts of Faith
Janice Kapp Perry, composer; Ann Kapp Andersen, arranger
SATB, piano
By Acts of Faith
By Acts of Faith – Janice Kapp Perry, composer; Ann Kapp Andersen, arranger
This piece is a masterful treatise on faith beginning with an intriguing description of Jesus walking on the water (in Matthew 14:25-33):
“By acts of faith the heart may know
the truths the eye can’t see.
Where reason fails, the Lord prevails
and walks across the sea.
By acts of faith the spark of hope
is fanned into a flame.
And God will show His miracles
by faith in Jesus’ name.”
This new choral arrangement could be sung in any religious setting.
Composed by: Perry, Janice Kapp
Arranged by: Andersen, Ann Kapp Lyrics by: Pearson, John V. Key: G Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:35
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Sing Praise to Him (TTBB)
arr. Randall Kempton
SATB, organ
Sing Praise to Him (TTBB)
TTBB: Beginning with an organ fanfare, Sing Praise to Him is an energetic anthem that features divisi in all parts along with powerful unison sections. It’s challenging but rewarding and will sound best with a larger choir with a confident men’s section. An SATB version is also available.
Composed by: Bohemian Brethren's Songbook - 1566
Arranged by: Kempton, Randall Lyrics by: Schütz, Johann J. trans. by Cox, Frances Elizabeth Key: D, Eb Voicing: SATB, organ Language: English Duration: Approx. 4:00
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Baptism Hymn (for Mollie) – TTBB
arr. David Ross
TTBB, piano
Baptism Hymn (for Mollie) – TTBB
Baptism – David Ross, arranger
An artful combination of two beloved baptism songs, When I Am Baptized, by Nita Dale Milner,and Baptism by Crawford Gates, set for men’s voices. This sweet arrangement, written for the BYU Men’s Chorus, is one of the 14 tracks on their album of missionary hymns Set Apart, which can be downloaded for free at Setapartalbum.com.
Composed by: Gates, Crawford; Milner, Nita Dale
Arranged by: Ross, David Lyrics by: Gabbott, Mabel Jones; Milner, Nita Dale Key: F Voicing: TTBB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:35
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
When I Have Seen His Face
Daniel Carter
2-part Chorus, Duet
When I Have Seen His Face
When I Have Seen His Face – Daniel Carter, composer
Based on the scripture in the book of Job, Daniel Carter provides a memorable, moving musical setting for “I know that my Redeemer lives,” including poetic paraphrasing of other scriptures from Psalms. Composed for female/male vocal duet, or two-part choral with piano accompaniment. Suitable for special occasions such as Easter, and general worship.
Composed by: Anon.
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Pratt, Parley P. Key: F Voicing: SSAA with Piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:35
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Kay Hicks Ward
Supplication – Kay Hicks Ward, composer
Supplication for SATB Choir. This tender prayer of Jesus in Gethsemane is a plea for unity among all disciples. He humbly asks for strength as His earthly mission nears its fulfillment.
Composed by: Ward, Kay Hicks
Lyrics by: Ward, L. Melvin Key: F Voicing: SATB Language: English
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Near the Cross
Arr. J. Chris Moore
SATB, flute, piano
Near the Cross
Near the Cross – J. Chris Moore, arranger
Near the Cross, arranged by J. Chris Moore, is a fresh and simple 4 part setting of a treasured Fanny Crosby tune that features an optional obbligato for either flute or violin. The accompaniment works well on piano, organ, or keyboard. Perfect for Lent and throughout the liturgical year for SATB voices, piano with flute or violin obbligato.
Composed by: Doane, W. Howard
Arranged by: Moore, J. Chris Lyrics by: Crosby, Fanny Key: F Voicing: SATB, flute, piano Language: English
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
The Lord Is My Shepherd (SATB – Carter)
arr. Daniel Carter
SATB, piano
The Lord Is My Shepherd (SATB – Carter)
The Lord Is My Shepherd – SATB, Daniel Carter
A sumptuous choral setting of the traditional hymntune by Thomas Koschat with a poetic adaptation of Psalm 23 by James Montgomery. Independent choral lines for each voice part require initial work, but the result is emotionally moving and spiritually gratifying. Suitable as a general worship hymn, consolation, peace and solace. Also a beautiful concert piece.
Composed by: Koschat, Thomas
Arranged by: Carter, Daniel Lyrics by: Montgomery, James Key: A, G Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:50
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
The Garden Tomb (SATB – Holyoak)
Kathleen Holyoak
SATB, piano
The Garden Tomb (SATB – Holyoak)
The Garden Tomb, Kathleen Holyoak
The Garden Tomb, is a lovely new song for Easter by Kathleen Holyoak and lyricist, Gary Croxall. Tender lyrics most beautifully echo the Savior’s birth in Bethlehem, recounting His resurrection and build to a triumphant finale. Now available for SSAA or SATB choir, this is one title you will want to add to your library of special Easter music.
In a garden, dawns the day. Stars that glitter fade away.
Blossoms open, bathed in dew. All the earth awakes anew.
Midst the leaves of olive trees, birds, like seraphs, sweetly sing.
Flowers turn to greet the light; all is calm and all is bright.
Down a path, beneath a hill, lies a cave where all is still.
Near the tomb, now cast aside, rests a stone upon its side.
Angels watch, their vigil keep, where the Lord of all did sleep.
See the cloth that held God’s Son, Jesus the Anointed One.
Aleluia, Aleluia, Jesus the Messiah!
Aleluia, Aleluia, Jesus the Anointed One.
Loving Mary gently weeps. Gone the Father’s precious Sheep.
Empty is her tender heart, hollow as the tomb she sought.
Frankincense and myrrh still cling to the grave that bore a King.
Who shall lead his children on, to the place where he is gone?
“Woman.” Did the gard’ner speak? “Woman, why then dost thou weep?”
“Mary.” ‘Tis the Savior’s voice! Come, ye faithful, and rejoice.
Who shall raise the sons of earth? Christ shall give them second birth.
With the herald angels sing praises to our Lord and King.
Aleluia, Alelu . . . Sing praises to our Lord and King.
Aleluia, Aleluia. Sing . . .praises to our Lord and King, Our King!
Composed by: Holyoak, Kathleen
Lyrics by: Croxall, Gary Key: Bb, G Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 5:48
Bulk Pricing : .99 each when 10 or more copies are purchased
The Garden Tomb (SSAA – Holyoak)
Kathleen Holyoak
SSAA with Piano
The Garden Tomb (SSAA – Holyoak)
The Garden Tomb, Kathleen Holyoak
The Garden Tomb, is a lovely new song for Easter by Kathleen Holyoak and lyricist, Gary Croxall. Tender lyrics most beautifully echo the Savior’s birth in Bethlehem, recounting His resurrection and build to a triumphant finale. Now available for SSAA or SATB choir, this is one title you will want to add to your library of special Easter music.
In a garden, dawns the day. Stars that glitter fade away.
Blossoms open, bathed in dew. All the earth awakes anew.
Midst the leaves of olive trees, birds, like seraphs, sweetly sing.
Flowers turn to greet the light; all is calm and all is bright.
Down a path, beneath a hill, lies a cave where all is still.
Near the tomb, now cast aside, rests a stone upon its side.
Angels watch, their vigil keep, where the Lord of all did sleep.
See the cloth that held God’s Son, Jesus the Anointed One.
Aleluia, Aleluia, Jesus the Messiah!
Aleluia, Aleluia, Jesus the Anointed One.
Loving Mary gently weeps. Gone the Father’s precious Sheep.
Empty is her tender heart, hollow as the tomb she sought.
Frankincense and myrrh still cling to the grave that bore a King.
Who shall lead his children on, to the place where he is gone?
“Woman.” Did the gard’ner speak? “Woman, why then dost thou weep?”
“Mary.” ‘Tis the Savior’s voice! Come, ye faithful, and rejoice.
Who shall raise the sons of earth? Christ shall give them second birth.
With the herald angels sing praises to our Lord and King.
Aleluia, Alelu . . . Sing praises to our Lord and King.
Aleluia, Aleluia. Sing . . .praises to our Lord and King, Our King!
Composed by: Holyoak, Kathleen
Lyrics by: Croxall, Gary Key: Bb, G Voicing: SSAA with Piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 5:48
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Christmas Once is Christmas Still
Daniel Carter
SATB, piano
Christmas Once is Christmas Still
Christmas Once is Christmas Still – Daniel Carter
Phillips Brooks, author of “O Little Town of Bethlehem,” also penned words to this anthem. Daniel Carter’s joyful choral setting is loved by both choir and audiences. An unusual and lovely message in a celebratory setting perfect for Christmas.
Composed by: Carter, Daniel
Lyrics by: Brooks, Phillips Key: d minor Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Hark All Ye Nations (Holyoak – SATB with Organ or Piano Accompaniment)
arr. Kathleen Holyoak
SATB, organ
Hark All Ye Nations (Holyoak – SATB with Organ or Piano Accompaniment)
Hark All Ye Nations, arr. Holyoak, Kathleen
This joyous hymn arrangement with organ accompaniment is a great choice for Stake Conference or for a Sacrament meeting reflecting upon Missionary Work, the Restoration, or the Priesthood.The words express the rejoicing of Angels as they announce that truth is restored on the earth once more. The download includes an organ and a piano accompaniment.
Composed by: Root, George
Arranged by: Holyoak, Kathleen Lyrics by: Mönch, Louis F. Key: Ab, G Voicing: SATB, organ Language: English Duration: Approx: 3:00
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
On This Christmas Morning (SATB – Holyoak)
Kathleen Holyoak, arranger
SATB, piano
On This Christmas Morning (SATB – Holyoak)
On This Christmas Morning – Kathleen Holyoak, composer
This beautiful SATB setting by lyricist, Sherry Summers and composer, Kathleen Holyoak, conveys the excitement and joy surrounding Christmas Day! It is one of rejoicing, commitment and praise to God, our Father, and the gift of His Son.
On This Christmas Morning
Joyously the choir sings,
in accord, praising Him!
A chorus of angels joining in,
on this Christmas morning.
Peace on earth, good will to men.
Praise to our Father, Elohim.
Ringing chords in tune for Him,
on this Christmas morning.
Holy child of royal birth,
the Savior’s come, He’s come to earth!
He left His heavenly home for awhile;
of Him we extol and testify!
What are blessings He shall bring?
Grace and mercy, love without end.
May we raise a voice to Him,
on this Christmas morning.
What are the truths He shall bring?
Seek Him in the simplest things!
Let’s keep our promises to Him,
on this Christmas morning.
Holy child of royal birth,
the Savior’s come, He’s come to earth!
He left His heavenly home for awhile;
of Him we extol and testify!
Frankincense, gold and myrrh
were gifts for Him from travel’rs afar.
I give my heart, mind and strength,
on this Christmas morning.
Bethlehem brought forth my King,
Master giver of everything.
Let us give glory back to Him,
On this Christmas, joyous Christmas,
On this Christmas, Christmas morn!
Copyright 2018
Composed by: Holyoak, Kathleen
Lyrics by: Summers, Sherry Key: D, F, G Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:00
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Angels from the Realms of Glory (SATB – Holyoak)
Kathleen Holyoak, arranger
SATB, organ
Angels from the Realms of Glory (SATB – Holyoak)
Angels from the Realms of Glory – Kathleen Holyoak, arranger
The traditional 1816 anthem, “Angels From the Realms of Glory,” is a joyous opening title for any sacred Christmas devotional of church meeting. This fast-paced arrangement is enhanced with an exciting organ accompaniment and will certainly thrill any audience. Follow the words by James Montgomery as you listen:
Angels from the realms of glory,
Sing your flight o’er all the earth;
Ye who sang creation’s glory
Now proclaim Messiah’s birth.
Come and worship, come and worship;
Worship Christ, the newborn King.
Shepherds in the fields abiding,
Watching o’er their flocks by night.
God with man is now residing,
Yonder shines the infant light.
Come and worship, come and worship;
Worship Christ, the newborn King.
Bridge: Angels, Angels, Angels from the realms of glory!
Sages, leave your contemplations,
Brighter visions beam afar.
Seek the great desire of nations,
Ye have seen His natal star.
Come and worship, come and worship
Worship Christ, the newborn King.
Saints before the altar bending,
Watching long in hope and fear.
Suddenly the Lord, descending,
In His temple shall appear.
Come and worship, come and worship;
Worship Christ the newborn King.
Worship Christ, the newborn King.
Christ the Lord, our newborn King!
Composed by: Smart, Henry
Arranged by: Holyoak, Kathleen Lyrics by: Montgomery, James Key: A, Ab, Bb Voicing: SATB, organ Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:20
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Where Jesus Walked
Kathleen Holyoak - Composer
SATB, piano
Where Jesus Walked
Where Jesus Walked – Kathleen Holyoak, composer
Carma Salvesen’s poem, “If” inspired the writing of this song by Kathleen Holyoak for SATB choir and expresses the desire to walk in the footsteps of Christ in the land of His birth. As we attend the temple, we find ourselves walking in hallowed places and in essence, in the footsteps of our elder brother and Savior. Follow the words by Carma and Kathleen as you listen to this hauntingly beautiful melody:
If I could go to Galilee and walk the paths where Jesus walked
And sit on tender grasses green on the hillside where He taught.
If I could ponder of His plan upon a rock that knew His hand,
Or walk along the seashore where His feet had touched the sand.
My spirit years within me to gently hold His hand.
I’ll never walk where Jesus walked,
I’ll never see the blessed Galilee.
I worship in His holy temple where I know He’s walked before.
Have His feet been down this hallway?
Has His hand ever touched this door?
Has He stood in this very room? Has He looked at what I see?
I close my eyes and picture Him,
the son of God, who died for me.
I do not need to go to Galilee nor to travel far away.
My tender heart is filled with thoughts of Him.
No Galilee, yet my testimony burns within, burns within.
Now I know, I know I’ve walked where Jesus walked!
Composed by: Holyoak, Kathleen
Lyrics by: Holyoak, Kathleen; Salvesen, Carma Key: d minor, e minor Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:40
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
The Keeper of Galilee (Holyoak, SATB)
Kathleen Holyoak - Composer
SATB, piano
The Keeper of Galilee (Holyoak, SATB)
“The Keeper of Galilee,” is a lovely SATB arrangement by composer, Kathleen Holyoak. The beautiful and most descriptive words by Sherry Summers provide listeners with a visual of Galilee, the place where many miracles took place during Christ’s ministry:
The Keeper of Galilee
They traveled the rills and the rolling hills
to the place where the Master would be.
Some journeyed as far as the desert sands
to the shore of the murmuring sea.
The lame man had left his bed and walked;
the blind man from birth now could see!
The people of neighboring villages knew
of the Keeper of Galilee.
His arms opened wide to the whole country side
as He stepped from the old fishing boat.
And then one by one, Father’s beautiful Son
introduced His disciples by name.
He spoke of the precious birds and flow’rs
and how He would take care of me.
My eyes never moved from the billowing robes
of the Keeper of Galilee.
I heard Him speak, He spoke to me
from the banks of the Galilee.
If He could calm a raging storm,
He could certainly do this for me.
The stones and the trees seemed to magnify
the words of this soft-spoken man.
My sorrow released as I wept at the feet
of the Keeper of Galilee.
Right there, near the rock, when He taught I knew
from the moment we met by the sea;
My life would never be the same.
He would carry my burdens for me.
And when the sun cast a silhouette,
five loaves and two fishes would feed
the five thousand hungry who were cared for that night
by the Keeper of Galilee.
My sorrow released, it was left at the feet
of the Keeper of Galilee.
Composed by: Holyoak, Kathleen
Lyrics by: Summers, Sherry Key: Ab, Bb, G Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 4:20
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Stand as a Witness (Holyoak – SATB)
arr. Kathleen Holyoak
SATB, Piano and Cello
Stand as a Witness (Holyoak – SATB)
Stand as a Witness; Kathleen Holyoak, arranger
“Stand as a Witness,” an award-winning arrangement by Kathleen Holyoak with SSAA or SATB voicing, if suitable for any worship service. Bach’s melody is haunting, the arrangement speaks to the hearts and a cello obbligato adds a warmth to the SSAA or SATB voicing. This is one arrangement you will want to add to your choral library collection. Gary Croxall’s words make a statement to all who follow Christ.
Composed by: Bach, Johann Sebastian
Arranged by: Holyoak, Kathleen Lyrics by: Alexander, Cecil Frances; Croxall, Gary Key: B major, b minor Voicing: SATB, Piano and Cello Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:10
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Love Divine All Loves Excelling (SAB – Carter)
arr. Daniel Carter
SAB, piano
Love Divine All Loves Excelling (SAB – Carter)
Love Divine All Loves Excelling – Daniel Carter, arranger
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling arranged for SAB chorus and piano by Daniel Carter. The immortal text by Charles Wesley combined with Rowland Prichard’s hymn tune, HYRFRYDOL is set in a gradually building, soaring and powerful setting. Voice leading is clean and smooth, designed to facilitate efficient rehearsal and power performance. Wesley’s text focuses on a personal relationship with the Savior, and ultimately dwelling in eternal life with vivid poetic imagery and descriptions. Suitable for Easter season, Epiphany, and All Saints Day. Topics include Eternal Life, Relationship with Christ, Salvation, Praise, and Adoration.
Composed by: Prichard, Rowland
Arranged by: Carter, Daniel Lyrics by: Wesley, Charles Key: Eb, F, G Voicing: SAB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx 4:15
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Come to the Tree of Life – SAB Chorus (Daniel Carter)
Daniel Carter, Composer
SAB, piano
Come to the Tree of Life – SAB Chorus (Daniel Carter)
Come to the Tree of Life – SAB Chorus and Piano (Daniel Carter, Composer)
A gentle and powerful invitation to come lay down all our burdens and come to the tree of life where forgiveness, solace, redemption and salvation await through the atonement of Jesus Christ. Part writing is smooth and helps facilitate efficient rehearsal and moving powerful performance. Suitable for Lent, Easter, and topics of Atonement, Crucifixion, Redemption, and Salvation.
Composed by: Carter, Daniel
Lyrics by: Carter, Daniel L. Key: D Voicing: SAB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:00
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
You Can Make the Pathway Bright (TB – Zabriskie)
Arr. by David A. Zabriskie
TTBB, piano
You Can Make the Pathway Bright (TB – Zabriskie)
You Can Make the Pathway Bright – David Zabriskie, arranger
You Can Make the Pathway Bright, arranged by composer, David Zabriskie for TB voicing. This arrangement includes the melody “There is Sunshine in My Soul” was written for Kenny Wiser, conductor and performed in 2016 General Priesthood Meeting.
Composed by: Dungan, James M.
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Dungan, Helen Silcott Key: F Voicing: TTBB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 4:00
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
How Beautiful Thy Temples, Lord
Arr. David A. Zabriskie
SATB, piano
How Beautiful Thy Temples, Lord
How Beautiful Thy Temples, Lord – David Zabriskie, arranger
How Beautiful Thy Temples, Lord , arranged by composer, David Zabriskie for SATB voicing. A beautiful and easy arrangement of this beautiful hymn for SATB. The arrangement includes unison singing for men, women, all voices and one verse of SATB parts.
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Key: D Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English Duration: ca 3:30
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 10 is required on this title.
Let Love Sustain You (Criddle – SATB)
arr. Reed Criddle
SATB, piano
Let Love Sustain You (Criddle – SATB)
Let Love Sustain You – Reed Criddle, arranger
Composed by: Shostakovich, Dimitri
Arranged by: Criddle, Reed Lyrics by: Reed, Criddle Key: c minor Voicing: SATB, piano Language: English
Taught by Their Mothers – unison
David A Zabriskie
Children Song, Sacred
Taught by Their Mothers – unison
Words by Devan Jensen and music by David A. Zabriskie, this delightful tune is for “LDS Aaronic Priesthood Youth” sung in unison. The text is based on Alma 57: “21 Yea, and they did aobey and observe to perform every word of command with exactness; yea, and even according to their faith it was done unto them; and I did remember the words which they said unto me that theirbmothers had taught them.”
Composed by: Zabriskie, David A.
Lyrics by: Jensen, Devan Key: c minor Voicing: Children Song, Sacred Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:30
Bulk Pricing : There is a 10 copy minimum purchase
Lead Kindly Light (Vocal Solo [High in G] – Zabriskie)
arr. David A. Zabriskie
Vocal Solo
Lead Kindly Light (Vocal Solo [High in G] – Zabriskie)
This solo version of “Lead Kindly Light”, is performed by Claybourne Elder, arranged and orchestrated by David A. Zabriskie. A full-orchestrated score is available for those who have the opportunity to sing with orchestras.
This arrangement is for High voice in G. This same arrangement is also available in Medium in Eb.
Composed by: Lowry, Robert
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Newman, John Henry Key: G Voicing: Vocal Solo Language: English Duration: Approx. 4:20
Jesus Once of Humble Birth
arr. Mary Ellen Loose
Piano Solo
Jesus Once of Humble Birth
Mary Ellen Loose’s sensitive approach to the hymn, Jesus Once of Humble Birth, is simply beautiful. This is an intermediate level Piano Solo.
Composed by: Meyerbeer, Giacomo
Arranged by: Loose, Mary Ellen Key: G Voicing: Piano Solo Duration: Approx. 2:30
I Know that My Redeemer Lives (Vocal Solo [High] – Zabriskie)
arr. David A. Zabriskie
Vocal Solo
I Know that My Redeemer Lives (Vocal Solo [High] – Zabriskie)
This arrangement for solo voice was written for vocalist, Dallyn Vail Baylis, for his album “Song of Redeeming Love.” The accompaniment is for an advanced player. For the artistic vocalist, this will be an extremely rewarding song to sing. The recording you will here is Dallyn Baylis. Please check out his album on iTunes. The orchestral score and parts are available upon request.
Composed by: Edwards, Lewis D.
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Medley, Samuel Key: G Voicing: Vocal Solo Language: English Duration: Approx. 5:00
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 2 is required on this title.
I Stand All Amazed (C Instrument Solo – Carter)
arr. Daniel Carter
Instrumental Solo
I Stand All Amazed (C Instrument Solo – Carter)
I Stand All Amazed – Daniel Carter, arranger
“Oh, it is wonderful that he should care for me Enough to die for me!” The words and music of Charles H. Gabriel’s beloved hymn are set in an eloquent but simple arrangement for solo instrumentalist with piano accompaniment. Any C instrument can solo on this arrangement. All the soloist will need to do is to mark in their own phrase marks, slurs, bowings or breath marks. The instrument part is included with the piano/instrument score.
Composed by: Gabriel, Charles H.
Arranged by: Carter, Daniel Voicing: Instrumental Solo Duration: Approx. 3:30
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 2 is required on this title.
Come Unto Jesus (Piano Solo – Holyoak)
arr. Kathleen Holyoak
Piano Solo
Come Unto Jesus (Piano Solo – Holyoak)
Kathleen Holyoak’s piano technique and style is evident in this gentle, yet advanced arrangement of “Come Unto Jesus” and will invite the spirit into any church meeting. (Also available as a violin solo)
Composed by: Huish, Orson Pratt
Arranged by: Holyoak, Kathleen Voicing: Piano Solo Duration: Approx. 2:50
There is a Green Hill Far Away (Organ Solo)
arr. Kathleen Holyoak and Daniel Carter
Organ Solo
There is a Green Hill Far Away (Organ Solo)
There is a Green Hill Far Away – Carter/Holyoak, arrangers
Daniel Carter and Kathleen Holyoak have combined efforts to arrange a simple, yet lovely arrangement for any organist and suitable for Easter or any other service.
Composed by: Gower, John H.
Arranged by: Carter, Daniel; Holyoak, Kathleen Key: Eb Voicing: Organ Solo Duration: Approx. 2:45
Afternoon on a Hill
Michael F. Moody
Solo, Vocal Solo
Afternoon on a Hill
A beautiful setting for Vocal Solo by composer Michael F. Moody of Edna St. Vincent Millay’s “Afternoon on a Hill” that recently came into public domain.
Composed by: Moody, Michael F.
Lyrics by: Millay, Edna St. Vincent Key: F Voicing: Solo, Vocal Solo Language: English Duration: Approx. 1:10
Flowers in Heaven
Kathleen Holyoak
Duet, Vocal Solo
Flowers in Heaven
Flowers in Heaven, a charming little song written specifically for Mother’s Day or for general purpose as a solo or duet, tenderly expresses a very sweet message: “There are gardens up in heaven that are planted with our seeds. They grow in hills and valleys that are free of thorns and weeds. Every little act of kindness, happy thoughts and cheerful deeds, will blossom in the gardens if we send the Lord the seeds. We can plant flowers in heaven; seeds that grow in colors of the rainbow. We can plant flowers in heaven by the love we show.”
Composed by: Holyoak, Kathleen
Lyrics by: Lee, Lawrence Key: D Voicing: Duet, Vocal Solo Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:00
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 2 is required on this title.
Mother You’re an Angel
Kathleen Holyoak
Mother You’re an Angel
Mother, You’re an Angel, a very popular duet for a mother and child, is the perfect song for the day we honor our mothers. It can also be accompanied by the guitar and chords are included in the music. “Mother, you’re an angel, you watch over me. Mother, you help me be the child I should be. You are the light that shines out to me and when I need an angel, you’ll be there for me.”
Composed by: Holyoak, Kathleen
Lyrics by: Lee, Lawrence Key: G Voicing: Duet Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:04
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 2 is required on this title.
Children of Our Heavenly Father (Piano Solo – Holyoak)
Kathleen Holyoak
Piano Solo
Children of Our Heavenly Father (Piano Solo – Holyoak)
This traditional Swedish melody, otherwise known as “Children of Our Heavenly Father,” is enhanced so beautifully by Kathleen Holyoak’s piano arrangement. It is lilting and expressive but requires a moderately advanced pianist to perform.
Composed by: Holyoak, Kathleen
Key: D Voicing: Piano Solo Duration: Approx. 3:00
All Creatures of Our God and King (Piano Solo – Daniel Carter)
All Creatures of Our God and King (Piano Solo – Daniel Carter)
All Creatures of Our God and King – Daniel Carter, arranger
This beloved hymn tune is transformed into a contemporary, slightly new age piano solo to celebrate gratitude for life, nature, and the entire work of creation. Suitable for home, church, and concert, this arrangement provides challenge, but still accessible for moderate level pianists. Available for the first time as a single piano solo through HolySheetMusic.com
Arranged by: Carter, Daniel Key: C Voicing: Piano Solo Duration: Approx. 4:35
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
arr. David A. Zabriskie
Violin, Piano
Love Divine, All Loves Excelling
This beloved hymn is arranged for Violin and Piano. The piano accompaniment was written with the young musician in mind. Written for Violinist, Clint Mattson and his son, Colin. Simple, beautiful and accessible.
Composed by: Zundel, John
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Key: Bb Voicing: Violin, Piano Duration: Approx. 3:30
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing (Vocal Solo – Carter)
arr. Daniel Carter
Vocal Solo
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing (Vocal Solo – Carter)
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing – Daniel Carter, arranger
The hymn “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing” has enjoyed a resurgence in popularity over the past several years in part because of a few well known arrangements. However, few if any of those arrangements are designed as vocal solos. Carter’s vocal solo fills that need with a Celtic-reminiscence and simple beauty.
Composed by: Wyeth, John
Arranged by: Carter, Daniel Lyrics by: Robinson, Robert Key: C Voicing: Vocal Solo Language: English Duration: Approx. 3:15
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 2 is required on this title.
God Be with You Till We Meet Again (Vocal Solo – Carter)
arr. Daniel Carter
Vocal Solo
God Be with You Till We Meet Again (Vocal Solo – Carter)
God Be with You Till We Meet Again – Daniel Carter, arranger
Arranged for solo voice and piano, Daniel Carter has created a touching arrangement of this beloved Christian farewell. A soaring final “Till we meet at Jesus’ feet” concludes gently and tenderly with with the warm embrace of “God be with you till meet again.”
Composed by: Tomer, William
Arranged by: Carter, Daniel Lyrics by: Rankin, Jeremiah E. Key: C Voicing: Vocal Solo Language: English Duration: Approx. 4:10
Bulk Pricing : A minimum purchase quantity of 2 is required on this title.
Amazing Grace
arr. Ryan Tilby
Guitar Solo
Amazing Grace
Amazing Grace, arranged for resophonic guitar tuned to open D. Could easily be played on a steel-string with a slide. This arrangement brings out the early American roots of the song. For solo guitar.
Arranged by: Tilby, Ryan Key: E Voicing: Guitar Solo Duration: Approx. 2:50
Brightly Beams Our Father’s Mercy
arr. Ryan Tilby
Guitar Solo
Brightly Beams Our Father’s Mercy
Brightly Beams Our Father’s Mercy, for solo acoustic guitar in an open C tuning, is a lush and open sounding arrangement that lends itself to steel-string guitar. It’s approachable and reverent, with frequent melody harmonies soaring over low pedal tones. For solo guitar.
Composed by: Bliss, Philip P.
Arranged by: Tilby, Ryan Key: D Voicing: Guitar Solo Duration: Approx. 3:05
Going Home
arr. Ryan Tilby
Guitar Solo
Going Home
“Going Home”, based on Largo from Dvorak’s “From the New World”, is a tender arrangement of one of the most beautiful melodies ever penned. The guitar seamlessly incorporates the melody into the complex chord progression, yet stays very musical and playable. In the key of A, for solo guitar.
Composed by: Dvorak, Antonin
Arranged by: Tilby, Ryan Key: A Voicing: Guitar Solo Duration: Approx. 3:50
Ryan Tilby
Guitar Solo
An original song by Ryan Tilby, this song is a perfect blend of reverence and optimism. Employing a unique open tuning, players will venture into new voicings on the guitar. Intricate patterns and beautiful harmonics expand the scope of this song into something truly beautiful. For solo guitar.
Composed by: Tilby, Ryan
Key: D Voicing: Guitar Solo Duration: Approx. 5:10
Jesus of Nazareth
arr. Ryan Tilby
Guitar Solo
Jesus of Nazareth
A very true-to-the-original arrangement for the solo guitarist, “Jesus of Nazareth, Savior and King” is reverent and moving. In the key of D, with graceful bass lines and arpeggiated chord outlines that highlight the melody.
Composed by: Dougal, Hugh W.
Arranged by: Tilby, Ryan Key: D Voicing: Guitar Solo Duration: Approx. 2:30
Love at Home (Guitar – Tilby)
arr. Ryan Tilby
Guitar Solo
Love at Home (Guitar – Tilby)
Love at Home”, arranged by Ryan Tilby for solo guitar, takes this familiar melody and places it over a dark and intriguing chord structure that is both beautiful and interesting.
Arranged by: Tilby, Ryan Key: E Voicing: Guitar Solo Duration: Approx. 4:00
Lovely Morning
arr. Ryan Tilby
Guitar Solo
Lovely Morning
“Lovely Morning” is an original composition by Ryan Tilby that uses a unique open tuning and fluid picking patterns to create a tune that has a memorable melody placed over a refreshing chord progression. For solo guitar.
Composed by: Tilby, Ryan
Key: D Voicing: Guitar Solo Duration: Approx. 3:30
Master, the Tempest is Raging
arr. Ryan Tilby
Guitar Solo
Master, the Tempest is Raging
Ryan Tilby’s arrangement of “Master, the Tempest is Raging”, for solo guitar, maintains the distinct swing and style of the hymn. It has a bright and uptempo feel, and is an enjoyable performance for guitarists of all skill levels.
Composed by: Palmer, H.R.
Arranged by: Tilby, Ryan Key: C Voicing: Guitar Solo Duration: Approx. 3:00
Nearer, My God, to Thee / For the Beauty of the Earth
arr. Ryan Tilby
Guitar Solo
Nearer, My God, to Thee / For the Beauty of the Earth
The careful intertwining of these two beautiful hymns was arranged by Ryan Tilby as an expression of gratitude. Filled with expressive chord progressions, this arrangement is pleasure to learn and perform
Composed by: Kocher, Conrad; Mason, Lowell
Arranged by: Tilby, Ryan Key: C Voicing: Guitar Solo Duration: Approx. 3:30
Onward, Christian Soldiers / Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel
arr. Ryan Tilby
Guitar Solo
Onward, Christian Soldiers / Put Your Shoulder to the Wheel
This medley of hymns is arranged to embody the movement and persistence of the pioneers of faith. With steady bass arpeggios and bright melodies, the song was originally worked out and recorded on baritone acoustic guitar, but lends itself to standard tuned guitars just as well.
Composed by: Sullivan, Arthur S.; Thompson, Will L.
Arranged by: Tilby, Ryan Key: D Voicing: Guitar Solo Duration: Approx. 3:20
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
arr. Ryan Tilby
Guitar Solo
Praise to the Lord, the Almighty
A short and beautiful piece, this arrangement of “Praise to the Lord, the Almighty” for solo guitar follows a traditional four-part harmony. It has distinctly classical feel and is gorgeous on nylon string guitar.
Composed by: Stralsund Gesangbuch, 1665
Arranged by: Tilby, Ryan Key: G Voicing: Guitar Solo Duration: Approx. 1:30
Secret Prayer
arr. Ryan Tilby
Guitar Solo
Secret Prayer
“Secret Prayer”, as arranged by Ryan Tilby, is upbeat and lively in the tradition of folk finger style guitar. Alternating bass and a syncopated melody – fingerpickers familiar with the “travis-pick” or the style of Chet Atkins will feel right at home.
Composed by: Petersen, Hans Henry
Arranged by: Tilby, Ryan Key: C Voicing: Guitar Solo Duration: Approx. 3:00
Lord is My Shepherd, The
arr. Ryan Tilby
Guitar Solo
Lord is My Shepherd, The
“The Lord is My Shepherd” is arranged for solo guitar simply and elegantly with counterpoint melodies and harmonies that are true to the hymn you know and love. Played with the sixth string dropped to a D, the low pedal tones add to the richness. Perfect for the guitarist looking to expand repertoire of timeless hymns.
Composed by: Koschat, Thomas
Arranged by: Tilby, Ryan Key: D Voicing: Guitar Solo Duration: Approx. 2:20
If You Could Hie to Kolob (Piano Solo – Holyoak)
arr. Kathleen Holyoak
Piano Solo
If You Could Hie to Kolob (Piano Solo – Holyoak)
Kathleen Holyoak’s award winning arrangement of If You Could Hie to Kolob, takes this famous old hymn to new heights. With a dramatic and powerful opening in a minor key, the hauntingly beautiful English melody is introduced and woven into a musical tapestry of rich chords and fast-moving triplets.
William W. Phelps set this melody to words and the back of his grave marker is inscribed with his hymn lyrics which were the inspiration for Kathleen’s impressive arrangement:
“There is no end to matter.
There is no end to space.
There is no end to spirit.
There is no end to race.
There is no end to glory.
There is no end to love.
There is no end to being.
There is no death above.”
Composed by: English Melody
Arranged by: Holyoak, Kathleen Key: e minor Voicing: Piano Solo Duration: Approx. 3:15
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing (Piano Solo – Holyoak)
arr. Kathleen Holyoak
Piano Solo
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing (Piano Solo – Holyoak)
“Come Thou Fount,” arranged by Kathleen Holyoak, is one of the most beloved hymn tunes. Now available as a piano solo for the intermediate pianist, this beautiful arrangement is a fresh interpretation of the English hymn, inspiring, and a solo that every pianist will want to include in their repertoire.
Composed by: Wyeth, John
Arranged by: Holyoak, Kathleen Key: F Voicing: Piano Solo Duration: Approx. 3:00
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing (Harp – Carter/Holyoak)
Arr. Daniel Carter / Kathleen Holyoak
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing (Harp – Carter/Holyoak)
Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing – Carter/Holyoak, arrangers
“Come Thou Fount,” arranged by Dan Carter and Kathleen Holyoak, is one of the most requested hymns on the planet. Now available as a harp arrangement, this lovely solo has a Celtic feel, simplistic in beauty, and one every harpist will want to add to their repertoire.
Composed by: Wyeth, John
Arranged by: Carter, Daniel; Holyoak, Kathleen Key: C Voicing: Harp Duration: Approx. 3:00
arr. Kathleen Holyoak
Harp, Harp Solo
Adam-ondi-Ahman for pedal harp, arranged by Kathleen Holyoak, originates from the 1835 Southern Appalachian folk hymn, “Prospect of Heaven.” This simplistic yet lovely arrangement, written specifically written for a lever or pedal harp, is a great choice for a harp recital, worship service, or for your own personal enjoyment.
Composed by: Anon.
Arranged by: Holyoak, Kathleen Key: G Voicing: Harp, Harp Solo Duration: Approx. 1:30
Amazing Grace (Violin – Parkinson)
arr. Kelly Clark Parkinson
Amazing Grace (Violin – Parkinson)
Kelly Clark-Parkinson has chosen a number of traditional and religious tunes, and she works the material from the inside, never overshadowing the melodies but instead seeking their highest, purest form. Ms. Clark-Parkinson is a tremendous instrumentalist. Here, she serves the material, letting the beauty of the melodies she has chosen take the forefront, rather than spoiling the mood with unnecessary pyrotechnics and flourishes (of which she would certainly be more than capable.) The arrangements aren’t simple or dumbed-down, they are just right.
This is track 01 from Kelly Clark Parkinson’s album: “How Sweet the Sound”
Arranged by: Parkinson, Kelly Clark Key: D Voicing: Violin Duration: Approx. 3:15
How Long O Lord
arr. Kelly Clark Parkinson
How Long O Lord
Kelly Clark-Parkinson has chosen a number of traditional and religious tunes, and she works the material from the inside, never overshadowing the melodies but instead seeking their highest, purest form. Ms. Clark-Parkinson is a tremendous instrumentalist. Here, she serves the material, letting the beauty of the melodies she has chosen take the forefront, rather than spoiling the mood with unnecessary pyrotechnics and flourishes (of which she would certainly be more than capable.) The arrangements aren’t simple or dumbed-down, they are just right.
This is track 02 from Kelly Clark Parkinson’s album: “How Sweet the Sound”
Composed by: Gates, B. Cecil
Arranged by: Parkinson, Kelly Clark Key: G Voicing: Violin Duration: Approx. 2:40
Come Thou Fount / If You Could Hie to Kolob (Violin Solo – Parkinson)
arr. Kelly Clark Parkinson
Come Thou Fount / If You Could Hie to Kolob (Violin Solo – Parkinson)
Kelly Clark-Parkinson has chosen a number of traditional and religious tunes, and she works the material from the inside, never overshadowing the melodies but instead seeking their highest, purest form. Ms. Clark-Parkinson is a tremendous instrumentalist. Here, she serves the material, letting the beauty of the melodies she has chosen take the forefront, rather than spoiling the mood with unnecessary pyrotechnics and flourishes (of which she would certainly be more than capable.) The arrangements aren’t simple or dumbed-down, they are just right.
This is track 03 from Kelly Clark Parkinson’s album: “How Sweet the Sound”
Composed by: Wyeth, John
Arranged by: Parkinson, Kelly Clark Key: Bb Voicing: Violin Duration: Approx. 4:40
Love at Home (Violin Solo – Parkinson)
arr. Kelly Clark Parkinson
Instrumental Solo, Violin
Love at Home (Violin Solo – Parkinson)
Kelly Clark-Parkinson has chosen a number of traditional and religious tunes, and she works the material from the inside, never overshadowing the melodies but instead seeking their highest, purest form. Ms. Clark-Parkinson is a tremendous instrumentalist. Here, she serves the material, letting the beauty of the melodies she has chosen take the forefront, rather than spoiling the mood with unnecessary pyrotechnics and flourishes (of which she would certainly be more than capable.) The arrangements aren’t simple or dumbed-down, they are just right.
This is track 04 from Kelly Clark Parkinson’s album: “How Sweet the Sound”
Composed by: McNaughton, John Hugh
Arranged by: Parkinson, Kelly Clark Key: G Voicing: Instrumental Solo, Violin Duration: Approx. 2:40
Oh My Father / A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief (Violin Solo – Parkinson)
arr. Kelly Clark Parkinson
Instrumental Solo, Violin
Oh My Father / A Poor Wayfaring Man of Grief (Violin Solo – Parkinson)
Kelly Clark-Parkinson has chosen a number of traditional and religious tunes, and she works the material from the inside, never overshadowing the melodies but instead seeking their highest, purest form. Ms. Clark-Parkinson is a tremendous instrumentalist. Here, she serves the material, letting the beauty of the melodies she has chosen take the forefront, rather than spoiling the mood with unnecessary pyrotechnics and flourishes (of which she would certainly be more than capable.) The arrangements aren’t simple or dumbed-down, they are just right.
This is track 05 from Kelly Clark Parkinson’s album: “How Sweet the Sound”
Composed by: Coles, George; McGranahan, James
Arranged by: Parkinson, Kelly Clark Key: G Voicing: Instrumental Solo, Violin Duration: Approx. 3:45
Abide with Me Tis’ Eventide (Parkinson, Violin)
arr. Kelly Clark Parkinson
Abide with Me Tis’ Eventide (Parkinson, Violin)
Kelly Clark-Parkinson has chosen a number of traditional and religious tunes, and she works the material from the inside, never overshadowing the melodies but instead seeking their highest, purest form. Ms. Clark-Parkinson is a tremendous instrumentalist. Here, she serves the material, letting the beauty of the melodies she has chosen take the forefront, rather than spoiling the mood with unnecessary pyrotechnics and flourishes (of which she would certainly be more than capable.) The arrangements aren’t simple or dumbed-down, they are just right.
This is track 06 from Kelly Clark Parkinson’s album: “How Sweet the Sound”
Composed by: Monk, William Henry
Arranged by: Parkinson, Kelly Clark Key: Ab Voicing: Violin Duration: Approx. 3:50
America the Beautiful
arr. Kelly Clark Parkinson
America the Beautiful
Kelly Clark-Parkinson has chosen a number of traditional and religious tunes, and she works the material from the inside, never overshadowing the melodies but instead seeking their highest, purest form. Ms. Clark-Parkinson is a tremendous instrumentalist. Here, she serves the material, letting the beauty of the melodies she has chosen take the forefront, rather than spoiling the mood with unnecessary pyrotechnics and flourishes (of which she would certainly be more than capable.) The arrangements aren’t simple or dumbed-down, they are just right.
This is track 07 from Kelly Clark Parkinson’s album: “How Sweet the Sound”
Composed by: Ward, Samuel A.
Arranged by: Parkinson, Kelly Clark Key: Ab, G Voicing: Violin Duration: Approx. 3:50
Lead Kindly Light (Violin Solo – Parkinson)
arr. Kelly Clark Parkinson
Lead Kindly Light (Violin Solo – Parkinson)
Kelly Clark-Parkinson has chosen a number of traditional and religious tunes, and she works the material from the inside, never overshadowing the melodies but instead seeking their highest, purest form. Ms. Clark-Parkinson is a tremendous instrumentalist. Here, she serves the material, letting the beauty of the melodies she has chosen take the forefront, rather than spoiling the mood with unnecessary pyrotechnics and flourishes (of which she would certainly be more than capable.) The arrangements aren’t simple or dumbed-down, they are just right.
This is track 08 from Kelly Clark Parkinson’s album: “How Sweet the Sound”
Composed by: Dykes, John B.
Arranged by: Parkinson, Kelly Clark Key: G Voicing: Violin Duration: Approx. 4:50
Silent Night (Violin Solo – Parkinson)
arr. Kelly Clark Parkinson
Silent Night (Violin Solo – Parkinson)
Kelly Clark-Parkinson has chosen a number of traditional and religious tunes, and she works the material from the inside, never overshadowing the melodies but instead seeking their highest, purest form. Ms. Clark-Parkinson is a tremendous instrumentalist. Here, she serves the material, letting the beauty of the melodies she has chosen take the forefront, rather than spoiling the mood with unnecessary pyrotechnics and flourishes (of which she would certainly be more than capable.) The arrangements aren’t simple or dumbed-down, they are just right.
This is track 09 from Kelly Clark Parkinson’s album: “How Sweet the Sound”
Composed by: Gruber, Franz
Arranged by: Parkinson, Kelly Clark Key: G Voicing: Violin Duration: Approx. 3:35
God Be with You Till We Meet Again (Violin Solo – Parkinson)
arr. Kelly Clark Parkinson
God Be with You Till We Meet Again (Violin Solo – Parkinson)
Kelly Clark-Parkinson has chosen a number of traditional and religious tunes, and she works the material from the inside, never overshadowing the melodies but instead seeking their highest, purest form. Ms. Clark-Parkinson is a tremendous instrumentalist. Here, she serves the material, letting the beauty of the melodies she has chosen take the forefront, rather than spoiling the mood with unnecessary pyrotechnics and flourishes (of which she would certainly be more than capable.) The arrangements aren’t simple or dumbed-down, they are just right.
This is track 10 from Kelly Clark Parkinson’s album: “How Sweet the Sound”
Composed by: Tomer, William
Arranged by: Parkinson, Kelly Clark Key: G Voicing: Violin Duration: Approx. 4:00
Come, Come Ye Saints (Violin Solo – Parkinson)
arr. Kelly Clark Parkinson
Come, Come Ye Saints (Violin Solo – Parkinson)
Kelly Clark-Parkinson has chosen a number of traditional and religious tunes, and she works the material from the inside, never overshadowing the melodies but instead seeking their highest, purest form. Ms. Clark-Parkinson is a tremendous instrumentalist. Here, she serves the material, letting the beauty of the melodies she has chosen take the forefront, rather than spoiling the mood with unnecessary pyrotechnics and flourishes (of which she would certainly be more than capable.) The arrangements aren’t simple or dumbed-down, they are just right.
This is track 11 from Kelly Clark Parkinson’s album: “How Sweet the Sound”
Composed by: English Melody
Arranged by: Parkinson, Kelly Clark Key: C Voicing: Violin Duration: Approx. 4:25
Around the Throne of God a Band
Brett Zumsteg
Vocal Solo
Around the Throne of God a Band
A simple and beautiful setting of this lovely hymn text “Around the Throne of God a Band” composed by Organist/Composer, Brett Zumsteg.
Composed by: Zumsteg, Brett
Lyrics by: Neale, Rev. John Mason Key: F Voicing: Vocal Solo Language: English Duration: Approx. 1:40
Lead Kindly Light (Vocal Solo [medium Eb] – Zabriskie)
arr. David A. Zabriskie
Vocal Solo
Lead Kindly Light (Vocal Solo [medium Eb] – Zabriskie)
This solo version of “Lead Kindly Light”, is performed by Claybourne Elder, arranged and orchestrated by David A. Zabriskie. A full-orchestrated score is available (high version only) for those who have the opportunity to sing with orchestras.
This arrangement is for Medium (Eb) voice. This same arrangement is also available in High (G).
Composed by: Lowry, Robert
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Newman, John Henry Key: Eb Voicing: Vocal Solo Language: English Duration: Approx. 4:20
Bulk Pricing : A minimum quantity of 2 is required on this title.
The Spirit of God Like a Fire is Burning (Piano Solo – Tonioli)
arr. Jason Tonioli
Piano Solo
The Spirit of God Like a Fire is Burning (Piano Solo – Tonioli)
When I began working on this arrangement, I wanted the song to be pretty, but also portray the emotions and excitement we would feel for the coming of our Savior. In the middle of the song you will hear the melody from Joy to the World. As you move toward the middle and end of the song, I’ve integrated more of a marching sound, meant to give reference to the fact that the work continues to move forward. On the last verse, I slow down the melody and go into the higher octaves. For the final verse, I pictured someone who was engaged in the work of the Lord but the time had come to move on to the next phase in their life. The emotions I wanted to portray at the end of the song were of those who were left behind to continue the work.
We live in an exciting time, and our possibilities are endless. Be sure to take advantage of the opportunities you have to learn, grow, develop and enjoy life. However, be sure you make time for those things that are most important in the eternities as well.
Composed by: Anon.
Arranged by: Tonioli, Jason Key: D Voicing: Piano Solo Duration: Approx. 5:15
As the Shadows Fall (Hymn Enhancer – Zabriskie)
arr. David A. Zabriskie
Hymn Enhancer, SATB, piano
As the Shadows Fall (Hymn Enhancer – Zabriskie)
“As the Shadows Fall” is a “Hymn Enhancer”. Each Hymn Enhancer comes with two labels. The choir reads the music out of the hymnbook. These Hymn Enhancers are simply, beautiful, and quick to prepare. They are also great for teaching singing techniques and practices.
Composed by: Durham, Lowell M.
Arranged by: Zabriskie, David A. Lyrics by: Durham, Lowell M. Jr Key: Db Voicing: Hymn Enhancer, SATB, piano Language: English Duration: Approx. 2:00
Walk with Me
Tyler Castleton and Staci Peters
Vocal Solo
Walk with Me
Walk With Me — Co-written with songwriter Staci Peters, Walk With Me is a favorite of composer Tyler Castleton because of the message it brings — that we all experience some very difficult moments in our lives, and the one person who truly understands and can help us get through those times is the Savior. Though this song was originally recorded by a female vocalist, Tyler can be heard singing Walk With Me on his retrospective album “When I Can’t Speak”. Optional cello part available.
Composed by: Castleton, Tyler; Peters, Staci
Arranged by: Castleton, Tyler; Peters, Staci Lyrics by: Castleton, Tyler; Peters, Staci Key: C Voicing: Vocal Solo Language: English
Like a Father (medium key)
Tyler Castleton
Vocal Solo
Like a Father (medium key)
Written for the LDS recording group Mercy River, the idea for Like a Fathercame as composer Tyler Castleton observed a young Jewish father tenderly caring for his children. As the children interacted with their father, calling him “Abba,” the idea came that our Heavenly Father does all the things he does for us just like a loving earthly father would. This song was included on Tyler’s retrospective album “When I Can’t Speak”. Sheet music is available for medium or low range
Composed by: Castleton, Tyler
Arranged by: Castleton, Tyler Lyrics by: Castleton, Tyler Key: a minor Voicing: Vocal Solo Language: English