HolySheetMusic introduces and welcomes Niki Nichols
Niki is the newest composer to join HolySheetMusic.com Niki was introduce to me through her father, Tim Meixner – Conductor of the Metropolitan Detroit Youth Chorus (http://mdyc.com). Her writing is beautiful and touches the soul. Here’s more about Niki:
Niki was born into a family of musicians where she spent her youth helping dad grade theory papers, notating songs from the radio into a cappella arrangements (for fun!), performing in community theater, and touring the country with her father’s choir, The Metropolitan Detroit Youth Chorus.
Niki holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Music Education from Rochester College in Rochester, MI. Niki is a first soprano having participated in the Rochester College A Cappella Chorus, the college’s a cappella vocal band “Spectrum”, and several musicals and operas. She is an a cappella enthusiast due largely to the fact that she grew up in the a cappella tradition as well as not learning to play the piano until college, having always written music without one!
Niki and her husband, Matt, have 4 children. They have dedicated their lives to going where God calls them and joining in with whatever God is doing there. They have recently moved their family to Pontiac, MI, where they work closely with the homeless community. Niki is a licensed Minister of Music currently serving at the Shepherd’s Fold Community Church alongside her husband who is the Associate Pastor. The church meets in the basement of a homeless shelter. They are currently working to raise funds for creative housing solutions and case management for the homeless of Pontiac. Please take a look at her beautiful choral piece, “Show Me Your Ways, O Lord.”
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